DAMN IT. The DVR screwed up and didn’t tape “My Name is Earl” last night, and it was the season finale DAMNIT. Anyone know where I can find it online? iTunes doesn’t carry it. Suggestions complete with direct links would be muchly appreciated.
On a side note, Fred said one day that Tommy is the Earl and Sugarbutt is the Randy of our household. I could only laugh, ’cause it is TOO TRUE.
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Fred is just a
big ol’ liar. It never happened, I tells ya!
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Someone did a site search recently that makes me think they’re looking for Gmaps Pedometer – it’s
here, and it rocks.
You’re welcome.
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I Thought My Father was God.
Finished yesterday:
Winter House, by Carol O’Connell. Mallory’s becoming a little more human, it seems. I’m not sure if I like that (but I loved the book).
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Fred got a bug up his butt (figuratively speaking) yesterday and decided that, in spite of the strong winds, he wanted to go fishing. So he came home a little early, loaded up the car, and we headed for Decatur. We ended up stopping near where we’d gone kayaking on Saturday, and he went down to the water with his stuff, while I sat in the car and read.
The water was extremely choppy, and I was glad we weren’t out in it in the kayaks, because I would have surely tipped over.
We ended up going to three different locations for Fred to fish, but the little bastards weren’t biting, so we went home fishless. He’s thinking about going again this weekend – depending on the weather – so maybe he’ll have better luck.
We did bring home a special surprise for the kitties, though, one they liked a lot. Crickets!

The only cat who really wasn’t that interested – at least not enough to come for an up-close sniff – was Spanky. We let them sniff at the crickets until Mister Boogers got too excited and knocked the bucket over, then the game was over, and Fred put the crickets in the garage. Later, when he opened the door to the garage, Sugarbutt and Tom Cullen went running out. Sugarbutt located the crickets right away (no great task, since they were singing like mad), but Tommy was all over the garage sniffing wildly before he realized where they were.
Poor crickets; stuck in a bucket, sniffed at by kitties, and doomed to be impaled on a hook and dropped into water. I don’t envy them.
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The spud only has a week and a half of school left. Where the hell did the year GO?
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For the past few nights before he toddled off to bed, Fred has opened the drawer to the bedside table on his side of the bed (only “his side” until he goes off to bed, then it’s “my side”), gotten out the laser pointer, and teased the cats with it. Sugarbutt and Tommy go absolutely wild, racing around after the laser beam, hoping against hope that THIS will be the time they catch it.
After a few minutes of teasing, Fred goes off to bed, and I’m left alone with two cats who still don’t know where that little dot of red light went, and they spend the next half hour searching for it. “Is it under the covers? Is it behind the bed? Is it on Mom’s foot?” Last night, they’d both settled down and gone to sleep, when I opened that drawer to get out my ear plugs and bite plate, and they both immediately woke up and raced over to chase the little red dot.
It took them another half hour to calm down again.
One of these days I’ll have to remember to bring the movie camera upstairs with me, and make a movie of it. It’s pretty funny to see tubby little Toms racing around with his belly swaying back and forth. I haven’t put up any cat movies in a lonnnnng time, so I think it’s about time to start posting them again.
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So, because lately it seems like all my shoes are really too big for me, I decided to look around online and see if I could find a way to figure out my shoe size without having to drag my lazy ass to the store. I found
this page, and followed all the instructions. If I did everything right (not something you can assume, sadly), my shoe size has gone from a 9 wide to an 8 or 8 1/2 regular since I had
weight loss surgery. Tomorrow I’m going to head over to the shoe department at Kohl’s and try on shoes and see if my feet have really gotten smaller. And then I guess I’ll need to start replacing my shoes – which won’t be any great undertaking, since I think I own maybe seven pairs of shoes, and three of those are sneakers.
Here’s a math problem for you: if I’ve lost 74 pounds and gone down half a shoe size (if not an entire shoe size), what will my shoe size be when I reach my goal weight in another 89.5 pounds? Is there such a thing as a negative shoe size?
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It’s always nice to have a brudder around to clean those hard-to-reach places behind your ears.

“Excuse me? Doctor? It appears that I have a small gray box growing out of my neck?”

Such a sweet little Tubby Toms face.

Something has disturbed the Spankster.
All of today’s uploaded pictures can be seen
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2005: If my nose is cold, the rest of me is cold.
2004: I guess this is what we get for living in the Bible Belt, isnโt it?
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Ah well. Maybe next life.]]>
Inside Info Robyn! ๐ Look for red ticket cleareance while you’re at Kohl’s! I don’t know if it is the same everywhere but at the Kohl’s I work at all the red ticket stuff is 75% off.. i got Justina 3 pairs of sneakers for 2.50 each! A pair of New Balance, Sketchers and a pair of Adidas..
Nice. I like that one of Spanky.
And re: Kohl’s. They have those clearance sales six times a year – because they have no storage. So when they get new shipments, they have to get rid of inventory, just to make space. I love Kohl’s.
I need a laser pointer for my little guy.
I predict at your weight goal you’ll be wearing those little white, leather hi-top shoes toddlers wear.
Laser pointers are the bomb as the kids say or used to say, what do they say nowadays? Anyway, all of our cats love it, it’s their favorite toy and the two youngest go absolutely ape shit over it. What we end up doing when we’re done playing is making it look like it goes under the couch or behind the entertainment center. They’ll look for bit where it disappeared then go to the back of the object looking to see if it came out. Then they’ll usually take at least one whole walk around it and then give up. It’s fun to watch them doing this because they just know it’s there and when they can’t find it they’ll getting a worried look about them. Then look to us for help. Fun times.
Fred had me trying very had not to laugh since I’m at work. Now that would have been a great “kitty” movie to see. Miz Poo all worried about you. ๐
For your My Name is Earl needs. And any other needs as well.
My kitties loooooove crickets. There aren’t many things that skeeve me out quite the way the sight of cricket legs flailing around outside a cat’s mouth does, but the cats always look so thrilled and proud when they catch one.
Ha Ha! Too funny – getting your arm stuck behind the bed twice! Only twice – I’ve done it more than that and I don’t have anyone to recue me. I finally learned to get my lazy butt of the bed and onto the floor to pick up the stuff that fell behind my headboard.
Glad to hear your feet are shrinking. I heard when you loose weight your feet get smaller (usually a size or two – so no toddler shoes for you).
My cats luuvvee the laser pointer. It sits on the end table in my living room and if I just happen to bump it, the boyz come a running. It’s frustrating thou. I got it to exercise them, but after about two minutes, they just sit and watch it. They are getting too smart for the pointer.
We feed crickets to our geckos, and if Lola doesn’t get one when the gecks to, damn does she get pissed.
Oooh, thanks for the links to the shoe sizing. I know what I’ll be doing this evening!
Well, I can say that we started around the same weight, size and height when I had my surgery. I am down to 150 and went from a size 9 shoe (wide) to a size 7-7 1/2 regular width. I was amazed that I had lost so much in size.. but we figured out that feet carry weight also. LOL Don’t invest in too many pairs right now… you will lose more ๐ And what I did was watch the sales and if I saw a pair of size 16 jeans on sale for cheap I would grab them and put them on a “sized shelf” for when I got to it. The wardrobe winds up rotating out faster than the speed of light. And when I started out I was thinking.. I’ll just keep my sweats until they fall off and then buy more in the next size until I level off. Suuuuure… after I hit prob a size 18 I think it was.. I refused to wear sweats and haven’t worn a pair since. I LOVE buying cute clothes (on clearance, of course.. I’m addicted to clearance shopping). I will have to show you a picture of my closet LMSO! I have turned into a real fashion guru.
According to the math – if you’ve lost a half a size already, you’ll go down by another 0.6 so a little more than another 1/2 shoe size. But since feet are measured length & width-wise, it’s hard to predict for sure. I’m guessing you’ll wear a 7.5 to 8.
Great algebra question!!! Something a geek like me would love. ๐
You said: Someone did a site search recently that makes me think theyโre looking for Gmaps Pedometer…
Me! Thanks for the link.
Are you liking I Thought My Father Was God? It was one of the last father’s day books I bought for my dad, and he really enjoyed it. Do you ever watch Project Runway? Are you looking forward to season 3?
I have become addicted to reading your blog at work to make the time go by. How many blogs do you try to read every day? I’m at 4 but it’s steadily growing.
Have you read the John Dunning books about the Denver bookscout? They are mysteries. There’s a new one out that is quite good.
I can barely get my 3 cats to be in the same room with one another…. I wanna know what your secret is.
Good luck on the Earl thing… My DVR didn’t record the season finale of Ghost Whisperer, which I’m pissed about. And don’t make fun of me for watching GW!
How funny! Getting stuck, crickets and laser pointers. Go ahead and purcahse another phone for that guest room before this happens again – even though it makes for a pretty funny post…..