flat part” of the trail? IT LOOKS UPHILL TO ME. This must mean we’re about to start on the “short uphill climb” any minute now, right, you fucker? Being “short“, I’m sure it’s three miles straight up the side of a cliff.”
“Bessie,” Fred said, “I swear it’s just a short climb, and then we’ll be back at the car.”
“Save your breath,” I said, gasping for air. “I don’t believe a word you say, you lying liar.”
Not long after, we reach the end of the trail, which ended at a small playground.
“Oh,” Fred said as an afterthought. “There’ll be one more very short climb to get to the parking lot.”
“I hate you,” I said.
“I know you do.”
* * *
Someone asked for a comparison picture of Fred and I from when we went to Florida in 1997, next to the one I posted yesterday. Since I am such a sweet, accommodating soul, here you go, Shayne!

Yeah, I’d say there’s a slight difference!
* * *
On our drive home from the hike yesterday, we passed a chipmunk sitting on the curb. Just sitting there, hanging out, taking in the lovely evening sun.

It was all I could do not to jump out of the car, grab him up, and squeeze him to death. Chipmunks are just the damn cutest, aren’t they?
* * *
Did I mention that I VOLUNTARILY got up out of bed at 5:20 yesterday morning so I could do my 4(.16!) mile walk before I went to the pet store yesterday? Because if I wait and go when I get home from the pet store, it’s usually around 9:00, and it has usually started to get hot out. So I got up, went for my walk, got home, changed into regular clothes, and went to the pet store. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home, and was home before 9:00.
I’m sure that when Fred walked into the bedroom at 5:30 and saw me up and dressed, he thought “Who are you, and WHAT have you done with my slacker wife?”
* * *
Last Friday, the spud and I went to Ruby Tuesday for lunch, and then we went over to Kohl’s, because I wanted to see what they had in the way of jeans, because I am ALL about the jeans these days.
I ended up buying a pair of denim capris (which I LOVE), and three men’s polo shirts in size XLT (extra-large tall). Tall, because I like my shirts to be long enough to cover my gut. The shirts were less than $10 each, and the capris were (I think) $15. I also wandered over to the underwear section and found that the
Barely There panties were on sale for $4.20 each. They’re regularly more than $7, so I dug through the racks and bought six pair of them.
I LOVE THEM. They’re amazingly comfortable, and my new favorite underwear, which means they’ll probably discontinue them in three… two… one… Discontinued! Every single time I find underwear that I like (I HATE the underwear with the elastic band around the waist that digs in and hurts by the end of the day) they discontinue it about ten seconds later. I think an underwear respresentative must be following me around and reporting back to the Panty Commission when I discover panties I like.
So yesterday I had a couple of things to return at Kohl’s, and I thought I’d see if the panties were still on sale, and whether I could find another pair of denim capris. The capris were hard as hell to find – they had every size BUT mine – but I finally did find a pair. Then I went back to the underwear section and realized that the reason the Barely There panties were on sale is because that particular style was being discontinued. I spent half an hour digging through the racks, and bought almost every pair they had in my size (I didn’t buy the white ones that were in my size, ’cause I don’t like white underwear. Why? Fuck if I know.).
I think, for the most part, I’m all set for clothes for now. Of course, in a couple of months when everything I bought is too big for me, I’ll probably be kicking myself. But for now, I’m STYLIN’.
* * *
Someone asked in my comments yesterday (and if you asked a question in yesterday’s comments, you might want to go back and check them, ’cause I answered a lot of comments IN the comments) what we’re going to do with the spud gone.
The answer, of course, is almost exactly what we’d do if the spud were here. Being that she’s 17, she spends a lot of time on her computer and out with her friends, so we don’t see her a whole lot these days, anyway.
While she’s gone, though, we can wander around naked and not have to worry about getting caught. And yet? There hasn’t been a lot of naked wandering in the past few days.
Something we should, perhaps, remedy.
* * *

I love it when I get the cats looking dorky.

He is so very, very bad, with his blue and pink
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2005: “Spot caught a copperhead!”
2004: No entry.
2003: Poor Gram.
2002: Oh, quit with the gasps of horror.
2001: Lynn is very very nice, but as Iβve mentioned, she doesnβt appreciate the beauty of silence.
2000: I was giving out dirty looks left and right, let me tell you.]]>
Excuse my language, but all I can say about the comparison picture is “HOLY SHIT!”. Amazing successes, both of you.
Holy Shit is about all I can say too! you look fantastic! how about some pics of you in the new clothes?! π
WoW!! Y’all look absolutely adorable. Men–they’ll lie to you every damn time. You can’t believe a word they say especially about hiking, fishing, hunting etc!! I know what you mean, walking around doing housework in the nude is waaaaay cool and comfy!! Nanamama
PS. Eye surgery went grrreat yesterday. I can see words on the telly now!! So wonderful! NM π
What a difference nine years make! You’re both beautiful! Of course, you were before, too. One of the most fascinating things in life is how love continues to grow…beats me how that happens.
That comparison picture is incredible! You guys are freaking cute in both of them, by the way.
Holy Shit is the first thing I said when I saw the photos as well.
I mean, HOLY SHIT!
Great job, both of you.
Woweee you guys look thinner AND younger!
Wow, what a change in both of you. π
I wish I could get my ass in gear and walk every day. I am a slacker. It would help if I had someone to do that with, though. It’s so cool that you guys can do this together.
Is that a piece of bacon Fred is holding? Or a piece of beef jerky? Baha!
I heart you and Fred!
Heh. LOVE the photos of your dorky cat. We are going to try the Soft Paws on the kittens. Can’t wait.
Wow is right! What did Fred’s parents say when they came over?
Ahhh! I LOVE the barely there undies.. they have to be the ones with the “feel the softness” sticker on them though and not the ones with the other sticker. π
That comparison pic is AMAZING!!!
A-hahahaha! The first thing I noticed about the Florida picture was Fred’s impeccable taste in eyewear and eyewear accessories! You two are the cutest — especially since Fred got contacts!
thanks for showing the then and now photos – one of the things I love about them both is the huge dorky grins on both of your faces – some things never change!
The change from the pictures is amazing, but the thing I like best about both of them is that you guys look so happy to be together no matter what size you are. Gives hope to us singles!
These pictures are so inspiring. I never comment on your blog, but I do really like it. I actually got way more into podcats because you are so liking your bobpod!
You are a good-looking couple!
My first thoughts when I saw the before and after pics were “oh holy cow! I love you guys for being so inspiring!” So there you have it.
Man, you two do make an awesome couple.
This is totally off topic, besides a Woo-Hoo, for looking great and being healthy! Would you consider sharing the brand of bizap-o-doom fencing that you use? My two kitties (almost a year old) have discovered the joy of running out into the backyard….aaaarrrgh. Of course, my one wicked William gets into scraps with heaven knows what, so two vet visits for shoelace drains and $600.00 later, we’re putting in a static fence. You seem to have success with the brand you’ve used, so I’d like to consider purchasing that brand. Thanks for any input and thanks for the great writing; it wouldn’t be a day without reading Bitchypoo.
Robyn, I just ordered soft paws for the kittens. I can’t wait until they get here. Do you put them on all 20 claws or just the ones in the front? Thanks!
Robyn, you and Fred rock. Nuff said. π
Hello??? You guys are amazing – you look great! ! ! I bet it’s hard for you to believe it when you look at the old pictures … I feel the same when I look at my “before” album. You r-a-w-k !
About the comparison photos-you both do look different, but extremely happy in both.
Stunning comparison photos π You must be rapt!
Just out of curiousity, how far is it to get to all these places you hike?
You are denying me Miz Poo! Where is Miz Poo? We want Poo pics! Poo pics! Poo pics! Poo pics!
Here’s a question for you. Have you ever gone out looking to see if Spud has a myspace page? Recently, I discovered that a friend of mine’s daughter has one and while it’s not all kee-razy, (1) I still wonder if Mom knows it’s out there and (2) if I should tell. So, being somewhat computer savvy, do you ever check around for Spud online?
I’ll say it too…you guys really DO look terrific. Good for both of you!!
Awww the chipmunk is soooo cute! I swear around here the chipmunks are just like that commercial that has the squirrels on it, they dart in front of my car all the time to watch me swerve out of the way, hoping I will run into the mountain side! LOL
The picture.. one word… GOODLORDWHATADIFFERENCEYOUBOTHLOOKGREATANDHAPPY! Ok, its more than one π Told you I’m a dork. Haha
Wow that picture speaks volumes in difference! You two are looking so hot I expect to see you on the front page of something soon! π (hopefully not a copycat magazine in Australia though) π HEE!
Love Fred’s glasses in the old pic – yeah for contacts!
Glad that you guys are enjoying hiking together (except for the hills, of course!)
What a great looking couple.
You both have done a really amazing job.
The comparison pics are very cool!
Have you submitted your kitty pics to SoftPaws?