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I was reality TV’s bitch yesterday afternoon. Not only did I watch Kill Reality, I also watched My Fair Brady. And I’ve taped Breaking Bonaduce.
I tried Hogan Knows Best last week, but couldn’t really get into it.
I think Adrianne Curry just needs to get her ass outta town, ’cause I’ve been planning my wedding to Peter Brady since I was, oh, 10 or so.
At some point when she was yelling at him, I laughed out loud, because he did the patented Peter Brady blank look and it was hilarious.
In all seriousness, I found myself liking her more than I expected, but the constant belching has got. to. go.
Okay, that’s enough reality talk for this entry.
I’m thinking of having Fred install WordPress so that I can have my veryown TV blog like I have in the past. What with Survivor starting this week and The Amazing Race starting in a few more weeks, I’d rather keep the TV talk contained to a separate blog so I don’t keep going on and on about it in this journal. I realize not everyone watches the same shows I watch and the TV talk has to be boring as hell.
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Oh, I do feel the need to mention that The Scorned (the movie they’ve been filming on Kill Reality) is going to be on E! Saturday night, September 24th. I had no idea it was a for-TV movie. For some reason, I thought it was a “real” movie. I guess they knew better than that, huh? No doubt that would have been a straight-to-video deal.
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I have this recurring dream that I’m doing something – walking around the house, doing work in the yard, driving to or from somewhere – and suddenly I can’t see. It’s not that I’m blind, it’s that I just can’t open my eyes any more than a tiny bit. It drives me frickin’ nuts, because I don’t know I’m dreaming, and it’s mighty hard to do things around the house or in the yard or, you know, while rocketing down the road, if I can’t open my eyes the entire way.
I always wake up all stressed out.
I’ve always wondered what the dream means, and concluded at one point in the past that there’s something going on in my life that I don’t want to “see”, which would be why I tend to have the same dream several nights in a row, but I’m never able to figure out what’s going on that I don’t want to “see.”
I once had a dream that I could fly, and I was wearing my prom dress in the dream, despite the fact that I was in my late 20s at the time and hadn’t worn a prom dress in many years. I was in my prom dress, flying, and having a hell of a time with the flying. I was more an out-of-control Greatest American Hero kind of flyer than an in-control save-the-universe Superman type.
Despite the fact that I couldn’t fly worth a damn, that dream remains my favorite dream, to this day.
Far better than the one I had about being naked in the halls of high school and trying to hide in a locker, for sure.
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I spent some time last night going through my January, February, and March 2002 entries to take the table html out of each entry and fix the links to images (thank you to those of you who reminded me of the “find and replace” option in various programs. I couldn’t get Dreamweaver to do it for me, but I opened the multi-image entries in Notepad, and it worked just fine for me.) and for a while I was making sure that every link in every entry was still in existence (and deleting it if it wasn’t), but then I decided that life is just too damn short to deal with that, so I stopped doing it. I’m continuing to fix links that I know the correct url for (for instance, the cats’ pages are no longer located on Bitchypoo, but have been moved to their
own subdomain on robynanderson.com; also, Fred’s page at onephatman.com is no longer around, so I’m changing all links to him to his vituperation.com address), but otherwise, if someone clicks on an old entry and runs across a link that no longer exists, I have a feeling they’ll be understanding. After all, the internet changes so much every day that it would be silly to expect links to still be around three years later.
Though I’ve been surprised at how many of the links are still valid ones.
Anyway, as I go through the entries, I mostly just strip out the table html and glance for links to see if I need to change them (my GOD, I put my email address in an awful fucking lot of entries. An email address, I should add, that no longer exists.), but every once in a while I stop and read the entry.
I swear to you, I don’t even remember writing
this one.
I guess after almost 6 years of journalling, you can’t remember all of them.
* * *
I got an email from the lady who runs the cat shelter. There’s room at the pet store for Jodie and Rambo. Except they haven’t had their rabies shots yet (they were supposed at 12 weeks, and I think they’re actually a week past that), so they’ve got to get that done. I don’t have my car today, though (it’s in the shop), so I can’t take them to get their shots until Fred gets home. I’m waiting to hear from her, but I won’t lie – I’m hoping she’ll let me keep ’em ’til Friday so I can get a few more days of love from them.
So if they don’t go to the pet store tonight, they’ll be going in the next few days. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am about that. I can’t tell you, ’cause it would be a LIE. Ohhhhhh, this is going to suck.
It’s for the best, though. It’s for the best, it’s for the best, it’s for the best.
I sure hope they get adopted together.

Apparently Rambo had never noticed that there’s a ceiling fan up there, so when Fred turned it on, it gave him quite a fright.

When discussing Mister Boogers with Rambo, we’ve been referring to him (Mister Boogers) as “Your daddy.” I mean, look at them. Don’t they look like they could be father and son?

“You want to give me food….”

Rambo walked over by Fred’s legs, and Fred moved his foot, which startled Rambo, who sailed several feet backwards and upwards. This picture makes me laugh until I wheeze.

“Leave my tail alone, woman!”

Jodie checks out the toy basket.
Just got another email from the cat shelter manager. They’ll be going tonight. Wahhh!
At least I’ll see them again tomorrow morning (assuming they’re not adopted), since I’m covering for the Thursday morning volunteer.
* * *
2004: Iβm going to start signing my emails βas everβ.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.]]>
You take the greatest cat pictures!!!
Hugs and kisses to Jodie and Rambo. I hope they find a great new home–together!
I was going to be all embarrassed b/c I watched “My Fair Brady” and I actually liked it. That girl gets on my nerves, but I can’t tear myself away from Peter Brady. I also watched the Danny Bonaduce show; I’m anxious to know what you think. It’s definitely not as light & fluffy as Brady.
So sad that Jodie & Rambo have to go, but you did a good thing for them. I know you all (including the other kitties) are going to miss them. Keep telling yourself “it’s for the best” and think of the other foster kittens in your future.
Good luck to Jodie and Rambo!!! Robyn, you’re such a good foster mom. Is there anyway you can get updates about who adopts your foster kitties?
Maybe they’ll get adopted together, by someone who reads your site! Who will send you regular pictures and updates! If I didn’t live entirely across the country from them, I’d be adopting them post-haste! π It’s so wonderful what a terrific start in life they got from you, and of course their lives will continue being full of love and happiness!
Awww. Bye, Jodie and Rambo. It’s been fun.
The group that I adopted Jada and Will from had bonded pairs that they strongly preferred be adopted together. There were signs on the cages and it was noted on the web site. I think that’s a great idea, both for the cats and the adopters, particualarly if the adopter is looking for two cats. Jada and Will were a bonded pair. (They failed to mention her penchant for giving him a smack across the nose at the slightest provocation, but I have brothers, so I know where she’s coming from.)
Robyn, you’re so good to keep putting yourself through this for their sake. You’re doing the right thing, giving them a really good start in life, they really couldn’t have it better! I’m sure it’s going to be really tough. Do something nice for yourself tomorrow, something really special (like you!). {{{hugs}}}
Augh. My cats have that same RC mouse and it SUCKS. If I can get it to connect the terminals properly to take a charge the thing still only works for about 45 seconds, and the wheels spin on the hardwood and bog down on the carpet. I HATE IT!! It was supposed to be so much fun…
‘Scuse my rant.
I’m going to miss those two and I’ve only known them thru your writing and your fantastic pictures! I hope you get a new bunch real soon!
Shelly – her voice gets on my nerves, but I don’t find her annoying as I thought I would. Heh. I’m anxious to watching Breaking Bonaduce, because I could see from the commercials that it’s a pretty serious show. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Danny Bonaduce so serious before, so I was sucked right into wanting to see it!
Amanda – We must have gotten a good one – it runs for a couple of minutes, and as long as the cats don’t knock it over, it runs across the rug okay. We have berber carpet, though, which probably makes a difference. The nasty thing is that after we’d had it and used it intermittently for a few months it stopped working, and we looked at it to find that there was hair wrapped around all the wheels. Not even cat hair – human hair. MY hair. We pulled the hair off, and it started working okay again.
Rambo and Jodie are now at the pet store. They were pretty scared, but it was a little easier to leave them knowing that I’ll be seeing them again tomorrow morning. Unless they get adopted – which would be fine with me! The less time they spend in a little cage, the better as far as I’m concerned.
But Jodie is only trying to make Rambo’s tail look like “daddy’s” π
I’ll miss seeing pics of those little rugrats.. Anyone live near Robyn who is going to run in after she drops them off and lay claim on them?
Bye, bye sweet kitties! Rather sad but know there will be more adventures of the fostering kind. Hope it is sooner than later π
i’m addicted to all of the reality shows you mentioned….and more.
johnny fairplay is a freak.
breaking bonaduce is like the car accident you can’t turn away from. and apparently at some point in the season, he attempts suicide (not while they’re filming).
and you can’t marry peter brady either….he’s mine
i’m anxiously awaiting the start of survivor tomorrow night…..
Can I have Jodie? How far are you willing to meet me to drop her off to me? I live in Indiana and already have 2 other grey/white cats…she’s so beautiful and reminds me of my first cat…..let me know…I’m being serious….
Donna – she’s already at the pet store and up for adoption. If you’re interested in adopting her, you’d have to call the shelter. If you’d like the shelter phone number, let me know.
I’m trying to slow up some on the reality shows. I saw the first two or three episodes of “Kill Reality” and decided it was too stupid to continue. I watch “The Surreal Life” pretty regularly and like you I am looking forward to the new “Survivor” and “The Amazing Race” which are coming up.
I decided to forgo “My Fair Brady” and “Tommy Lee Goes To College” and I never have gotten into “Big Brother”.
I have that SAME DREAM! (about the not being able to open your eyes). But for me it’s always when driving. I also have a dream where I can’t close my mouth.
Gotta tell you about the dream I had recently….I was meeting someone (which turned out to be you!) and when I asked where Fred was, you pointed to the hatchback of E’gar and said ‘He’s in there, of course.’ I didn’t believe you so you opened the hatch and there was a pizza box. You opened the lid of the box and there was Fred, miniature size–bout 4″, wearing the ridiculous umbrella hat from his website(cause that’s the only visual I have of him!). I said ‘Oh’, you smiled at Fred, he smiled back and then you closed the pizza box lid and asked if I wanted a coffee. End of dream. Too freakin’ weird….wonder what the hell I ate before bed???!!