
You Are Diet Coke

You are energy in its purest form. No need to complicate things with sweetness.
And while people may hate your aftertaste, you are seen as a necessary evil. Your best soda match: 7 Up Stay away from: Coke
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Good GOD it’s gotten cold around here lately. I’ve gone from wearing a light Coolmax t-shirt when I’m walking in the mornings, to having to wear a sweatshirt this morning. Plus, it’s been raining like hell, and cold+rainy=SUCK. I’m just glad I didn’t let Fred take the space heater out to the shed to store it for the summer, because I’ve been using it quite a bit over the last few days. I’m READY FOR SUMMER, THANK YOU.
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Pet store kitty pics from yesterday are here.
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Sugarbutt shows off his bidness.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.
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Previously 2005: I like cats. They’re good to eat. 2004: No entry. 2003: We’re some calendar-loving motherfuckers, that’s right. 2002: Kitty meeting. 2001: So… I guess we could probably sell your shithole… 2000: It sounds like there’s a lot to do in Gatlinburg, so it should be fun.]]>

14 thoughts on “5/16/06”

  1. Sounds like quite enough cleaning to me! More than I usually do when the ole parents come along. Of course with the 4 year old and 2 year old running around, doesn’t do you much good to clean. Have fun with your parents!

  2. You can have our heat. It was 92 here yesterday! I live in Washington, not Arizona for cryin’ out loud!!!!!!! This is ridiculous. If it is a sign of things to come for summer, I’m heading to Alaska, right now…
    Sugarbutt looks like he’s about ready to drop a fart on you.

  3. Jane beat me to it. That was first thing I thought. Oh hell no, I am not cleaning it – when it’s grody I go buy a new one! 🙂

  4. Jane & Shannon in NY: Actually, I had no idea they were so cheap. You bet your ass if they’re only $5 I’m going to toss the old one. Anything to save time! 🙂

  5. Your mom is probably going to be so blown away by how MAHVELESS you look that she’ll be in shock. Just tell her the docs said you’re not allowed to vacuum or heavy lift for 6 months after the surgery!

  6. If you have a Dollar General or a Dollar Tree… then you can even get one for a buck! LOL I usually buy three or four at a time and stick them in the cleaning closet… no “Wash the liner” Crap for me either.
    I had a thought… what would our Great Grams think if they knew we were all tossing dirty stuff and buying new instead of cleaning it? Or using *Gasp* the microwave to make almost all of dinner? OMG and what about the fact that we work and don’t wear an apron? Holy Cow, they must be spinning!
    Oh well.. I LOVE my microwave, would not clean a liner to save my life and hell, I don’t even *gasp* Bake! I love this day and age!

  7. My sympathies! My mother in law stays for anything between one and a half and four weeks at Christmas and New Year, and I’m climbing the walls after about a week!

  8. Robyn,
    How can you say you are lazy when you are always cleaning house!!!?
    About that liner. The ones at the Dollar Stores are fine but I recently purchased one at Target and noticed the differences. The Dollar Tree ones are thinner and don’t hang as well when the shower is blowing them around…they stick to me! The Target one has metal rings for the rings to go through and so it doesn’t tear through the holes..the dollar one does not and I was always ripping a couple of the holes. My vote is for the Target one. Very inexpensive but worth a new one!!!
    Have fun with your parents. You look great, btw.
    🙂 kathy

  9. To hell with dirty shower liners….you didn’t even mention the Grey’s Anatomy season finale!!

  10. As MY mother would say.. “company is like fish, they start to really stink after 3 days”. I have to agree!

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