
Hi, this is Jackie. I just realized that I called the wrong number. Unless Brianna is there. Thank you. It was so friggin’ cute I made Fred listen to it, too. I should have called her back and said “Hi Jackie, this is Robyn. Brianna’s not here – you did dial the wrong number – but thanks for leaving the CUTEST voicemail EVER!”

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Happy last day o’ March! This month just flew by, as far as I’m concerned, as opposed to February, which crawwwwwled by. The weather has improved enough lately that I’ve been able to go for my morning walk without a jacket, it’s that nice and warm out. I think Spring’s finally here, knock on wood.
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From my comments: do you have to remove the claw covers to clip their toenails? or do they just not grow while they have them on? Their claws grow out and then they shed the old claw, so the cover sheds with the claw, leaving behind a nice sharp little claw, which we clip and glue a new cover over. The SoftPaws are held on with superglue, by the way, and the cats can’t remove them. (Given how much advertising I do for SoftPaws, don’t you think I oughta get a free lifetime supply of them?) Do the cats ever try to climb the trees? They don’t, actually – the little ones because they can’t (due to the SoftPaws), and I guess the older ones ’cause it just doesn’t occur to them. Also, you should post a picture of the alleged badass scar. Your wish, my command:
(Yes, I need to cut my toenails. Shaddup.) You probably have to look closely – it’s at the base of the three middle toes, and thins as it heads toward the middle of my foot. It’s FAR more badass in person, trust me.
I would like to know if the emigrant direct savings account was a good savings plan? So far, it absolutely is. It’s easy to transfer money in and out of the account (though I’m only transferring money in), and we’re earning 4.5% on our honeymoon fund. When 2008 rolls around and it’s time to hit the Bahamas, we are going to be living LARGE. Strawberry dacquiris for everyone! so, i’m curious… and i’m sorry if you’ve addressed this before (hehe), but how did you get the nickname (what’s that, a nickname?) bessie? for some reason, i just love that one! Fred used to call all his favorite things (his computer, his car) Bessie; he started calling me Bessie when I moved in with him, and stopped calling anything else Bessie, because Iโ€™m his favorite favorite thing. At least thatโ€™s what he tells me! I missed something along the way..how did you end up getting Tom Cullen? I read how Sugarbutt came back to you (was sick?) and then you all ended up adopting but I missed TC along the way? Tom Cullen actually didn’t go to the pet store with his brothers and sister. The day they were all supposed to go, he was limping and we decided to keep him for a few more days to make sure that he was okay. The next day the limping was gone, but it was all over – without his brothers and sister around we were able to see what a sweet little gem he was (and is!), and we adopted him. Already, even though they’re both young and in perfectly good health, I worry about when the day comes that Tommy or Sugarbutt has to be put to sleep or dies and the other one doesn’t understand what’s going on. I swear, I’m going to get all teary-eyed, just thinking about it! So a burning question . . . Do you still share your lotion with Spot! I don’t, but only because Spot doesn’t need lotion anymore. I still have it (it’s a hydrocortisone lotion, for those of you who are coming late to the game) and use it if my skin gets particularly bad.
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My favorite new podcast: Keith and the Girl. I listened to one (Rhythm Nation, show #235) this morning, and it cracked me UP. Warning, though: It’s totally NC-17. You don’t want to listen to it around your mother or your kids, at least if the one I’ve listened to is anything to go by.
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I had a Gilmore Girls-fest this week. I watched an entire disc from Season 1 on Wednesday and another entire disc yesterday. I really, really like that show. There’s no one on the show I don’t like a LOT. Sookie and Jackson are going to end up married, aren’t they? And how long is it ’til Lorelai and Luke hook up? I know they’re hooked up now, but did it happen this season, or last? Luke is dreeeeeeamy in a cranky, curmudgeonly kinda way.
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So undignified. (Pardon the blur) Tommy in motion. “What the-?” Spanky always takes time to smell the dying daffodils. All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.
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Previously 2005: I have my finger on the pulse of pop culture, apparently. 2004: A day in the life. 2003: What makes me crazy. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Okay, enough of the wallowing.]]>

16 thoughts on “3/31/06”

  1. I’m also a big GG fan. If you really want to know…yes, Sookie and Jackson get married. And it takes a while for Luke and Lorelai to get together. After Max, she dates that insufferable Digger guy for a while. Ugh. I love the show, but I’m not enjoying the current season very much.

  2. Are you sure SB isn’t in heat? It looks like he’s saying “do me, do me, do me! Oh baby do me now! NC17 for sure!

  3. I’m not sure what’s with the belly sag on Spanky. He’s gained some weight in the past few years, but Spot has the same belly sag too, and he’s not fat at ALL.

  4. I love Spanky’s tummy. My parents’ cat has the same sort of tummy, no matter how long they put him on a diet. I can’t help but laugh when he runs through the room, because it swings from side to side.

  5. Spanky’s belly ruffle is quite a thing to behold! Nothing wrong with a great belly ruffle, I have one too.

  6. Oh the ups and downs of GG – you have so much further to go Grasshopper. I bought one season at a time after ABC Family totally screwed up the order – and you simply cannot watch them out of order. Don’t even think about it. Do not touch the tv and watch the WB. It will totally mess with your head.

  7. My daughter discovered the GG last month when a friend loaned her the first season set. I watched a couple with her and now I’m hooked. My husband watched one with me and he’s addicted now too. My daughter’s boyfriend loves it too…as does many of HIS friends. We ended up buying the entire 5 season set! We all started the series over from the start. Yes, we’re just a household of GG Addicts!
    I just finished the second season, but I’m ahead of the family’s viewing of it. I can’t help myself, I just have to keep watching and watching. It’s so fun to have 5 seasons worth to watch. It feels like I’m reading a novel. I still watch the episodes with the family, so I end up seeing each one twice. Yes, I need help. ;~)
    I have only one daughter and can relate so much to their mother/daughter/best friend relationship. Now Robyn, doesn’t it make you want to write an episode? I’m always saying to myself how I’d written this or that differently. Guess it’s the mom in me. Ha!

  8. Robyn–
    So glad you’re getting into Gilmore Girls! I loves love love the show, but my biggest complaint would be the LOSERS they have Rory paired with. Ugh. Of the three, I think Dean was actually the best–he was sweet. Unfortunately they made him a bit TOO dopey. Jess and Logan are just EVIL, IMO. Self-centered, obnoxious a-holes. (Yes, I KNOW it’s just a TV show!). Rory is smart, attractive, good personality–she SHOULD NOT be with these self-centered, obnoxious loser guys! (Rant over–sorry!)

  9. I have all five seasons on DVD, even though I have watched the show since it started! My daughter got me hooked and even though she’s away at college now, we call each other on the phone and watch it together. I’d be happy to let you borrow the other seasons if you don’t want to buy them. Just email me with your address and I’ll mail them off.

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