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I’m dancing! I’m dancing! See me dancing! I’m dancing! Survivor! I’m dancing! Survivor tonight! I’m dancing! I’m dancing! I’m doing the Cabbage Patch! I’m dancing! I’m dancing! Amazing Race! I’m dancing! I’m dancing! Amazing Race on the 27th! I’m dancing! I’m dancing! At least two months of both Survivor and Amazing Race! I’m dancing! I’m dancing!
I’m passing out! I’m passing out! Fat women shouldn’t! Dance too! Vigorously! For too long! I’m panting! But excited! Survivor! Survivor! I’m dancing! Slowly! I’m dancing! Very slowly! Please god let there be! Someone I can hate! On Survivor! Love to hate them! Those Survivors! No fun! If there’s! No one to hate! I’m dancing! I’m dancing!
I need a nap.
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Currently reading:
Monkey Business, by Sarah Mlynowski. (I’ll have you know I spelled her last name correctly on the first try without even checking. GO ME.)
Finished recently:
The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things. This was a REALLY good book. I didn’t realize when I put it on my wish list that it was a young adult book, but I’d recommend it for teens (it’s intended for grades 7 – 10, I believe) AND adults. I really, really liked it, and I recommend it.
* * *
All of 2002 is now in WordPress; I finished January through March the other night, and Fred converted the entries to WordPress yesterday.
You know what this means? This means that I ONLY have 26 months of entries to go through!
Ugh. I’m a wordy motherfucker.
* * *
So, I took the kittens to the pet store yesterday. Since my car’s in the shop, I dropped Fred off at his second-favorite mountain (hill) to go hiking, then stopped by the vet’s to get rabies shots for the kittens, and then set up their cage, put plenty of toys in there for them, and filled out the cards that go on their cage.
Rambo was okay – he’s always been more independent than Jodie – but Jodie was very scared. After I’d gotten their card filled out and hung on their cage, I opened the cage door to pet and comfort her, and she climbed up onto me, making sad little whining noises. I stayed as long as I could, but I had to get going, since Fred finished his hike before I was even out of the pet store, and I had to actually pull poor Jodie off me and put her back in the cage.
Break my heart, why don’tcha?
It was a little easier leaving them than it was when I left the previous batch, because I knew I was covering for the Thursday morning volunteer and that I’d see them this morning.
I went in this morning and Jodie was sitting in the litter box, looking scared.
I opened the cage and talked to both of them. Jodie came over and made sad little whining noises at me, looking just as scared as she could be. I put Rambo down on the floor to look around, but Jodie didn’t want to leave the cage, so I left her in there, and went back frequently to talk to her and pet her.
Eventually she was willing to come out of the cage, and I let Giles out of his cage. Giles wanted to play, but Jodie was having none of that, just hissed and smacked at him. Giles is such a sweetheart that he backed right off to the other end of the room and just watched her, occasionally coming close to see if she wanted to play, but backing off when she hissed.
By the time I left the petstore after an hour and a half, Jodie and Rambo were both ignoring me and playing with the toys I’d left in their cage.
I think they’re going to be okay. Once they get accustomed to being in the cage, they’ll relax enough to be their cute little charming selves. I bet they’ll be adopted by Monday.

Jodie’s not sure she cares for this.

Jodie insists on cleanliness in everyone around her.

This is possibly my favorite Rambo yawn picture.

It sure is quiet around here today.
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Miz Poo does not miss those kittens one teeny tiny bit.
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2004: Waiting for Ivan.
2003: No more Benifer. How sad.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Speaking of N Sync – that Lance Bass is a cutie, but I get the distinct feeling that although the lights are on, no one’s home. ]]>
Robyn, I know how much you enjoy the celebrity gossip thing, so I immediately thought of you when I went to Junk Feud–she did this great celebrity cell phone thing that is just the funniest! I’m not spamming for the site or anything, but I think you’d get a kick out of it, especially the Vince Vaughn parts!
I know you have to give them up, but that would have just broken my heart. Poor Jodie. I’m sure she’ll have a new home very soon.
You & Fred are so great for taking in foster kittens! I know it’s got to be terribly sad letting so of them. I hope they find good homes. I got my kitten from a couple who foster kittens just like you do and it’s been great. I e-mail them pictures of her from time to time- it makes them happy knowing that one of their charges found a good home!
Robyn, I don’t know how you do it! Jodie and Rambo were with you for such a long time. I hope they can be adopted together. I salute you, girl!
Survivor! Thursday’s are fun again! Right with you there…dancin! Now resting and now dancin again, Whoo Hoo. Whew! I wonder if they mind if I take a nap here at work? 🙂
i miss jodie and rambo already!!! 🙁 i don’t know how you do it!!! thanks for sharing them with us. i look forward to more foster kitties in the future. it’s nice to know you provide such a loving home for them to grow in. 🙂
I’m soooo excited about Survivor tonight too. However, I discovered this morning while watching the news that the Prez is making a primetime speech tonight. It better not interfere with Survivor or I’m going to hate him even more.
Hi Robyn! I, too, am glad that Survivor and Amazing Race are coming back to my TV schedule. If you’d like to check out a really awesome Survivor site, I encourage you to visit: http://jam.canoe.ca/Television/TV_Shows/S/Survivor11/
My husband is Canadian and turned me on to the canoe.ca site several years ago. John Powell does a bang-up job.
equally as excited about survivor…thanks for the tip about vigorous dancing.
in my time zone, GWB’s speech conflicts with suvivor. they better delay the start of survivor, or his approval rating will go even lower.
I can’t wait for Survivor tonight …so excited. And we get it on a Canadian channel to boot so the shrub wont be messin with me …i hope. So who do you predict the 2 past favorite survivors to be that will be coming back? rawb and amba of course …thats my prediction.
Farewell foster kitties Jodie and Rambo! We loved you well.
When are you going to get a new batch of fosters?
Angie: Hilarious! Heh. Gotta love that Vince Vaughn. 🙂
Margaret: Earlier today, I would have said I was going to ask the shelter manager to give me some more kitties next week, but as of this afternoon our cats apparently have some sort of raging throat infection that they can pass to each other (Spot had it first, now Miz Poo and Mister Boogers have it; we’re just waiting for Spanky to start showing symptoms), so I think we’ll probably wait until they’re all feeling better before I go bringing new cats home.
how come your cats always get sick when the kittens leave?
Sharon: I suspect they’re in mourning because they miss the kittens so much. Which I consider a good reason to go get them and bring them home! 🙂
I am glad it was easier for you this time than it was the last time, but I am sure it still stings a lot! I will miss Jodie and Rambo! I am looking forward to a new set of babies!!! You are a peach to put your heart on the line like that…you ROCK!
Oh I will miss those babies as I know you will too.
I love the pic where he grabs again, what I love is the Poo and her expression, she looks like one of those pics you see in the local paper at a high school basketball game. Like one of those people in the crowd watching a slam dunk..hee!
Poor Jodie, how heart breaking! I am so surprised you didn’t steal her back away home.