* * * A few months ago, I visited the local Dress Barn, because I was between appointments and needed to kill some time. While I was there, I bought some jeans and a shirt that were several sizes too small for me, with the intention of taking progress pictures in them (which y’all won’t be allowed to see until I actually fit into the jeans and shirt, so don’t even ask). As I was checking out, the sales clerk told me that if I applied for a Dress Barn credit card, I’d save 20% on the entire purchase. So I went ahead and applied for it, saved 20% on the entire purchase, and promptly forgot about it. Until a few weeks later when the credit card appeared in the mail. I looked it over, decided to keep it rather than cancelling it, and stuck it in my desk drawer on my “things to deal with later” pile. Last week, I rediscovered it in my desk drawer, I decided to call and have it “activated.” Now, it’s been my experience in the past that when you call to have a credit card activated, you end up with an automated system, you enter a few numbers, and they activate it. Only this time when I called to activate this particular card, I entered the credit card number and my home phone, and had to wait while I was connected to an operator. She asked me a few questions, then started in on this fucking sales spiel wherein I could register all my credit cards with some program, and if a card was ever stolen, all I’d have to do is call them, and they’d take care of it! (Or some shit like that.) I listened politely for a few minutes, and then said “I’m not interested.” Which to ME means “I’m not interested,” but to the operator apparently was code for “I might be interested. Try harder!” So the operator took a deep breath and said “Ma’am, are you aware that there are 25,000 instances of identity theft every day?” To my current chagrin, instead of responding with “Are you aware that 80% of all statistics are made up and have no numbers to back them up whatsoever, so what I suspect is that you pulled that number out of your ass”, I said “I. Am. Not. Interested.” AND SHE CONTINUED TRYING TO SELL ME ON THE FUCKING PROGRAM. As if Dress Barn wouldn’t be making enough money off of me with their ridiculously high interest rate. I managed to finally convey to her that I was completely, totally uninterested, could not be LESS interested, NO THANK YOU, and she told me she’d “activate” my card, and I was able to get off the phone, but I wish in retrospect that I’d just told her to cancel the fucking account. I know it’s not her fault, she was just doing her job, but it really PISSES ME OFF when a company who is going to be making money off you anyway proceeds to try to get every last fucking penny out of you that they possibly can. And I KNOW people fall for it, and THAT just pisses me off even more. I think I’m going to cancel the fucking card, because I don’t even need the damn thing ANYWAY, and I’m going to include a letter detailing exactly why I’m cancelling it. Fuckers.

Well because I’m stupid and the huge collar in the forefront didn’t clue me in I thought…….”wow, she’s never mentioned that The Booger was missing most of his hair on one side of his body, how strange.”
Thrown off by a cat ear once again.
i believe you can now download episodes of lost from the abc website-
yup- i just checked and you can indeed watch the full episode online! how neat is that?!
Good for you RE the Dress Barn thing. I’m sure that woman has some crazy conversion stats she has to meet and the company needs to know that they are losing business because of it.
Bwah. I had a hard time with that first picture, too. Took me a little bit to figure it out! As for the sales pitch, I’m sure she had no choice but to continue. I had spent 11 years at a call center and I know that you have x amount of things to say and the customer has to refuse x amount of times before you can stop pressing. If you don’t, then you get in trouble. The companies already know its annoying. But apparantly it works on enough people to make them money. Have you ever ordered an item off TV? There is no end to the number of products they try to sell you along with that gizmo for $19.99!
We just went through the same thing at Suncoast Video with them wanting us to sign up for their savings card. I told the guy this was the first time in about 3 years we’ve even stepped foot back into the store, there was no way it would be any good for us. Especially since we weren’t saving anything right then, we’d be getting a coupon in the mail for the 12 bucks off. We told him we would forget about it and it’d expire so it wasn’t logical for us to take it. He kept pushing and we almost walked out the door without buying anything. And as it turns out we’ll be taking almost everything we bought back because we found the stuff cheaper at Best Buy.
I so agree with you about Izzy and Merideth. I mean really what could their problem with Callie be? She’s never done anything to them and as Izzy said a few eps ago George is her McDreamy so they should welcome her with open arms as far as I’m concerned. I don’t hate Merideth but they could make her a little more likable, after all she is the lead.
So do they just have one set of eyeballs they share? Keep them on the dresser when neither is using them, like when they’re sleeping …?
Spanky Sugar! He is so freakin’ sweet!
The Spankman cracks me UP! I so agree about Meredith, that cutie patootie Chris O’Donnell (sic?)summed it up when he said she is damaged and scary.
Spanky! He’s so pretty! I love his pink nose.
Regarding the party, I always like to remember what each degree stands for:
BS – obvious
MS – More of the Same
PhD – Piled Higher & Deeper
MD – Minor Diety
I’m not sure what they “stand for” in the Arts degrees, but Piled Higher & Deeper always applies.
To the reader’s brother – Congrats on an impressive accomplishment! 🙂
graduation gift suggestions-
1) small globe, as upon graduation the whole world is now his.
2) assuming he had to work hard and forgo a certain amount of discretionary activities and items, give him a small dictionary with words highlighted that he can become acquainted with, receive, enjoy- paycheck, video games, hammock, television, vacations, whatever. You get the idea, just find words that are funny, meaningful or whatever.
Hi, I don’t usually comment, just lurk… but I saw this and thought of you.
Spanky! Pink nose! *BOOP*
I listened politely for a few minutes, and then said “I’m not interested.” Which to ME means “I’m not interested,” but to the operator apparently was code for “I might be interested. Try harder!”
Hee! Ain’t that the truth? Apparently all operators and telemarketers have the same code-breaking skillz.
“GOD I HATE MEREDITH. Can’t they kill her off? Why couldn’t SHE have exploded instead of the HOTHOTHOT Kyle Chandler?”
Haaaaaa,now I won’t be able to watch the show without images of Meredith exploding into a red mist!
ugh … Izzy’s and Meredith’s antics made me scream the “C” word at the TV. As for scuzzy Alex Karev, I know he’s a total bastard, but I’ll bet he can pull off a dandy horizontal bop. hee!
I hate meredith too… I was LOL at her when she launched into her “you dont get to call me a whore for how I chose to get over you.”
She picked HIM up in a bar, did him, then kicked him out without knowing his name.. she was a ho befo!
Awwwwwwww!!! Tubby!!!
Awwwwwwww!!! Spanky!!!
You really brightened my day today with pics of my 2 favorite kitties. I always love seeing Tubby (RIP).
Kyle Chandler, is that his name? Yes, he was HOT. I was so disappointed when they blew him up, and not a friggin word from Meredith or anyone else about him after he blew up! Talk about self-absorbed. I was hoping they were going to put him on the show as Meredith’s new love interest because, hello, HOT!
Graduation idea – I was working in a store one summer and this guy came in and asked if he could take my picture holding a sign. The sign said, “Congratulations Dick and Mary!” (or whatever the names were – it was a while ago.) I said sure as did others in the store. Of course, we asked what it was about and he explained that his brother was getting married and he was making a complete photo album of total strangers holding this sign. I thought the idea was a riot.
Congrats to your brother. What a big accomplishment!