This blog is to help her get to Disneyland.
You guys, how fucking awesome would it be if we could help raise enough money to send Aaron to Disneyland? You realize that every little bit helps, I hope – if you can spare some money, pleasepleaseplease go donate!
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I got a text message with a picture from the spud late the other night. She went and had her hair cut for the first time in a long time, and wanted me to see how it looked.

She’s always had really pretty curls, but tended to wear her hair pulled back so you couldn’t really see ’em. I like the way this cut really shows them off. She has such pretty hair, doesn’t she?
(Still doing well, working two part-time jobs (having a hard time finding a full-time one right now), has a boyfriend.)
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First, a meme. Then the best picture ever taken on the face of this planet. (And for those of you who can’t see the pictures I’m uploading, a link to the same picture on Flickr underneath it.) THEN I’m going to go off and watch the second episode of
Tell Me You Love Me. I watched the first episode and really liked it despite the rampant nudity – and my only gripe with the rampant nudity is the balls flying around. I understand now why they’ll show women naked all over the place and not men: it’s ’cause women don’t have BALLS FLYING AROUND. No one needs to see that, really.
I stole this meme from Kinzie a while back.
1. Where were you 1 hour ago?
In the kitchen, putting dishes in the dishwasher and fighting off the advances of Princess Stinkerbelle, who thinks that someone in the kitchen equals Snack! Time!
2. Who will your next kiss be with?
Fred, or a cat, I’m sure. Probably one of those brown tabbies upstairs.
3. Do you kiss a lot of people?
Just the one.
4. Are you wearing socks right now?
I’m not, and my feet are cold. I’d turn around and put my slippers on, but I can’t be bothered.
5. When was the last time you went out of state?
In August, when I went to Maine.
6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Nope, I haven’t been to the movies since I was in Maine. Fred’s not much of a moviegoer.
7. What was the last thing you had to drink?
8. What are you wearing right now?
An Oscar the Grouch “S is for Scram” t-shirt, gray cotton shorts, the usual underwear.
9. What was your last purchase?
I bought some.. stuff… at Target yesterday. OKAY! Cat toys! I bought cat toys! I couldn’t help it, they were
Fat Cat toys and the cats ADORE the Fat Cat stuff!
10. Last food you ate?
Half a bagel with peanut butter last night at snack time.
11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
The person who answered the phone at the vet clinic (Sugarbutt’s got red, weepy eyes (perhaps he’s just feeling Emo?) and terramycin and triple antibiotic didn’t help, so I think he needs to be seen. It’s always something with him.)
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Nope. I almost bought a yellow t-shirt at Target yesterday, but I have enough t-shirts, and I’m not buying anymore round-neck shirts. They annoy my wattle.
13. Do you have a pet?
One or two.
14. What’s the last sporting event you watched?
Well, this would be stretching “sporting event” quite a bit, but the other day I watched
Ekaterina Gordeeva’s performance from Celebration of a Life on YouTube the other night. All these years later, it’s no less heartbreaking.
15. Are you a pirate?
I have not yet attained the level of dorkitude that would allow me to answer “yes.”
16. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
Right where I am, actually.
17. What is the last thing you purchased online?
Uh. Good lord, it’s been a while, I think. Let’s see… Oh, of course! The second season of Weeds, from iTunes.
18. One thing you hate about yourself?
I’m a master procrastinator. Also, wishy-washy. Well, wishy-washy until I feel I’m being bullied, then I pick a stance and stick to it.
19. What’s your favorite soup?
Homemade chicken and rice – but I’m not usually much of a soup fan.
20. Do you miss anyone?
The spud!
21. Last play you saw?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a play, actually. Do musicals count? Because if so, it’d have to be Hairspray.
22. What are your plans for the day?
Sugarbutt’s got an appointment at the vet’s at 10:30 and I need to run the stuff to the recycling center, but other than that, I have no real plans. I might chop and freeze the green peppers, and make a batch of jalapeno jelly (thanks, those of you who mentioned it. I’d forgotten I wanted to make some!), but then again I might put that off ’til tomorrow or this weekend.
24. Ever go to camp?
I attended various day camps, but never sleepover camp.
25. Were you an honor roll student in school?
Not in the least.
26. What do you know about the future?
I try not to think about it too much.
27. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
No, I didn’t put any on this morning. I tend not to, most of the time.
28. How is one to classify?
However one wishes.
29. Do you have a tan?
I do not. I’ve got plenty of freckles, though!
30. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
I was 20. Hopefully the spud will be MUCH OLDER when she has hers.
31. Last person who made you cry?
Margery Williams:
Does it hurt?” asked Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. “When you are Real, you don’t mind being hurt.”
“Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,” he asked, “or bit by bit?”
“It doesn’t happen all at once,” said the Skin Horse. “You become. It takes time. That’s why it doesn’t often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real, you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”
2. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
My ears are pierced (given how long I tend to go between the times I bother to wear earrings, I can’t believe the holes haven’t grown closed). I don’t have a tattoo yet – but I intend to, one day. I suspect it will be cat-based.
32. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Yes. Is that a strange thing? And is that a grammatically correct question, up there? Because it seems like it’s not so much.
33. How do you like your soda?
Sweet and fizzy, JUST LIKE AH LAHK MAH MEN.
34. Do you like hot sauce?
Not at all.
35. Next time you’ll take a shower?
Tomorrow morning. I shower every single morning; I can’t even remember the last time I skipped a shower.
37. What is your mood?
Gassy. Is gassy a mood?
38. Are you someone’s best friend?
I believe so.
39. What did you want for Valentine’s Day?
Uh. Dinner out, probably. That’s what I usually want for any kind of occasion.
40. What are you doing right now?
That’s a stupid question, and I refuse to answer it because the answer is OBVIOUS.
* * *
The best picture ever taken on the face of this planet.
* * *
2006: “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “That’s the monkey (ex-boyfriend) gave me. She can crap all over it if she wants.”
2005: We meet Sugarbutt, Tommy, and their siblings!
2004: No entry.
2003: Since he’s a year older than me, that’ll give me two years to theatrically take to my bed and waste away. Sounds about right.
2002: Obviously whoever lives at 308 belongs to the Bitchypoo “If I don’t know you, I ain’t answerin’ the door” school of thought.
2001: I hate you, Mr. Mailman.
2000: Only US Magazine would consider it newsworthy that Michael Douglas is changing diapers he hasn’t been wearing. ]]>
Real Man Parts on a show that’s not X rated. Wow! I’m impressed. And all pictures loaded today. Yippee. Glad I got to see the greatest picture ever. Even the misc. on the sidebar loaded. Life’s good – all of Robyn is back….
And that’s a really cute hair cut for the Spud.
Really cute hair for the spud, but I have to disagree on the “greatest picture ever.” I’m still a superfan of the surprised-cat picture you use all the time. If I were a better reader, I could tell you which cat it is. Boogers?
The spud is such a cute girl and I do like the new cut.
Of course musical’s count. There’s still a story and there’s still dialogue so they’re plays. Just plays where people burst into song.
Kitty says: Braaiins, I want you’re braaiins!!
“the usual underwear.”
Okay, this begs the question, do you change your underwear? The usual underwear implies that you have just one pair. (*seriously big grin!*)
Hee! Best Photo Ever!
And as a bonus, I can see it from here! But I must go back to yesterday’s pix and check ’em out in Flickr. Yay for alternate links!
aaaaand, back again because Robyn asked me a question yesterday that I didn’t see until just now.
The sidebars have always loaded for me, and the photos within the body displayed fine until just recently. As someone else commented yesterday, I thought it was some work-related setting that had changed. But now that I think of it, it may have first started with the rebuild after you got back from Maine.
If there’s just one or two photos in the post, the page usually loads fine. But more than that, and they don’t appear. No “placeholder” box where the photo should be, just… an extra blank line or two between paragraphs, and that message at the bottom of the browser that it’s still loading.
In a rather sad way, I’m glad it’s not just me experiencing it! Thanks for adding the direct link to Flickr; I need a kitten fix in the worst way.
I don’t SKIP showers. I just don’t take them every day.
The Spud looks great – she has beautiful eyes, doesn’t she?
(another Leslie)
First- thank you Robyn! We are well on the way to sending Aaron to Disney World- I had made a mistake on that.
Secondly, The spud’s hair looks great!
Finally, the quote from The Velveteen Rabbit is one of my favorite ones as well.
The spud is so pretty, and that haircut looks great on her!
Robyn, I just watched the end of the second season of “Weeds,” and Oh. My. God. Cliffhanger, indeed! I’m dying here.
Sweet and fizzy men, hee.
Ooo la la! That haircut/style is a winner for spud. A real Botticelli babe.
Aaaarrrgh! It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day! I thought ye ought to know.
13. Do you have a pet?
One or two. Or 7 (9)
I love reading your website Robyn. When I talk about you to my husband about you, I say “oooh the cat lady did this, or I read this on the cat lady’s website today”. We love all the cute pictures of the kitties. I want another cat, but we have 3 and he wont let me have one right now.
Keep the awesome writing!
Oh God I love memes! It’s wrong how much I love them. And that is an adorable kitten picture.
Oh my gosh! Velveteen Rabbit quote! Loved that book when I was a wee lassie. Loved loved loved and cried cried cried. 🙂
Dang it, forgot what else I was going to say. Argh.
That quote really got to me….I’ve never read that book but now I shall.
The Spud is bee-U-ta-ful. She’s growing up so fast!!
Very cute kitteh pic but I agree with the poster above, the Boogs “WTF” pic is my fav.
That really is the BEST! PHOTO! EVER!!
I love it!
I donated to your friend. I hate to hear of kids losing their parents.
Donated. Done.
Spud is so cute! I love her new “do” and it still amazes me that her and Brian are merely cousins and not siblings! 🙂
That Velveteen Rabbit quote I have on vellum for my scrapbooks. I plan on using it with a pic of me reading that story to Ayden at Christmas. Yeah, dorky, sentimental but DAMN if that is not one of my favorite childhood books EVER!
Haircut is supercute. I am glad she and mommy are both doing well.
Spud’s haircut: Thumb’s up!
Best Photo Ever: Someone should Photoshop it so he’s pounding his chest like Tarzan. Hee!
ps -I like the Boog pic, the one you use for emphasis purposes, which is truly the Best Photo Ever!
glad the Spud is Spudtacular!
So – I’m from Pennsylvania, but I’ve fallen in love…. with Callahan!!
How does distance adoption work for you? Seriously….
Wow, your daughter really does look like a Botticelli. Check out a picture of the painting called Birth of Venus. She reminds me of Botticelli’s Venus. (Andy Warhol did a really cool spinoff of that painting, BTW — did one of his four-panel multi-colored numbers of her face.)
The Velveteen Rabbit was always one of mine and my daughter’s favorite books. For your readers that might not have read it (for shame), they can read it here: