Vivitar digital camera I bought at the Unclaimed Baggage store when my parents were here and gave it a try. I think I mentioned that I got it for $20, with the sole intention of carrying it around in my purse in case I should come across something I wanted to take a picture of. Anyway, I snapped a few pictures to see how they’d come out.
Apparently I’m high. And in desperate need of makeup.
Spot, in the window. Open a window in the front of the house, and the cats are FASCINATED.
So yeah, it doesn’t take gorgeous or particularly sharp pictures, but it’s certainly a good enough just-in-case camera to leave in my purse (I don’t like to carry my good camera around too much, because I really sling that purse around sometimes). At least good enough ’til I get one of those Razr phones I’m coveting.
The Unclaimed Baggage store ROCKS. I should start checking it out every month or so; if nothing else, the book selection is pretty damn good.
* * *
I have an appointment for a cut and color next week. I think I’m going to go about two inches shorter and two shades lighter. I want to stay with brown hair, just a bit lighter. Now that I protect my hair with a baseball cap when I go out walking, it doesn’t see much sun, so it doesn’t get light, the way it has in the past.
Just watch – next thing you know, I’ll be going platinum blond!
(No, not really…)
* * *
2 Things (seen somewhere over at LiveJournal)
Two names you go by:
1. Robyn
2. Bessie
Two parts of your heritage:
1. Scottish
2. Cherokee
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. A yellow t-shirt
2. Gray cotton pants
Two things you want in a relationship:
1. Laughter (check!)
2. Communication (check!)
Two of your favorite hobbies:
1. Reading, even though I don’t do as much as I used to.
2. Cross-stitching (ditto)
Two things you want really badly at the moment:
1. One of the caramel nut brownies Fred made to take to his company picnic (but it’ll make me barf. ::sigh:: )
2. A teeny tiny laptop
Two pets you had/have:
1. My very first pet that belonged to me and me alone was a hamster named Laverne (my sister got Laverne’s sister, aptly named Shirley)
2. Not our first dog, but the one we had her entire life was our dog,
Taffy. She was a good girl, Taffy, and it chaps my ass to see the stuff my parents’ current dog, Benji, gets away with that Taffy never did. For instance, Taffy was only allowed in the living room ONE DAY of the year, on Christmas morning. Benji, on the other hand, hangs out in the living room ALL the time. Spoiled rotten brat.
Two things you did last night:
1. Took a very hot bath because I was FREEZING.
2. Got pissed off at the cats, who kept tromping over me as though I was a RUG or part of the FLOOR. I got them back, though – I sprayed them all with compressed air, and scared the bejesus out of them. Fuckers.
Two favorite places to eat:
1. Lonestar
2. Graziano’s in Lisbon, Maine
Two people that live in your house:
1. Fred
2. The spud
Two things you ate today:
1. Shrimp (boiled, with home-made cocktail sauce: 2 T low-carb ketchup and a dab of horseradish)
2. A cheese omelet (not at the same meal)
Two people you last talked to:
1. Fred
2. The spud (yeah, they’re the two I talk to most, can you tell?)
Two things you’re doing tomorrow:
1. Visiting the Goodwill store in Huntsville
2. Going to Sam’s
Two longest car rides:
1. We drove from Michigan to California when I was… 6? 7? I don’t remember much about it, though.
2. Driving from Rhode Island to Alabama seemed to take forEVER.
Two favorite holidays:
1. Christmas.
2. My birthday. What? It’s a holiday to ME!
* * *
Skinny Dip, by Carl Hiaasen. I just love the hell out of Carl Hiaasen, and every time I read his books about the zany characters of south Florida, it makes me want to move down there.
Recently finished:
The Big Nap, by Ayelet Waldman. I’m really, REALLY liking this series, and I lucked out, because VERY cool reader Kimberly sent me the next three in the series, so I don’t have to go out and buy them. Kimberly ROCKS.
* * *
Yeah, I know. The entries are lacking a little in substance these days. What can I say? There’s just not much going on!
If there’s anything specific you’d like me to write about, leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do. Don’t be asking about my sex life, though, or I’ll have to tell you all the story about how incredibly flexible I’ve become, and how I smacked Fred in the side of his head with my foot the other day because he was being rude during an intimate moment.
And no one wants to hear about THAT.
* * *

Spanky poses.

“How YOU doin’?”

More Spanky posing.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2005: By this time the investigator’s eyes had glazed over, and he was clearly thinking “This has WHAT to do with reliability?”
2004: When I was on the pier, the bream darted forward to partake of my delicious thighs, and I stomped across the pier as fast as I could, saying “STOP IT, YOU FUCKERS!” and I stomped up the steps to the top part of the pier, and waited for Fred to take his face out of the water.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: But. It. Was. Too. Far. From. Huntsville.
2000: Oh look, it’s Robyn, bitching. How unusual.]]>
Carl Hiaasen was on “60 Minutes” Sunday in a very good segment. I did not know that he wrote “Hoot” which according to everyone I know who saw the movie says that it sucked but the book was fabulous. I’m hoping the same thing doesn’t happen to his second movie coming up.
The Spankster! Yay! What a pretty kitty.
“If there’s anything specific you’d like me to write about, leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do. Don’t be asking about my sex life, though, or I’ll have to tell you all the story about how incredibly flexible I’ve become, and how I smacked Fred in the side of his head with my foot the other day because he was being rude during an intimate moment.”
Yay, let’s here it for the ‘Pretzel’ Bitchypoo! 😉
‘Don’t be asking about my sex life, though, or I’ll have to tell you’ — alright, already you twisted our arms – tell all….
Damn, Robyn–you can really see how your face has gotten so much thinner in that picture. Keep up the good work!! You are lookin’ great!!
Here is a question for you (you may have answered it before but I didn’t catch it–)
Why can’t you eat chicken? I know when I was having gall bladder issues- before I knew I was having gall bladder issues- anytime that I ate chicken I would be in AGONY. I went to the Dr after a 4 hour attack and he said “don’t eat fat.” So now, 8 yrs after having the frigging thing (the gall bladder that is) ripped out of my body I still can’t process fatty foods that well. It doesn’t stop me from eating them but now I intimately familiar with every bathroom between here and east timbuktu. Fun times.
Here is another one– (good thing I am at work so I can pose all these questions)
Does Mz. Poo like water?? I have had 2 tortoise shell cats and they have both been bathroom inhabitants. Both would sit on the edge of the tub and wait til the water was drained and immediately jump in and roll around. Very strange.
Oh! What gorgeous shots of Spanky!!!
Ok, in all your catting about, heh, have you ever come across a polydactyl or 6 toed kitty? If so, freak of nature, or the cutest thing with huge feet you’ve ever seen? If you ever come across one, I’m on the search. I lurve me a 6 toe kitty. Inquiring minds want to know.
RYN: The hoop that you saw on my cross stitching is called Q-Snap frames…there are plenty for sale on eBay.
Oh, I would love to use compressed air on my Holly but I don’t think it would work on a deaf dog, does it?
Go lighter but don’t go too much shorter. jmo 🙂
I really really want spanky…..
Nah, you don’t want to go to South Florida. It’s pretty much only appealing in fiction. 😉
Patty: No, the compressed air probably wouldn’t work on a deaf dog – I’m pretty sure it’s the sound that scares the cats, although with Sugarbutt, I have to actually point the air at his backside so he feels it before he runs off.
Niki: I’m probably going to have her cut the layers shorter, but leave the overall length, if that makes any sense.
Rhys: Yeah, every time I tell Fred we should move to South Florida, he looks at me like I’m nuts. Heh!
The kittycat pics are certainly “Frameworthy”!
Oooo! I Loooove me some pretty pink Spanky lips!! I just wanna give him MOOOOCHES!!! Pretty boy! And looook and that cute pink nose!!!
Yeah, Rys is right, you don’t wanna live here in FL, it’s hot as HELL right now, and besides the whole unmanaged growth thing is a bitch! (Except that it riles up Carl H, and then he writes more good stories!!
As for Poly-cats, they have a lot of em a little farther South of me in Key West… I think you can get kittens from the Hemingway House, but there is a waiting list. They are all 6 toed (and I vote for cute freaks of nature! 😉 )
Since you asked for topics to write upon I have something. Please help! If you’ve written on it in the place, go ahead and direct me to the entry, but – You’ve got multiple cats, and they go outside. How do you deal with fleas?? Our home has been invaded and we’re having one heck of a time.
Have you seen this? You should have one of your kitties audition to be in the house! 😉