here. I’ll leave it up ’til the end of the month.
By the way, Fred took that picture, as well as the smackdown pictures from yesterday. But he was using my camera, so I claimed them for my own. Ha!
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Hissy Fit.
Finished last night:
Couldn’t Keep it to Myself. Good book – and very, very sad.
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Kathy sent me
this link a few weeks ago, and I’ve been going and giggling at it regularly, so I thought y’all might enjoy it, too.
Go, Socky, go!!!
And Vena sent me a link to
Kittenwar. Whereupon I spent an hour looking at the kitten pictures and voting. Total time-suck – but I cannot resist the adorable kitties!
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E’gar is home, FINALLY! Remember how I said that the woman at the dealership told me that she thought E’gar would be ready last Wednesday? Well, Wednesday came and went with no phone call, and when Thursday had half come and gone, Fred called to see what the hell was going on. The woman who runs the service department wasn’t in, so Fred told whoever answered the phone that he’d like to know what was going on, and then he (nicely) gave them hell for not keeping us informed, and because they also hadn’t kept the woman running the rental car place informed, so she called me on Tuesday and wanted to know what the hell was going on and why I hadn’t returned the rental car.
So whoever Fred talked to apologized profusely and left a note for the woman who runs the service department. Friday, when we were sitting in the waiting room, before Fred had his vasectomy, the service department woman called and was apparently pretty defensive.
“I told your wife it would be about a week!” she told Fred. Um, no. What she
said to me was “We’re going to have your car for a little while”, and I said “How long is a little while?”, and she said “Wednesday.” Now, doesn’t that sound like “Your car should be done Wednesday”? It does to ME. But apparently what “Wednesday” meant was “We’ll get the part on Wednesday.”
She told Fred she thought the car would be ready on Monday, and it was. Thank god, because I was getting pretty tired of driving a station wagon around. Not that there’s anything wrong with a station wagon, but it AIN’T MY E’GAR!
I was about halfway home when I realized that the remote entry fob was NOT on the keyring they’d given me, despite the fact that Fred had called Salesguy a week before to let him know that the car was being serviced. Salesguy, in response, told Fred he’d “Take care of it”, but I think we all know by now that Salesguy is as full of shit as they come. Therefore, the remote entry fob hadn’t been programmed and left in the car as we’d expected.
I had just picked up my cell phone to call Fred, when he called me and told me that Salesguy had just called him and told him that I’d “zoomed out of” the parking lot before he (Salesguy) “could get to” me.
Which means – you guessed it! – I get to go BACK TO THE FUCKING DEALERSHIP YET AGAIN. I tried to convince Fred to take my car to work with him today and deal with Salesguy himself, but he wouldn’t go for that. Hmph.
This is never ever ever going to be over, is it? I RUE THE FUCKING DAY I decided to buy a car from this guy. RUE IT.
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Boog in a basket!

Spot in a basket, under the Boog’s supervision!
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Kitten war…..OMG….that was so evil of you to post the link 😉 soooo cute. I really really really want a kitten now, also want time to sit and play with the pictures =)
Hey, can you pretty please post again what you used to creat that little icon thingy that goes next to your URL (I don’t see it now, but I do remember your creating one, maybe I just can’t see it in IE)? I would search for it on the web but I don’t know if it’ll be listed under “little icon thingy.”
I now feel for you about the whole salesguy thing. Just got my very first new car (newer than what I have ever had) on my own. And the salesguy had a hard time listening to what I was saying with what I wanted. Needless to say I got something that was my second choice. But for you hopefully it will all be over soon and you can TRULY enjoy E’gar!!
I’m walking in that same walk! Here’s my page:
Ooooo… I better not show the kids Socky so they don’t get any bright ideas. 😉
Oh dear GOD, Robyn, I can’t believe what a pain in the ass buying a car actually is. It’s been so long since I bought one that the last time I did my PARENTS helped me….and I was beginning to think about replacing my ole’ Honda Civic. Hmmm. I don’t think I’m going to now. I’m going to drive it til it dies on me, instead. What a nightmare.
Craige: It’s called a favicon.ico file, and you can read about how to make your own, here:
Elizabeth in NC: GOOD IDEA! 🙂
Love your “basket cases”! (No, I don’t mean your helpful salesman.)
hey robyn thanks for the blue t-shirt(main). I tried to e-mail you but it would not go through.It said invalid e-mail address. I love your journal,it always brightens my day. Fred is a brave man (shameless) but brave.
Damn,damn,damn…just your mentioning Mr.Boogers made me think back to the pic of him with closed eyes,batting blindly at the other offending cat. Then began the heavy,wheezing laughter at the memory and I lost control of the mouthful of water I had been foolishly drinking while reading Bitchypoo. Now I have a wet t-shirt chestal area to deal with-woohoo !
MUST REMEMBER TO NOT EAT OR DRINK whilst reading Bitchypoo or Vituperation !!!
I hope that salesguy has a car wreck. What a schmuck!
Thanks, Robyn! I’ll check it out.
Robyn, did you actually download one of those programs to make your icon? Because I tried just making a 16×16 image in photoshop and then changing it to a .ico and it worked.
Craige: It’s been a while, so I don’t really remember. I *think* what I did was stumble across a page where you could upload a picture and it would automatically convert it to a favicon for you.