
* * * On Saturday, we all got up bright and early, Fred to get groceries, the spud to go to work, and me because Fred and I had decided to go fishing. Fred was back with the groceries pretty quickly, and I put them away while he went out to get the fishing stuff ready to go. We left sometime after 7, and headed to Madison County Lake, where we rented a small boat and headed out for some fishing. Fred did all the fishing – I’ve never been much of a fisher, so I brought a book with me and alternately read and enjoyed the scenery while he fished. He didn’t have much luck, so after about three and a half hours, we headed for home. Naturally, I took pictures. The ducks like Cheerios. “Hey, rumor has it you’ve got Cheerios. Hand ’em over, lady!” Considering what a shrieky girly-girl I can be, it would probably amaze you to know how excited I got when Fred spotted this frog hopping across the grass. We also saw a baby snake swimming – SWIMMING – along the shoreline, but I wasn’t fast enough with the camera. I continue to think that it’s the height of wrongness that snakes can actually swim. ::shudder::

* * *
Oh, and here’s something funny that happened. Thursday, after Fred tried fishing in Decatur and didn’t catch anything, he had a bunch of crickets left over. Once the cats were done sniffing at them, we put the cricket bucket out in the garage, and then because every time I opened the garage door the cats went racing out to sniff at the crickets, I put the cricket bucket out in the driveway, next to the trash can. The next morning, Fred said “All the crickets were gone this morning.” “How odd,” I said. “The bucket wasn’t knocked over, was it?” “No, it was in the same place and the same position as it was last night.” So we discussed it for a little while and decided it had to be the work of a bird, a snake, or a possum. When we got back from fishing on Saturday, we left the bucket out in the driveway again, and then went to Ruby Tuesday’s for lunch. When we got home about an hour later, all the crickets were gone, and there were several splatters of bird poop around the bucket. Mystery solved, I guess.
* * *
When I got up yesterday morning and came downstairs, I found these sitting on my desk: (On the left: “Snax Lady”. On the right: “My mama”.) When I opened them, I found these cards: (front) (inside) (front) (inside) I know it makes us gigantic dorks, getting cards for each other from the cats on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, but when I opened those cards and saw how Fred the cats had signed them, I laughed out loud. And then, because it was Mother’s Day and I don’t gotta do nothin’ on Mother’s Day (aside from vacuum, clean out the litter box, and do dishes, that is), I sat on the couch and completely cleared off the DVR. I decree Mother’s Day a huge success!
* * *
There are four men running for Madison County Coroner, and I’m seeing their signs everywhere. Their names are: Bobby Berryhill Carlton Cash Greg Goodwin Dennis Green Poor Dennis Green. Apparently no one told him about the alliteration rule. Poor man doesn’t have a chance!
* * *
Dirty boys. This could totally be on a movie poster about forbidden love – Brokeback Kitties. Tommy experiments to see if he can lick Sugarbutt’s ENTIRE head at the same time. The look on Tommy’s face cracks me UP. Here, here’s a closeup: All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither.
* * *
Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: So far, I believe sheโ€™s ahead in the fart wars. 2002: That damn PTA. I will NOT be suckered in again by them, damnit! 2001: Realtors. 2000: New eyes, new hair – Iโ€™ll practically be a whole new woman!]]>

18 thoughts on “5/15/06”

  1. Those mother’s day cards cracked me up…as did the photos of the boys and their forbidden love. Ha! Happy day after mother’s day Robyn!

  2. Not only do we do cards from our animals for almost all occasions, but we write differently for them (left-handed works perfectly) AND each animal has his/her own personal signature. You know if they COULD go get cards & sign them they would, right? Well, no, they’d probably buy snacks with the money, but whatever…

  3. Tommy’s facial expression reminds me of an old “get Fuzzy” wherein Bucky is “singing in the shower.”
    “She’s once…”
    “Threeee times a tabby!”
    and Pinky yells “Would it kill you to learn a new song?!”

  4. We even go so far as to STAMP the “boys” pawprints on cards…hehehe
    The cat-haters of the world can bite me because cards like that make me melt – especially knowing the hubs has to enter into some kitty wrangling to get it accomplished.
    That’s LOVE right there, I don’t care who you are…

  5. I love giving cards from the cats! And Hallmark thinks so too because there was a section in the Mother’s Day area, cards from the cat.

  6. Madison County Lake! You and Fred were quite close to us. Next time…DOUBLE-DATE PICNIC!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    My hubby and I also give each other cards from the cats, and each cat has his or her own handwriting (pawwriting?). Speaking of which, Mister Boogers has very nice penmanship (pencatship?). And the “Snax Lady” cracks me up.

  7. How cute! You guys just crack me up. You should have seen the birds get the crickets from the bucket. That’s just as funny as watching the cats play.

  8. that adorable green thing in the picture was a toad I think not a frog. So you handled a TOAD! Ugh! Warts!! (not really) And my cats always give cards and when I send my mom a mother’s day card I sign me, my husband and all of our cats. Cuz how rude to leave them out. And one last creepy comment, about the swimming snakes, where I come from (southern Iowa) we had a lake with water moccasins in it, and those suckers come up into the boat after you. They swim, and they attack! So BE CAREFUL!!

  9. Goodness Gracious. I sure hope those attacking snakes are not in central Iowa!
    The cat cards are precious. How sweet of Fred to do that.
    Legit smaller shoe sizes are always a good thing! Be careful of that non-roast-beef-having toe.

  10. Brokeback Mountain was a good move, but I really don’t want to think of my kitties in a gay movie >_

  11. OMG, we do the card thing too, but my cards have never made me laugh as hard (over cards anyway) as your kitties just did. HEEEEE

  12. LMSO @ Brokeback Kitty
    If you like your little found Froggie, you outta see what happened in our pond… OMG! I love Frogs, but this may be testing my patience a bit later on ๐Ÿ˜‰
    The cards are so cute! Fred is a sweet man.. don’t tell him I said that though.. wouldn’t wanna ruin his Rep and all!

  13. Robyn… I would never say that you and Fred are dorks for giving cards from the kitties to each other… cuz then I would have to admit that me and my DH are also dorks as we always give cards from the dog and cat! And OMG, I am laughing my butt off over the Brokeback Kitties pic… I’m going to email that pic and caption to my DH who is over in India on business!

  14. The best way to prevent blisters…put Microspore tape on any place that you think you might get a blister. It’s clear and has tiny holes all in it. It works like a charm. My son used it during his days running cross-country and swears by it.

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