
Holy crap! It’s already April 7th! Where the hell has the time gone??

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Someone – or possibly several someones – have lately been doing site searches that lead me to believe you’re looking for information on where your Mia donation went so you can write it off on your taxes. If you email me, I’ll send you the email address and telephone number for the shelter manager who runs the shelter (where the Mia donations went) and you can inquire about getting a receipt for your taxes.
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Thanks, all of you, for your hair advice. I think at this point I’m going to wait and see if my hair starts falling out from the surgery before I decide whether to cut it short or not. In the meantime, I’ll make an appointment to see my doctor (one of these days…) to discuss the thyroid stuff with her, and I’ll give Biotin a try. I’m very strongly leaning toward going short for the summer, though. No matter what I decide, I’m going to get tired of it in a few months and want to do the exact opposite, anyway. You know how some men grow beards over the winter, then shave them for the summer? I should start going short in the summer and spending the rest of the year growing it out! Hmm. Maybe I should just go back to this hair style, only a little shorter (scroll down a bit). I wonder why I stopped liking that hairstyle? I must have gotten bored and decided to grow it out. Good point, those of you who suggested that Halle Berry probably didn’t roll out of bed with her hair like that. I’m going to be more interested in something I can scrub in the shower, put a little product in, and then go, without having to spend a lot of time styling. Hell, I can barely stand the boredom of drying my hair halfway dry now – if you start adding in actually needing to “style” it and use curling irons on it, well, THAT ain’t gonna happen. Also, if you’re wondering why I edited the picture so you could only see half my face, it’s ’cause I haven’t had the ‘stache waxed in months, and I didn’t want to give anyone nightmares. I’m going to make an appointment for next week at a place in Huntsville that does laser hair removal. I’ve been putting it off way too long, and it’s time to get moving. Not enough hair on my head, too much hair on my face. You WISH you were me.
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Oh! And someone mentioned that she was surprised to see the color of my hair, because she thought it was reddish. Actually, it tends to start out dark and kind of fades to a reddish color in the five weeks between coloring because I am apparently horribly rough on my hair. Probably if I used shampoo and conditioner made for colored hair, or stopped shampooing every day (which I did for a while last year, but then my scalp started breaking out, so I went back to shampooing every day) it wouldn’t fade so badly.
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Time to go back on the pill – it’s been 2 1/2 weeks since my last period ended, and I’m bleeding again. GRRRR.
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My current guilty pleasure, tv-wise, is Real Housewives of Orange County. I find it oddly fascinating, although I cannot for the life of me keep the three blondes straight. And Jo, the young fiancee, is perhaps not the brightest bulb in the lamp, but she’s adorable. Seriously, she was shopping for tennis clothes, and a tennis… guy – instructor? – said “Who bought you this racket?” and she said “My fiance did!”, and the guy said “Is he out to lunch, or what?” and she said “What do you mean? Does he eat out a lot?” And PERHAPS she was just pretending to be dumb, but she sure did look serious. And then the guy said something about a “junior racket”, and she said “Like a Junior in high school?”, and again she appeared to be completely serious. Although, her fiance did say that she was from Peru (though I have detected no sign of an accent), so if she grew up elsewhere maybe that explains it? I don’t know – all I know is that (a) I can’t stop watching it and (b) If Jo and Slade don’t break up pretty soon, I’m going to be very surprised. I don’t think I like that guy.
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From my comments: did Fred paint the office a grayish color? Can you tell me what color that is? Hubby and I have been looking for a gray in our office – and I like how nice yours looks with the white molding! It’s actually more of a bluish gray, and I reallllly like it. He picked the color himself, and I think he did one hell of a job. It’s American Tradition Valspar, Blue Twilight, 5001-1C, and you can see another picture of the room here. Hey Robyn, does Netflix have a referral reward program? They do, but it’s a pain in the ass to sign up for, so I’m not gonna. My reward is that I talked you into joining with all my raving about how cool Netflix is (or so I’d like to think!). where did you get your refurbished ipod? I got it directly from Apple – I probably could have gotten it for less on eBay, but when it comes to electronics, I prefer to buy directly from the source, just to be safe – here’s the link. BobPod is blue, for the record, and I think he’s beeeeeeeautiful.
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Currently reading: Close Range, by Annie Proulx. Finished late last night: The Lincoln Lawyer, by Michael Connelly. Excellent book – I was hoping Bosch would make a cameo, but he didn’t. Finished before that: Match Me If You Can, by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. You always know what you’re going to get with a Susan Elizabeth Phillips book – sassy girl, obstinate man (or vice versa), and you can count on a sweet, happy ending. I love Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
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“I’m hungry, but I am also a finicky eater. Will this blade of grass be tender yet flavorful? Small yet filling?” Who needs dogs when you’ve got cats who’ll chase balls? Such a pretty boy.
All of today’s uploaded pictures can be seen here.
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Previously 2005: Off to Gatlinburg. 2004: Our palates are too immature, I suppose. 2003: Now I know why, when the camera and sound guy were setting up and I chirped “Oh, is this the camera that’s going to make me look like Ashley Judd?”, everyone laughed so hard. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Then he and the spud went swimming yesterday, since the pool’s up to a sultry 66. ]]>

16 thoughts on “4/7/06”

  1. I totally love Real Housewives of Orange County. I am a little bummed that there are only seven episodes. I want more!

  2. I swear that action shot of Sugarbutt and Tom Cullen looks like they are pooping in your yard. I had to read the caption to figure out what was going on.

  3. Glad to know I’m not the only one watching the Orange County Housewives. My hubby even watches it with me. In the last episode when Slade introduced himself to that jerk he’s trying to go into business with, he says “Hi, I’m Slade Smiley…” I paused the Tivo to look at my husband and I said, “Did he just say Slade Smiley?” I started laughing hysterically b/c what kind of name is that??? For some reason it reminds of a Sesame Street character. Would you take this person seriously if he introduced himself to you in a professional situation? I kept rewinding the Tivo so I could watch it over & over, collapsing into giggles each time. I googled him and it’s truly his name. HEE!
    It still makes me giggle. Since I’m pregnant, we’ve taken to calling the baby SladeSmiley (one word), even though we don’t know if it’s a boy. For example, I’ll say “SladeSmiley is hungry”. I’m cracking up just writing it. Am I officially insane?

  4. That old hair is super, super cute. You could take that same style and make it shorter overall and you’ll have the Robyn version of the Halle Berry cut.
    As for haircolor fading- I think the L’Oreal Majirel haircolor (professional only) are the best to prevent fading. I suggest 5.6 or 4.6 for you.
    I’ve used a bunch of the shampoos that are supposed to protect your hair against fading and I’ve never noticed much a difference. My mom, however, swears by Paul Mitchell Color Protect shampoo and conditioner.
    OH! I started using Sebastian Body Double products because my hair is super fine with no body and I love the Thickify mousse. That may help with creating the illusion you’ve got more hair when and if the time comes.

  5. Robyn-
    Please let us know how it goes with the laser hair removal- I have been wanting to do it for a long time but I have to wait till I have some money…grrr…

  6. Wow, I guess I’m the only one who likes SladeSmiley. I think Jo needs to realize what she GOTS. And I mean, she KNEW going into it that SS wanted a housewife…though I guess at 24 she’s gonna young to be making that decision…maybe I DON’T like him!

  7. Laser removal hurts. At least, it did two years ago. Hopefully they’ve made improvements. I know they weren’t doing eyebrows two years ago, but now they will, so… Also, they told me back then you had to go 5-6 times to achieve 90% permanent removal. I only went 3 times, so I still have to get waxed or tweeze now and then.
    I liked the old hairstyle better without the product. but I like a little curl, so there you go.
    AND – it’s the “sodium laureth sulfate” in shampoos that fades out your color, so look for one without that.

  8. Shelly: You’re right – what a goofy name, I never even paid any attention that that. Surely he HAD to be born with that name; who would change their name to that?? 🙂

  9. Cute!The kitty soccer game made me flashback to film I’ve seen of elephant soccer. Damn those ellies can kick far!
    Your old hairstyle is great!

  10. A friend of mine is an RN at a cosmetic surgeon’s office where she does the laser hair removal on patients herself, and she told me never to get your eyebrows done, because it’s not that precise (something about there being a ‘halo effect’ to the laser which can affect follicles that haven’t actually been treated).
    Also, I had an appointment this week at a laser hair removal place, and had my test patch done. I think the biggest pain in the ass is going to be that you can’t pluck or wax at all between treatments (you can use manicure scissors to trim, and my place told me I could use depilatory cream but my nurse friend said don’t), and having to remember to wear SPF 30+ sunblock every day. Robyn, you might want to go with a SPF 58+, because I’m a little more olive complected than you are and my friend still recommended I go up to SPF 58 or 60.
    I mean, I’m sure they’re going to tell you all this at your appointment, but just in case they don’t…

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