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I spent a good part of yesterday running around doing errands and getting stuff to take to Florida with us. For one, I needed bottled water from Sam’s. For another, I stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of foam noodles to use in the water – except that the bastards didn’t have any, can you believe that?! – and water shoes for Fred. Then I swung by Hobby Lobby to see if they carry
Q-Snap Frames, which I spotted on
Patty’s diary a few weeks ago and have been trying to find ever since (they’re available on eBay, but I wanted them faster than that – however, if I’d just ordered them from eBay instead of waiting ’til I made it to Michael’s and then to Hobby Lobby, I’d have had them long before now!). Hobby Lobby does, in fact, carry them, so I grabbed a couple, and now I’m looking forward to getting back to cross-stitching…. one of these days!
Anyway, Fred’s going to stop at the Wal-Mart by his work tonight or tomorrow and see if they have foam noodles, and if they don’t, we’ll get some in Florida. Surely they’ll have foam noodles down there.
We’re pretty much set to leave Thursday morning, bright and early. Fred wants to get on the road by 8ish, so I think I’m going to get up at 5:30 and walk beforehand, so I’ll really only be missing one day of walking.
I am VERY excited about going to Florida – we’re staying in Fort Walton – and very excited about the sunset cruise we’re going on. Hopefully I’ll get a ton of good pictures to share with y’all when we get back. I can’t believe it’s been four years since we were there last!
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From my comments:
Would you consider sharing the brand of bizap-o-doom fencing that you use? My two kitties (almost a year old) have discovered the joy of running out into the backyard….aaaarrrgh. Of course, my one wicked William gets into scraps with heaven knows what, so two vet visits for shoelace drains and $600.00 later, we’re putting in a static fence. You seem to have success with the brand you’ve used, so I’d like to consider purchasing that brand.
This is the one we bought and are using.
It only came with one collar and I think you can order additional collars from that company, but we found the ones for Tommy and Sugarbutt on eBay for quite a bit less.
(I swear, one of these days I’m going to get my butt in gear and put up a “recommended” page so y’all will be able to find out this information easier!)
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What did Fred’s parents say when they came over?
When his dad and stepmother came over on Saturday, they both said “You look good!” and Fred’s stepmother said that she liked my hair. Then when they were leaving, they both told me again that I looked good. I think they were pretty surprised at how much of a change there was, but they didn’t make a huge fuss, which was fine with me, ’cause I always feel a little dorky if someone makes a big fuss while I’m standing there.
Yesterday afternoon his mother and stepfather came over (they’re feeding the cats while we’re in Florida), and both said how good I looked, and what a big difference there was. His mother checks out my Flickr page every few days, so she’d seen some recent pictures of me, so I don’t think it came as a huge shock to her, but she did tell me several times that I was looking good, and I think I blushed and said “Thank you” and changed the subject. Heh.
(By the way, none of them had seen me since Christmas Eve.)
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Did anyone else notice that the Sugg-Man not only matches the cabinetry, but also the grout around the tile? Do you always pick your cats to match your decor? π
But of COURSE. The discerning decorator always considers that cats are decor accessories as well as beloved, spoiled-rotten pets and takes into account the decor of their home before adopting said animals.
Maybe in the next house, we’ll paint the walls to match the cats. One room with black walls, one with orange walls, one with black and white, one with blue/gray, one with orange and white, and one with tortoiseshell colors.
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Ummm we all apparently learn something new every day, and I am over three years Post Op and SWEAR I have never heard we are not supposed to chew gum. Why? I know we aren’t supposed to eat celery due to the intestinal blockage issues from the strings, but gum?
I was told by the woman who runs the coordination center for my surgeon that we aren’t supposed to chew gum, because if you swallow it, it can get stuck in your pouch and you might have to be opened up to have the gum removed. Now, I’ve NEVER accidentally swallowed gum in my entire life (though of course I’ve done it on purpose in the past), so this particular rule I’ve chosen to ignore. So far, I’ve had no problems!
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Ok, in all your catting about, heh, have you ever come across a polydactyl or 6 toed kitty? If so, freak of nature, or the cutest thing with huge feet you’ve ever seen? If you ever come across one, I’m on the search. I lurve me a 6 toe kitty. Inquiring minds want to know.
I’ve come across several polydactyl kitties, and I think they’re freaky, but in a cute way. They almost look like they’re walking around with snowshoes on the end of their legs. And of course, that just means there are more kitty toes to play with, which can never be a bad thing.
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Why can’t you eat chicken? I know when I was having gall bladder issues- before I knew I was having gall bladder issues- anytime that I ate chicken I would be in AGONY. I went to the Dr after a 4 hour attack and he said “don’t eat fat.” So now, 8 yrs after having the frigging thing (the gall bladder that is) ripped out of my body I still can’t process fatty foods that well. It doesn’t stop me from eating them but now I intimately familiar with every bathroom between here and east timbuktu. Fun times.
Chicken – boneless, skinless chicken breasts, which is about all we used to eat around here – doesn’t sit well in my pouch because it has a tendency to be very dry, and it makes my pouch hurt (and eventually makes me throw up). I’ve actually, in the past few weeks, given chicken thighs a try and they’ve gone down pretty well. They’re dark meat, thus moister than chicken breasts, and I haven’t had any problems with them. If I tried fried chicken, my guess is that it would go down okay, but since the surgery I malabsorb fat, and I don’t know how that works for other WLS patients, but with me it means that whatever particularly fatty food I eat goes directly through me and I have to run for the bathroom.
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Does Mz. Poo like water?? I have had 2 tortoise shell cats and they have both been bathroom inhabitants. Both would sit on the edge of the tub and wait til the water was drained and immediately jump in and roll around. Very strange.
She likes to drink bathtub water, and she likes to go into the shower to slurp up the shower water, but she doesn’t like to actually get wet – though once when she was a baby, she jumped into the shower with me, and the horror of getting soaked has apparently stayed with her, because she hasn’t tried it again.
Sugarbutt, Tommy, and Mister Boogers LOVE to go outside right after it rains and roll around in the wet grass, though. Weird cats.
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I can barely get my 3 cats to be in the same room with one another…. I wanna know what your secret is.
I wish we had a secret – I’d write a book about it and make millions! Not all the cats like each other, but Boogie, Tommy, and Sugarbutt are special friends, and every once in a while Miz Poo and Tommy will play fight. I don’t know how it is that they’re not mortal enemies, but they aren’t, and I’m really glad they’re friends (most of the time).
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Have you read the John Dunning books about the Denver bookscout? They are mysteries. There’s a new one out that is quite good.
I have not, but I just put
Booked to Die on my wish list, and if I like that, I’ll see about getting the rest of the series!
I’m always on the lookout for good books.
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Are you liking I Thought My Father Was God? It was one of the last father’s day books I bought for my dad, and he really enjoyed it.
I liked it quite a bit, and I was sad when it ended. Maybe one of these days they’ll put out a followup!
Do you ever watch Project Runway? Are you looking forward to season 3?
I’ve never watched Project Runway, but my friend Liz does, and she loves to tell me about what’s going on. Maybe one of these years I’ll get around to checking it out!
I have become addicted to reading your blog at work to make the time go by. How many blogs do you try to read every day? I’m at 4 but it’s steadily growing.
It really varies as to how many blogs and journals I get around to checking out every day. Some days I read a ton – my links list is
here – and some days I only get a chance to check out ten or so. Which kind of sounds like a lot, doesn’t it?! It doesn’t seem like that many, though!
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Just out of curiosity, how far is it to get to all these places you hike?
The hikes themselves tend to be between three and four miles (except for our Monday hikes, which are one or two miles), and it takes about half an hour to get to the other side of Huntsville on Wednesdays and Fridays, to get to Montesano mountain, or the Land Trust, which is where we do most of our hiking.
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Here’s a question for you. Have you ever gone out looking to see if Spud has a myspace page? Recently, I discovered that a friend of mine’s daughter has one and while it’s not all kee-razy, (1) I still wonder if Mom knows it’s out there and (2) if I should tell. So, being somewhat computer savvy, do you ever check around for Spud online?
Oh, the spud
does have a myspace page. I don’t remember if she sent me the link or I stumbled across it… No, she must have sent me the link, because I doubt I would have found it on my own. She also has a xanga site, which I check every few days. I also check the comments people leave for her, and will occasionally check out her friends’ sites. Partly because I’m nosy and partly because it doesn’t hurt to keep an eye on the people she’s associating with. She’s still my BAYBEE, y’know.
As far as whether to tell your friend about her daughter’s myspace page… I have to say, I’d probably mention it to her if I were you. Unless your friend is a controlling nut who would freak out about it, and then I’d say don’t!
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Sleeping Suggie, up close.

Sleeping Poo.

Seriously. Have you EVER seen such a happy sleeping kitty?

My brother once said that Mister Boogers always looks slightly sinister. I’d say he’s got a point!
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
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2005: βIf I can make four percoset get me high for the next year, you just might.β
2004: (Donβt lecture me, I KNOW. I swear Iβll wear sunscreen from now on okay, MOTHER?)
2003: No entry.
2002: Hell. O. Dolly. God in heaven, they were SO DAMN GOOD.
2001: Plus Iβm taking this newfangled thing they call “pen and paper.”
2000: No entry.]]>
Yall be safe and have fun in Florida!
does this mean no weigh-in tomorrow? Have fun in FL, and don’t forget that you might not float as well as you did last time!
Hey Robyn,
I had a helluva time finding noodles this year. I hit the motherlode at the Dollar Tree. I also saw them (after I had already found them) at Dollar General. Just FYI.. Have fun in Florida!
Sharon: Weigh-in’s today instead of tomorrow. There’ll be an entry at OFB later today. π And I know I might not float as well – that’s why I need a foam noodle. Maybe two! π
Leigh: I’m going by a couple of Dollar stores; I think I’ll stop and check to see if they have any. Thanks for the suggestion!
Several of my cats have “extra” toes. In fact, my calico has 7 toes on each of her front paws.
I don’t know that the Boog looks sinister exactly. I’d say he looks pissed off most of the time though.
As far as Mr. Boogers looking sinister…I’ll back that up! I visit your site every day and love pictures of the boog, and every time, I show my husband “isn’t he the cutest cat you’ve ever seen?” or “don’t you WANT him?” he always says the same thing…”No. that cat looks like it would kill me in my sleep.” So I’d say he agrees with your brother.
I’m not crazy about Q-snaps for cross-stitching, but I love the spring tension embroidery hoops. They sell them most places, and they come in 2 sizes — small and medium. I wish they had a large too!
They look like this:
Magnum looks Watson, a farm cat which my brother somehow talked my mom into bringing into the house. Watson was his 4H project and he didn’t want the other 30 farm cats beating up on him. Of course, after the 4H fair, Watson could never go outside again because all the other cats would beat him up mercilessly. Watson lived to be 19.
I saw a box full of noodles at Shopko in the toy section. I don’t think there are any Shopko’s in Alabama though.
With all your cats, have you ever had problems with them “spraying” things to mark their territory? You know the thing that male cats do when they back up to something, lift their tail and spray their urine all over the item. If so, what did you do about it.
Thanks for the chicken answer. I also asked about the water kitty- Josie fell in the FULL tub the other day and came out sopping wet and PO’ed but was right back on the edge of the tub 10 minutes later. She is a “special” kitty!!
I have a polydactal cat, they are also called “Hemmingway’s” since that is all Ernest Hemmingway would own, they still live in a house in key west I believe, the cats, not Ernest. Mine has the cutest front paws they look like boxing gloves. Our cats hate water, but lately we’ve taken to putting them in the pool to watch them swim, they look like little otters, it’s really cute!
My roommate has a new kitten. While roommate was taking a bath, kitten fell in, jumped out, and thought, “I’m wet, I’m supposed to be in the litterbox when I’m wet”, and ran over to the box and rolled around before roommate could catch her.
Result was wet, cement covered, pissed off kitten.
Follow up on the myspace dilemma: I saw Dad tonight and said, “Gee, you’re going to think this is a hugely weird question but… ya ever google your kids?” And he immediately said, “Oh you found her myspace page?” and so the answer is YES they know and YES they really really appreciated me telling them.
Thanks for answering….
*Gulp* OK, Thank you I will be VERY careful with my gum from now on out. Sheesh, you’d have thought they would have warned me about that one!
Have fun in Florida.. can’t wait to see the pics!
I guess I am not so crazy taking a sample of my Golden Retriever’s fur into the carpet store to match…or am I?
I can’t believe you are going to Fort Walton Beach. We will be leaving Monday for the same place. Not that I will see you or that you even know who the hell I am, but I consider you at least a really cool person if not a minor celebrity. Maybe I’ll catch a glimpse of you but probably not. Honestly I’m not a stalker. We are taking our two kids for their birthday and staying with relatives. Hope you have as much fun as we are planning
I thought of a nickname trio for the three “boys.” Suggie, Boogie & Tom! LOL. π They can start their own kitty band.
Have a grand time in Florida. I am sure you will walk a ton along the beaches. That is my favorite place to walk in the whole world!
Yeah, you’re crazy… crazy like a FOX! It’s not just good decorating, it’s minimizing the visual impact of the shedded fur that ends up all over EVERYTHING when you are a pet lover w/ many shedding pets! Smart!!
Does anyone know when the And3rsons will be back??
I think she said they would be gone a whole week! I’m bored.. nothin to read and no kitty pics! Although we did just find out today that my nieces cat had kittens and the girl is all mine! Wooot!
Robyn! We miss you!!!!