* * *
When I was in Maine, I saw this card, and it made me laugh out loud, so I bought it:
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The last several nights, after Fred goes off to bed, I’ve been settling down in my own bed with BobPod for a little quality one-on-one time. I finished the last half of
Weeds Season 2, and it ended on such a cliffhanger that I got my laptop and watched the first episode of the new season.
Might I say that it is utterly ridiculous that they bleeped all the bad language? For the love of god, they’re okay with people watching a show about a suburban mother who sells pot, but horrors! God forbid they hear the “f” the “s” the “gd” the “a” or the “p” words!
Also, I object. I OBJECT. I strenuously OBJECT the fact that each episode is NOT available on iTunes after it’s been broadcast on Showtime. There’s just no way on earth I’m going to convince Fred that we need to subscribe to Showtime for one (okay, if you include
Dexter, two) shows. I could probably badger him into it, but I don’t particularly want to subscribe to Showtime for one (two!) shows. We already have a thousand fucking channels we never watch; I don’t need another one.
So I suppose I’ll have to wait ’til Season 3 comes out on DVD. Fuckers.
Speaking of
Dexter, Fred and I started watching it last week (we got the first disc of Season 1 from Netflix) and we’re enjoying it (I think the actress who plays Deb is annoying, though). Fred might be relating a little too much to it, though – halfway through the second episode, he said “Do you think they write it deliberately so that people will start to worry that they might be psychopaths, too?”
I think the show is better than the books. I don’t much care for the way the books are written, but I keep buying and reading them because the premise is so interesting. (And I just discovered
the third book is released today.)
Speaking of watching things, we watched some movie with Halle Berry and Bruce Willis (
Perfect Stranger, IMDB reminds me), and it was pretty boring. It had a nice little twist at the end, but even the most interesting twist doesn’t make up for a movie that spends 90 minutes boring the shit out of you. I wasn’t really even paying attention after the first half hour, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss a damn thing.
Has Halle Berry always looked so much like Sandra Bullock, or is that new?
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When I go into the foster kitten room, I am surrounded by the most adorable little monkeys, and my tongue – I believe I’ve mentioned – is constantly sore because I bite it so I won’t squeeze the stuffing out of the kittens. Whether it’s Jake and Eddie Dean climbing into my lap and flopping over, or Billy Bumbler batting at my face when I pick him up, or Susannah fighting wildly on the other side of the room, I am bathed in the glow of the cute. I end up spending at least 45 minutes in there every time I go in, and when I walk out, I’m as relaxed as if I’d had a massage. This bonding-with-the-kittens thing could totally turn into a business. People would pay $20 for half an hour of kitten bonding, wouldn’t they?

The three orange kittens (Callahan, Susannah, Billy Bumbler) will be going to the pet store today (but there’ll be pictures of them for the rest of the week, because I have so many in the queue on my memory stick) and the three brown tabbies will be going on Friday. Think happy adoption thoughts, y’all!
I’ve developed a little crush on Billy Bumbler, because y’all KNOW how I love the orange kittens, and also, when I pick him up and look at him, he does this little swiping-at-my-face thing like “I are a badass! Le grrrr!”, and it’s severely cute. Also, he’s a porky little thing, and who doesn’t love a porky little kitten?

“Please, can we have the snuggles now?”

“So…no snuggles? At all? Not a little bitty snuggle?”

“No snuggles… ever? Or just not right now? Because if I have to be patient for the snuggles, I can be. I’m a patient little girl, and if I know that there will eventually be snuggles, I can chill out and back off. You just say the word, boyfriend.”
“Oh lord, how much more must a poor kitteh suffer? How much longer, lord?”
* * *
2006: *Of course I want my daughter to be in a relationship with someone who treats her well, isn’t a criminal, and is carrying no communicable diseases. But I flat-out do not care whether that person has a penis or a vagina.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: Dirk is a happy, happy man. Dirk is very close to orange.
2002: Instead of finding it cute and amusing, I am, instead, bitter that I’ll never get that 94 minutes of my life back.
2001: (he’s a dumbass, she’s a dumbass, they’re dumbasses, wouldn’t you like to BE a dumbass too?!)
2000: No entry.]]>
they started airing Dexter here in the UK this summer and I was HOOKED. It airs on Sunday nights on the FX channel, which is nice. The season finale is this Sunday, Yay! I’m not sure how far you are into the season, but the Deb character bugged me too until about episode 8 (I think) when you see a different side to her.
And yes, I would pay $20 for some kitten therapy.
I gave up and subscribed to Showtime last year. I have been watching it too! Because now as well as “Dexter” and “Weeds” there is also “Californication” which is great if you haven’t seen it yet.
Did you read that the pay movie channels are starting to look at people who download their programs illegally 🙁 Greed I tell you . . greed!!
Waaaah! The kitten pix don’t show up for me anymore!
The page, she is loading… and loading… aaaaaaand loading… and the text is up immediately, but the photos never display. I wanna see the kittens, since they live too far away for me to adopt and snuggle in person!
I thought for sure there’d be a end photo of the two snuggling. Ah well. I guess I’ll have to wait for the snuggles too.
I keep saying we need to get Weeds into our list on Netflix, among so many other shows. I started watching Six Feet Under not long ago and am completely hooked on it.
deeje: Is this the first time they’re not showing up for you, or has it been a regular thing? What if you hit “stop” and “reload”? Is anyone else having an issue seeing the cat pics?
Oh the kitteney goodness….. they look so good I could just eat them up….. but I bet they would taste very “kitteney”.
i see cat pics just fine… and i was SO hoping for a snuggly pic of stinkerbelle & tommy! she loves her some tommy! lol
Hey Robyn,
I’m still having an issue seeing the pictures too. Same here as deeje and I’ve hit stop and reload. Yesterday the pictures up to you and Mr. Boog came up – after that nothing. I just figured it was these goofballs here at work “tweaking” our system.
I’m so hooked on “Weeds,” too; I’m about halfway through the second season. I don’t know how I’m going to wait for the third season to come out on DVD, but I have to wait for the second season of “Big Love,” too. Waaaaaaaaaa!
I wonder if the birds are coming down your chimney or getting carried in through the cat door by the cats? Very strange. If you see Tippi Hedren hanging around your house, watch out!
I see the photos just fine and I would pay $20 for kitten therapy.
Speaking of kittens, last night I was watching Miami Animal Police and they found a box of newly abandoned kittens. There were 4 in total but the runt died and I sobbed and sobbed. Um, I think the hormones I’m taking for our upcoming insemination are working.
I read the first part of your post and all I could think was “R0byn And3r0n, Bird Whisperer.”
Oh, those of you who can’t see the pictures – are the sidebars loading okay? The only thing I can think of is that something in the sidebar is taking too long to load (or can’t load because you’re at work).
Which reminds me – if you can’t see the pictures, are you surfing in from work, or home?
Photos load up immediately for me, no problems … and so very cute!
Everything loads up instantly except for the misc. – it doesn’t load either at all or with the red x in the box, but most times doesn’t load.
Everything loads fine for me, I am loading at work.
Question for question day: Do you give your cats baths? Why or why not? If so, how often do you bathe them? (Just curious)
no photo problems for me either (I’m at work)
Yep, there is definitely something wrong with birds lately.
Hubby was outside on our patio cutting up brush and he was using an old laundry hamper with a garbage bag in it to stuff the sticks into. When he was done, he brought it into the garage for transport to the mulch-making place. The following day, I heard an annoying chirping so loud, it was driving our dog Cody crazy. He would go to the back door and whine and then go to the chimney and whine. I thought we had bats again.
On Saturday when he was ready to take the sticks out to the mulch-making place, Cody got out of the door and went straight to the basket and tried to knock it over. We looked inside and there was a bird just sitting there chirping. We took the basket back outside and watched—he just sat there. We turned it over a little and only then did he hop out.
Crazy birds!!!!
No problem loading the photos here either – and I’m at work.
Like you, I refuse to get Showtime just for that and Weeds, though. I thought about switching from HBO now that the Sopranos are over and this season of Big Love ended, but I do love Bill Mahr…and, truth be told, I can’t be bothered to call the Dish people. I cannot believe that I didn’t know Dexter was based on BOOKS, for pete’s sake! just watched the first 3 dvds (and the 4th better get here today) and ADORE Dexter.
Is it wrong to find a serial killer so attractive, do you think? Heh.
I went to the library site and requested those books, asap. Thanks, Robyn!
I wonder if you would be willing to check out a blog I am doing for a friend and posting a link to it if you are okay with it- http://www.thefundforaaron.blogspot.com
Aaron is a fellow cat lover, though she “only” has 4 right now! She is dealing with terminal lung cancer and I am hoping to raise enough funds to send her to Disney.
Robyn, be careful, or before you know it you’ll end up like Tippi Hedren and have birds pecking at your beautiful new house trying to get in at you!
I have no problems with your photos loading. I do have questions for Friday. Is Fred jealous of Stinkerbelle’s apparent crush on Tommy? Since Fred was allowed to bring a new kitten into your household, will you be doing the same also? Billy Bumbler is so cute 😉 he looks like Sugarbutt.
May I just say that I am seriously jealous of your talent for creating captions?
Dear sweet Tommy-lad looks to be developin’ a bit o’ the het, eh?
I think those kittens with the HUGE ears and the ticked fur are probably part Abyssinian.Maybe even the orange ones.
Which ,if these shelters would recognize and advertise as “such” might make them all MORE adoptable.
People pay big money , for certain “behavioral traits” in a cat. And even the mix breeds can have these traits.
It drives me nuts when they don’t try to help the mixed babies monopolize on that.
Check out O Reilly’s baby pics on Catster..to see what I mean.
Oh , save me from being one of those crazy cat ladies with a hundred cats. :)))
I wouldn’t recommend subscribing to Showtime. Besides the few shows that people mentioned the rest of the channel is crap. They show better movies on TBS.