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Congrats to Shelley and M! That’s going to be one stylin’ baby. (Also, if it’s a girl, I think they should name it Jezebel Tallulah.)
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When I said on Friday that one of my goals for the weekend was to dust and vacuum the garage, some of you got confused (and some of you made fun of me. Hmph.). Yes, dust and vacuum the garage, like such:
For the record, I did vacuum, but never got around to dusting. Which desperately needs to be done. Luckily it was pretty dark when I was exercising this morning, so I couldn’t really see the dust laying around, thus I didn’t feel guilty. I also didn’t weed outside. Slacker. I’ll get around to it one of these days. I did get mostly caught up on my email, though – I only have three or four left to respond to, go me!
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Hey, you know how I always say Ben Affleck has a humongous noggin? Well, a few weeks ago he was on The Ellen Degeneres Show, and I snapped a picture of the screen, and for comparison purposes, here is the Affleck noggin, compared to the Degeneres noggin:
Look at that! His head is like THREE TIMES the size of hers. One of these days he’s going to be minding his own business, and that huge melon of his is going to start tilting to the side before he can stop it, and his neck is just going to snap. You heard it here first.
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Pet store kitty pics are hither. Also, there’s a new movie of the week up of Miz Poo chasing a laser beam. Exciting, no? Click on the link in the sidebar under “other”. As always, please right-click and “save as.”
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Such a Bean.