Bonnie sent me the Easter design, so I switched things around.
Thanks again, Jolie!
* * *
This is how Fred spent a good part of the weekend recovering:

We dragged the chair from the computer room to the living room, so he could kick back and watch TV and snooze. Of course, we moved a piece of furniture in the house, which had the cats ALL interested, so he wasn’t sitting alone in that chair for long.

And, as always, when those two are within a mile of each other, there inevitably came time for some smackage.
First, Mister Boogers approaches Miz Poo to let her know that he thinks he’s the boss of her, and could kick her ass without thinking twice…
…and then she smacks the shit out of him, and he closes his eyes and smacks blindly at her, never ever ever landing a single smack on the portly Poo.
We watched the first season of
The Office, and really liked it (I liked it more than Fred did, but he’s willing to watch Season 2 with me). We watched a bunch of Yes, Dear reruns and enjoyed them as well. Sunday, Fred and the spud watched
Blade: Trinity, and I went upstairs and watched
For a movie that feels like it’s 63 hours long, Birth wasn’t bad at all. I like Nicole Kidman and think she’s gawjuss, so I didn’t mind the slo-mo closeups of her.
It probably helped that I spend the first 45 minutes of the movie answering email on the laptop, too.
I’ll be glad when Fred is all healed up, because he spent the entire weekend either with his hands down his pants, adjusting himself, or picking at a jockstrap-induced wedgie. Not a pleasant sight.
* * *
Meme, seen everywhere. I don’t even remember where I stole it from.
Name four books on your bookshelf:
I bet this would be easier if I listed four books that
aren’t on my bookshelf! Okay, from memory, there are:
Alone, by Lisa Gardner
Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress, by Susan Jane Gilman
Dry: A Memoir, by Augusten Burroughs (also,
Magical Thinking and
Running with Scissors)
Fat Girl: A True Story, by Judith Moore
Name four DVDs in your collection:
Sex and the City (Season 1)
Once and Again, Season 1 (Season 2 is coming out in August! Whoo!)
Jesus Christ, Superstar (JοΏ½rοΏ½me Pradon as Judas absolutely kicks ass)
Name four things on your walls:
(This is better done through pictures, I think)
The “Mad Bluebird” picture Debbie cross-stitched for me Christmas of 2003.
One of the last pictures taken of Tubby.
The first picture of Miz Poo, taken with the camera we currently have. (Nance printed it out, framed it, and sent it to me!)
One of my favorite spud school pictures. Last year? Maybe the year before. Adorable, isn’t she?
Name four things in your wardrobe:
(Another one better shown than described)
I wear this to the pet store every Monday morning. The light gray doesn’t show cat hair too badly, and it’s a cat-themed t-shirt. The top square says “This is your brain”, and the bottom says “This is your brain on drugs.” That’s the 9 Chickweed Lane cat.
The MOST comfortable sweatshirt EVER. It’s about two sizes too big for me, and when I’m cold I put it on and warm up immediately.
Nope, still haven’t gotten rid of my crappy, hole-y nightgown. I just can’t bear to part with it! I know I’ll have to one day soon, but it’s the most comfortable nightgown I’ve ever had.
This is an old man’s button-up shirt that’s too big for me. When I’m cold I put it on over whatever I’m wearing. Can you tell that the key word when describing my wardrobe is “comfort”?
Name four artists in your music collection:
Del Amitri
Jude Cole
The Warren Brothers
Tori Amos
Name four real life stores you shop at regularly:
The Dollah Store
Name four things in your bag:

My wallet
A tube of Blistex
My calendar (which Nance sent me – but I put my favorite picture of Fred and I to cover the picture that was already on the front of the calendar. Heh.)
My cell phone.
As long as I have those four things, I’m all set.
* * *
“HOOOOOOOOOly CRAP! You weren’t kidding about his breath!”
* * *]]>
the pictures of the smackdown made me laugh out loud. I thought it couldn’t get better and then saw the photo of Mr. Boogers at the bottom and actually hooted! Haw!
That picture is hysterical!!! OMG!
Think that Jolie did a nice job with the design. Real nice π Now she should redo it with the pic of boogs face!!
I LOVE the expression on Mr Boogers’ face in the final smackdown photo. It’s like that of a little kid in a school yard fight that’s afraid of getting hit in the face.
Too funny about how he shuts his eyes to fight! What a silly bunch of felines. π
I love the smackdown pic with the Bean’s eyes closed, sissy boy come on..use your fisty paws!!
Awww, kitties! So cute. Hope Fred feels better soon so you’re spared the wedgie-picking. (I have my thesis defense tomorrow — fingers crossed!)
Haaaaaa! The last photo is a hoot! If you have it would you pretty please email me the full size version? I would love to have that as my wallpaper. Hey! It could be studly boy cat eye candy for Frances Bean and Sweet Potato!!
I have that version of Superstar, too. Jerome Pradon is why I say I’m going to hell; one should probably not have dirty dreams about Judas. π
Great picture of Stubbs and Spot!
That last picture just about made me lose bladder control!!!! OMG, Hilarious!!!
Oh, damn, I’m still laughing out loud over that last picture of the Bean! I wanna get a copy of it too! pleasepleasepleaseplease!!!! Absolutely priceless! (My cats never make funny amusing expressions like that. Hmph to them.)
Ha! Those are great. A tortie will always be able to kick the living snot out of any and all comers; feline, canine, human, it doesn’t matter. They are the bad-asses of the cat world, and it looks like Miz Poo has the lioness’s share of Tortie-tude.
That last picture just about made me pee my pants. Classic!
Another Erin chiming in to say that the final picture in this entry is HILARIOUS! …and the caption makes the whole thing 234098 times better.
Robyn, you never fail to crack me up!
i laughed so loud at the last picture, robyn!!!!!!! omg, that was hilarious!!! i have a question tho, when your cats have smackage… do they hiss at one another or growl? my cats are not getting along (well, on and off) and i’m kind of worried. they’re only 7-ish, but i think they’re going senile. π
Those pictures are too funny!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your captions!!! It also looks like Stanley could be saying “The doctor did WHAT to my Daddy?!?!?” heh π
Everyone who wants the full-sized version of that picture: I’ll link to it in tomorrow’s entry.
Danielle: Miz Poo hisses – she hisses loudly and hysterically, and sounds like a wild thing – and Mister Boogers makes this growling-wailing kind of noise that’s hard to describe. He only does it when he’s really worked up, but Miz Poo will hiss at the drop of a hat. She’ll occasionally growl, but only when she’s really, really worked up. Spot and Spanky will hiss if someone’s right up in their face (another cat, I mean), but for the most part they’re pretty calm kitties. I’d give your kitties a little time – maybe they’ll get over it? – but if it keeps on, maybe check with the vet.
So what’s your take on the ending? Was he or wasn’t he Sean? My sister and I debated. I say he wasn’t, she says he was. I’m interested in hearing other opinions.
I say he wasn’t, because having read her love letters gave him enough “inside” information to make her – and us – believe. I really really wanted him to be Sean, though, ’til I found out he’d been having an affair with Anne Heche, and then I was PISSED. I mean, this is the guy she’s been pining for for ten years??? Ugh.
I agree with you. My sister’s argument was that he recognized people too easily, and she didn’t think the letters would have gone into that much physical detail for him to know people before they were introduced to him. I think she just wanted to believe more than I did! π
I thought you were dead. My notify email seems to have gone without any notice.
I *LOVED* the book “Dry” … Absolutely LOVED it from start to finish. Just thought I’d mention that.
The real reason I’m here is because I’m wondering if Miz Poo is missing the tip of an ear, or if the color of that particular piece of fur is just so dark that you can’t see it in the pic.
Nevermind … I just looked again at the Smackdown photos, and I can see Miz Poo’s entire ear in the one above the one where it looked like she was missing a piece.
Jude: The old notify list has been deleted; directions for joining the new one are at the top of the entry. π
That picture of Boogers bopping blindly at Miz Poo is TOO FUNNY. I love your cats.
thanks robyn!!!