The Newlyweds, I DVR’d their variety show Sunday night, despite endless mocking from Fred.
Last night, while Fred was taking a bath, I sat down to watch it.
Oh. My. Eyes. That was the worst fucking imitation of a ’70s variety show I’ve ever seen in my life. The worst part? When Jessica and Jewel were singing Who Will Save Your Soul. Now, I love that song and have loved it since the first time I saw it, but when Jessica started singing, IMITATING JEWEL, WITH JEWEL RIGHT THERE, I cringed. I continued to cringe as the song went on, and then I could stand the pain no longer, and I had to forward through the song.
When Nick started singing with KITT (you know, the fucking CAR from Knight Rider), I finally gave up and erased it.
Good god almighty, what can they have been thinking? Please PLEASE let there not be a second one!
* * *
Movies rented today:
Kill Bill Volume 1,
Timeline, and
Shattered Glass. I want to see
House of Sand and Fog, but all the copies the movie store had were out.
Fred actually went out and bought the last
Matrix movie when it came out last Tuesday. He was pretty excited to see it and thought I would be, too. He was amazed that I had no interest at ALL in seeing it.
“You can watch the first two and not want to see the last one?” he said.
“You bet.”
It’s not a decision I regret. Especially after he and the spud watched it, and I said “How was it?”
“It was really good,” he said. “Mostly because I slept through about half of it.”
* * *
So, I have an email address that I use only for subscribing to notify lists. I’ve had it for, oh, I don’t know. Six months? Something like that? I use it to receive notify emails and nothing else. I’ve never published it on my site anywhere.
I’m currently receiving 150+ spam emails a week at that email address. Luckily the spamcatcher catches the majority of them, but one or two a day make it through that net.
If you’ve ever wondered whether yahoogroups or sells your email address, I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet that the answer is yes.
* * *
Hey, it’s open nomination time for the Diarist Awards. If you have a journal,
go nominate someone. I suggest
Nance and
Jane for the “Mother of Doom” awards. Heh.
* * *
“How YOU doin’?”
I would never leave my work e-mail address anywhere on the web, and I never got spam. Then one day, I decided to sign up for a notify list and entered my work e-mail address. Stupid move. Almost immediately I started getting 15-20 spams a day, mostly porn oriented. So, no notify lists for me. I just have my daily “reads” bookmarked, and check them periodically for updates.
And that picture of the Bean with the mouse is hilarious.
house of sand and fog: It got such good reviews but I don’t know why. I found it to be tedious, the concept ridiculous and it was difficult to empathize with any of the characters. I love watching Jennifer (whatever her name is). I’ve been a fan of hers since Labyrinth with David Bowie. But her character in this film is hard to swallow. At any rate…a good movie to check out is As Good as it Gets.
Oh – and the Nick and Jessica hour – I caught parts of that too. It was painful. I didn’t know whether to be embarassed for them, or just poke my eyes out with chiseled sticks and be done with it.
ooh, I’m the first commenter today! Woohoo! Ok, 2 thoughts. First, I’m so surprised Robyn that you guys have not joined NetFlix – it’s sooooo easy to rent movies that way and no dragging ass to the local video store. Plus, you get to keep the movies for as long as you need! I don’t work for them or anything but I do love my membership! ($20.00 a month) I’ve had season 2 of Buffy for about amonth now – can’t get a chance to watch it all!
Thought two is about the Nick and Jessica variety hour. I was just a kid when Sonny and Cher was on and I was sooooo hoping this would be like a kinda trip down memory lane. BOY was I disappointed. I had recorded it and actually watched it ALL…big mistake.
Also, did anyone else notice that Jessica has this weird thing with her eye? It’s like one is lazy or something. She’s so pretty but when she sings she contorts herself in such a frightening way sometimes!!
Damn it all to hell. Who woulda thought that others would be posting simultaneously!
Stanley Bean has really long arms. Er, front legs.
I enjoyed House of Sand & Fog; it’s one of those movies where you want to be rooting for somebody to end up happily ever after, but since you get to see both sides of the story you really can’t pick one (or at least I couldn’t), so you’re torn as to how you want the story to end. That’s my take it on, anyway. I’d say more about it but since you haven’t seen it I’ll just hush.
Yeah, I wasn’t feelin the Nick & Jessica variety show, either–I’m starting to get the feeling they’re only together now for the publicity and stardom. Do they really love each other? It seemed like they did when I first heard about them being together & getting married, but now they’re doing all this publicity stuff and I wonder if they’re actually husband and wife anymore or just attractive business partners.
I suggest Nance and Jane for the “Mother of Doom” awards. Heh.
Very funny, smartass.
Considering that I never vote for anyone but people I like, including not bothering to even read the other nominated entries, I declare the awards a bunch of bunk. And you know I’m not the only one doing it. Hee!
I guess it helps if I actually SIGN MY damn posts, huh?
House of Sand and Fog: One of THE most depressing and devestating films I’ve ever seen. Acting is phenominal, but I can’t say that I recommend it. It’s just waaaaay heavy.
Nick and Jessica: I am sooooo smarter than the rest of you suckers. The title alone turned me off, but I still managed to catch a minute (no more) whilst channel surfing. The Farrah hair scared the shit out of me.
Bean is certainly growing up to be a handsome boy!
I read the House of Sand and Fog, but didn’t see the movie. I am an avid reader. I would say that book was probably the most depressing one I have ever read. It had few redeeming qualities for me. In fact, I sort of feel a little sick to my stomach just thinking about the book. I think I have to give my copy away, just so I don’t have to look at it ever again.
Robyn, the Nick and Jessica variety hour is the 7th sign of the apocalypse. I flipped by and screamed, MY EYES! MY EYES! as well.
Then last night, I DREAMT ABOUT HER! kill me
Re: Matrix – Revolutions
You have the DVD right there. When you have absolutely nothing else to do watch it and see that it is better than #2 and does provide some closure to the whole thing 🙂
I thought it was good.
no really… how YOU doin? 😉
okay ms7168 help me with the matrix revolutions. What the heck happened at the end?? Is neo dead or what? Also its not like the machines and the humans are all warm and fuzzy with each other, it’s probably a temporary peace at best so how does that resolve anything? Finally I thought many of the action sequences were too long and drawn out. By the 3rd movie there is not much thrill in watching neo and mr smith battle it out. Just reinforces my belief that sequels are almost always a mistake. They should have just left it at the first one.
I’m with Jackie on the Netflix thing – I absolutely love it…we always have movies to watch – and it saves us a BUNDLE in movie rentals. You can rotate 3 movies at a time – and they have all kinds of television shows and documentary’s….I’m telling ya – the way you all watch movies, it would be a good investment! The hubster and I have been very happy with it for the last year 🙂