6/2/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)

Okay, how about now? Can you see the pictures now??? If not (or they look odd), please let me know. (And Lori pointed out that the calendar is off – apparently WordPress doesn’t think May has 31 days. I’d explain that, but I have no idea why that is. Very strange!)   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   Up … Continue reading “6/2/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)”

Okay, how about now? Can you see the pictures now??? If not (or they look odd), please let me know.

(And Lori pointed out that the calendar is off – apparently WordPress doesn’t think May has 31 days. I’d explain that, but I have no idea why that is. Very strange!)




Up close and personal with Franco!

“Hello, I am gorgeous.”

Slurping at the water fountain (they LOVE this thing).



You make kitty scared.

“I can SEE the food, I can SMELL the food, but I cannot GET to the food.”

Inspector Franco inspects.

Franco just kills me with what a sweet little cuddlebug he is. I wondered, when we threw him in with Gavin and Garrity and Sheila, if he’d develop a bond with them. Within a day, he was best friends with Gavin and he spends lots of time snuggling with all three of them. Gavin, Garrity, and Sheila are the fighters, Franco’s the lover.

(Which is not to say that the rest of them don’t enjoy a good snuggle, because they certainly do.)

Sometimes I worry that I’m going to squeeze the stuffing out of Franco, because he just lays there and purrs and purrs when you’re holding him, and he’s so soft and smushy and squeezable. Pardon me while I go grab him up and give him a quick cuddle, would you?




The Bookworms illustrate just how terribly difficult and grueling their sad little lives are.

Honestly, should anyone have to live a horrible existence like this? Save the Bookworms from their torturous lives!




And movies!

First, the Bookworms at almost two months and then at almost three months, playing. If I’d had some footage of them playing now at almost four months, it would have made the movie complete. Oh well.

And secondly, Bolitar likes water; he doesn’t care where it comes from!
Edited to add: That’s Reacher, not Bolitar. I don’t know where my mind was at!




Tommy, keeping an eye on the back yard.




2009: I think Aunt Jodie and Uncle Kevin are douchebags for giving interviews pretty much to anyone who asks.
2008: I assume if I were on the verge of death, someone would have come running in to save me.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: “I like cheese, just not on a salad.”
2003: Now, how motherfucking stupid does the man think I am?
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

14 thoughts on “6/2/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)”

  1. More wonky calendar action. June 2 is showing up under Tuesday.

    And really. You torture the Bookworms. Someone should call the authorities.

    1. OK, scratch that calendar comment. Seems to be fixed now. Or I’m hallucinating.

        1. If you go to Bitchypoo.com and look at the calendar, it looks right. But if you go here, the calendar’s off. I suspect there’s some sort of way to fix it, but it’s probably beyond my skill set. 🙂

  2. That must be the best! box! ever! (And who is looking in the window at all the hot box action going on?)

    No wonder all the cats in the ‘hood want to live with you. It’s like a giant fud buffet and cat Disneyworld and indulgent parents, all rolled up into one fantabulous house.

  3. I do not understand how you get a damn thing done all day. I cannot pass by one of my two sleeping kitties without burying my face in their fur, pulling their ears and declaring them mine, or playing with their toes. You have umpteen billion chances each day to do the same, and you have KITTENS in the house. I would be living in squalor if there were kittens in the house.

  4. Pictures and videos are great as always. I can see them just fine. Is Franco a minature male Maura? He looks like my last cat Guenevere as a kitten. She looked kind of fluffy as a kitten and grew up to be the sleekest black cat. The vet said she was part siamese-she had that shape to her face and “talked” like one too. I have wanted to keep Elphaba an only cat. A friend just took in a stray cat and has six kittens. She invited us over to meet them tonight. It’s five minutes away but I’m scared. Michael said,”You can go see them but that’s it, just see them.” It’s a bad time financially he’s off sick and having tests so the copays are adding up. Maybe I should just stay home. I’ve never been the greatest window shopper-I’ve gotten better at it in the last few years but I suspect it’s very hard with sweet little baby kitties! I should go and just play with them it will be a nice distraction!

  5. No pictures here, just crosses. The video was ok.

    Where are my kitty piscs!!!!!

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