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Pet store kitty pics from last week and this week are up here. There were tons of kittens – it was fun as hell to have all those little kittens running around like their butts were afire.
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New things around the house, a pictorial.

I bought a ton of shoes last week, because my mother is a BAD INFLUENCE. I love these shoes – they look like they’re black in this picture, but they’re actually dark brown.

Slip-on Skechers. Very comfy, and I think they’re cute.

Yes, I got the same shoes in two different colors. Hey, they were buy one, get one half off, and these were less than $20 to start with! And they’re extremely comfortable.

Fred and I went to the flea market on Sunday, and I saw these lighters (perfect for lighting candles!). They were only a buck apiece, so I bought four of them.

More shoes – these are Clarks. I love, love, love the color.

I don’t remember the name of this plant, but I saw it at Wal-Mart and had to buy it.

As well as a cute pot to put it in.

$30 Reebok Classics. The best shoes I’ve found to walk in. Who needs $100+ sneakers? Not me!

These lilies kept waving at me every day when I walked by them, so I stopped and picked ’em. No, not out of someone’s yard – they were in a patch of weeds near a walkway.

My parents bought us a swing for the back yard! They put it in the yard, but we moved it to the patio, because the chiggers are bad this year, and neither of us wanted to walk around with annoying chigger bites all over our legs. It’s a great swing; I just wish we didn’t get sun directly on the back yard in the evening, because it would be a great place to sit and read.

When we were shopping at TJ Maxx, I saw this blue faux-Matelasse coverlet, and I HAD TO HAVE IT. Because the quilt I’d bought at Kohl’s the week before wasn’t really keeping me warm enough at night, so I thought I might pair the quilt with the coverlet, and perhaps that would work better than the quilt and the comforter. And I was right, and every time I look at the coverlet (FYI, the bed is usually more neatly made than this) I get a happy feeling. I’m just concerned, since it’s so light, that the cats will funk it up with their dirty paws, because I just CANNOT have ANYTHING nice. Fuckers. (That little quilt on the end of the bed is for the cats. My mother made it for them, actually, and it’s Tommy’s place to sleep at night.)
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Tommy and his weird sleep positions…

“Bwahaha! It’s good to be the Sugs!”

Today’s uploaded pictures are
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2005: She’s a bad influence, that one.
2004: I have faith in you!
2003: Things that sucked.
2002: Here’s the thing. If you get yourself involved with a man you know full well is married, a man who doesn’t file for divorce until 6 months after he’s met and started dating you, then you don’t get to play the victim.
2001: My very first House Anxiety dream!
2000: Ah, world traveler, me.]]>
Man, I feel you on the “can’t have anything nice” thing. I bought this leopard-spotted fuzzy blanket thing at PetSmart recently, and I put it on the ottoman of a chair that the cats usually get all hairy… and they are drawn to it, and they lay on it a lot. And it’s cheap, so if it gets gross I can just go get a new one.
Could that sweet little plant be a coleus? Heck, I dunno. I’m plant-challenged, but I had one like it in college (only 30 years ago).
Yay, first comment!
Hypoestes, that’s the name of your new plant. I remember this only because I like to pronounce it “hypothesis.” Because I am a dork.
Damnit, it LOOKED like I’d get in the first comment!
But it IS hypoestes.
I have that plant too. Its so pretty with the pink and green leaves. I have a hard time getting it to grow well, though. I keep changing the light (direct sunlight, filtered, indirect) and it doesn’t seem to a whole lot bigger than when I got it a year ago. Maybe its just a slow grower.
Love the pics of the kitties.
I want your swing! I was just saying to the significant other last week that we need a covered swing for the back deck because of all the damned birds in the trees!! That is the one I want!!
We have one of those gigantic match lighters too. The problem is that they’re actually a real bitch to light. You have to have really strong thumbs… they’re cute though.
Aren’t lily’s poison for kitties?
Annonymous: UGH. Yes, apparently they are. I need to remember that, thanks for the reminder!!!
Shelly: My thumbs are STRONG LIKE BULL. Heh!
Love all your new shoes Robyn, you’ve got great taste!
We have those lillies growing too, they are day lillies and hence the name, die after 24 hours, so you did them a favor and gave them a new location in which to live their short lives! 😉
Damn cats. I bought my cats a little sheepskin rug from Ikea last winter and if you try to plop them down on it they act like you’re trying to make they sit on a big stinky hairy dog. They won’t have anything to do with it! Fer Christ sakes, SLEEP ON THE CLEAN LAUNDRY THEN, you brats! Ugh. But I love them anyway.
Robyn, this site is hilarious!>>>>>>>
😀 Hitler cats!!
What are chuggers?
I love shopping sprees, I’m certainly due for one. I need desperately to go shoe shopping, but it’s winter here so they’ll be not as nice as your new one’s 🙂
Dee: Chiggers, not chuggers. 🙂 They’re nasty little bugs; here’s a description:
Probably no creature on earth can cause as much torment for its size than the tiny chigger. Tiny six-legged chigger larvae attack campers, picnickers, hikers, bird watchers, berry pickers, fishermen, soldiers, and homeowners in low, damp areas where vegetation is rank such as woodlands, berry patches, orchards, along lakes and streams, and even in drier places where vegetation is low such as lawns, golf courses, and parks. They are most numerous in early summer when grass, weeds and other vegetation are heaviest. Chiggers do not burrow into the skin, but insert their mouthparts in a skin pore or hair follicle. Their bites produce small, reddish welts on the skin accompanied by intense itching as irritating as acute cases of poison ivory or poison sumac. These symptoms often are the only way of learning that an outdoor area is infested since chiggers are so small that most cannot be seen without a magnifying glass. Chiggers feed on a wide variety of snakes, turtles, birds, and small mammals as well as humans.
The bites just itch like hell; it’ll drive you mad!
Your plant is a coleus. Coleus is my favorite plant because they come in so many gorgeous colors. They loved dappled sunlight.
Look at those skinny ankles!
Look at those cute toes! I can’t believe I am first to comment on them!
What is it supposed to mean when the second toe is longer than the big toe??
Robyn, I couldn’t agree with you more about “Big Love”. After the first episode I wasn’t sure if I would watch it again, and even after the second episode I was kinda lukewarm about it. But by the end of week 3 I was totally hooked, and looking forward to it even more than “The Sopranos”……..which is saying something because I am a huge Sopranos fan. That was a fabulous finale to the first season of “Big Love”, wasn’t it? And isn’t that little Wanda just evil personified? She’s cut from the same cloth as Nikki (Chloe Sevigny), I think, but wayyyyyyyy creepier.
By the way……..great shoes, cool lighter, wonderful swing, adorable cats and pretty flowers and plant!
aw man, all of your sunny pictures are making me so jealous! we’re heading into winter here now, as i was driving home after 5pm tonight it was already pitch black. *sniffle*
maybe it’s time for a holiday…!
Love the shoes!
Ooops, sorry…….I mean RHONDA (not Wanda) who is the creepy one in “Big Love”. She’s the 14 year old who is married to Roman. Wanda’s not creepy at all….she just goes around poisoning people with antifreeze. heh!
Thanks for putting up Savanah’s link!
Love the shoes. Careful, you are gonna end up like me. I bought MORE shoes yesterday, and I literally don’t know where I’m gonna put them.
The plant looks more like a “Pink Polka-Dot” than a coleus to me. Cute Shoes!