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We watched My Name is Earl last night. I’ve been wanting to check it out, but Fred LOATHES Jason Lee – he thinks he looks like Jonny Fairplay, which I don’t see, personally – and so I had to basically talk him into it. I wanted to see it because Kevin Smith gave it a rave review, which I know you have to take with a grain of salt, because he and Jason Lee are friends and all, but still I wanted to at least give it a try.
It was really pretty good. We both laughed out loud several times, and the casting for the show was done perfectly – Jaime Pressly will always and forever be total white trash to me, since the first time I ever saw her was in the Jerry Springer movie.
I even got Fred to admit that he liked the show, and given how much he’s always hated Jason Lee – he says he’s got a smack-me face – it’s got to be good.
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The Next Big Thing.
Finished late last night:
All Families are Psychotic, by Douglas Coupland. Good book – it reminded me more than a little of the zany Dave Barry/ Carl Hiaasen kind of writing, and not just because it takes place in Florida. You know how in the Hiaasen and Barry books, weird and crazy shit keeps happening to the characters, and rather than stopping and saying “Hey. That was some crazy-ass shit that just happened, there”, they just take it into stride and keep plugging along? Yeah, that’s kind of what happened in the Coupland book.
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Someone posted a comment yesterday telling me that I should rename the kittens, at least for their stay with us, and I stopped and thought about it, and that’s really a pretty good idea. Because the names a couple of them have just really don’t – this is just my opinion – fit them very well at all. I posted a comment back saying that I’d rename Sad Eyes “Charlie”, but actually, I was thinking about it last night, and I think I’ve really come up with the only name (considering the past few days) that fits him: Sugarbutt.
So for the rest of their stay at Casa And3rson, Sad Eyes is going to become Sugarbutt, Little Cal is becoming Callie, and Barrett is becoming Bear, because he looks like a little bear. Smitty’s going to remain Smitty, ’cause that’s a pretty good name.
I’ve been putting holding a damp sugar-covered paper towel against Sugarbutt’s (hee!) behind a couple of times a day for the past few days, and I don’t know if it’s the sugar, or the fact that I’m using Tuck’s pads (which are just pads soaked in witch hazel) to wipe him down, but things seem to be improving. I think once we can get past the diarrhea (we’re giving them deworming medicine tonight, more on that in a sec) things will get much better.
I noticed last night that the kittens’ stomachs are big and tight. Sugarbutt, especially, has a huge round belly, but they all to some extent have big guts, bigger than I’m used to seeing on kittens. After some Googling around, I realize that that’s a sign of roundworm infection, and it’s time to deworm the little stinkers anyway. Hopefully the deworming will help, and also hopefully I’m keeping the room closed off enough that OUR cats won’t up and develop worms, because that’s not something I particularly want to have to deal with, THANKS.

Callie does the hula.

Are you talkin’ to Smitty? Are YOU talkin’ to SMITTY? You MUST be talkin’ to Smitty, I don’t see no one else around…

Sugarbutt gives Smitty the sad little “Can’t I play with the toy, too?” eyes.

Bear, up close. Such pretty eyes.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
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Last night’s sunset.
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2004: “No, this is real time!” Fred sighed.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Written by hand.
2000: No entry.]]>
Sugarbutt — perfect. I think I’ll call my hubby “Sugarbutt” tonight and see what happens. Hee!
I watched “My Name is Earl” last night, too, and loved it – which was a huge surprise. I hope it stays funny (you know how some shows start out great and then just turn into crap? UGH.)
I love orange kitties!! I wish I lived closer I would adopt Smitty and Sugarbutt. I have been watching the shelters here in Ohio for a little orange girl, but I would take the boys, so cute!
I enjoyed “My name is Earl” too, it was great!
I love it, Sugarbutt! My threesome are doing quite well. They have their eyes open and I can not talk around the laundry room or they will hear me. Then they start their sad mama meowing. It is so funn I will be feeding one and it will just fall over asleep! Ed thinks I won’t give them away and for once he may be right!
I have 3 year old orange little guy. He is not quite as orange as Smitty and Sugarbuttm, he quite the Angel/Devil. I was wondering if you could help me before I take the little beast to the vet. He licks and licks his tummy on the same spot, so of course it is bright red and has little pimple like things on it. There are no cuts or brusing. He just spends his time licking and licking and I know he not happy about it. If you or your readers could help it would be great, I have a vet appointment but you know how that goes $200 to $500 later. Thanks!
Nip/Tuck returned last night too. I imagine they will repeat it. It’s 90 minutes and was fairly good.
Thank you for renaming the kittens. Sugarbutt is 10,000 times more fun to read about than Sad Eyes, and fits so much better with Mister Boogers and Miss Poo, although it does appear that the developing theme for naming cats is “comes out an orifice”. But Callie and Bear are improvments,too.
“walking-through-the-house rage” Hee! Love it!
I love looking at picture of the kitties. They are so cute! And that is a gorgeous sunset! Thanks for sharing.
I miss my big orange guy. There’s just something wonderful about an orange cat.
Bear is a little version of Will. So pretty. His whiskers look white. Will’s are black.
I want that bumpersticker! I Love the Ragin Cajun Honere. He rocks my world! Thanks for the link.
You are a much better woman than I, for there is no way I’d be able to open my house to creatures with anal problems and possible worms. I guess I am just selfish that way.
Mimi: I think you’re going to end up having to take him to the vet. Either there’s something there irritating him, or it’s a mental thing. We had a problem with Spot grooming himself all the time, and ended up having to put him on an anti-depressant.
MS7186: Yeah, we taped it to watch tonight. I CAN’T WAIT!
Heh. Sugarbutt, absolutely perfect.
Glad the Tuck’s are helping Robyn! Thumbs up for Sugarbutt….
I think Sugarbutt is a clear winner here. Snort.
Jason Lee=Johnny Fairplay? Lets see, one is blonde, one is brunette..and one is weasly looking the other not..
Ok, sorry Fred gotta go with Robyn on this one.
Yup. That sounds like round worm belly. Are you using an OTC de-wormer? I’ve never used that before and I’d love to hear how it works for you. If you go to the vet, they’ll probably give you Strong1d for it, which is bright yellow so it will make interesting patterns when sprayed out of kitten mouths along with the bright pink amoxy! It works great, though.
BethK: We gave them their first dose of Drontal last night, and their second dose will come in two weeks. I hope it works, because their little hard, round bellies bother me!
On a side note, we weighed them last night. They’re now 12 weeks old, and the heaviest kitten weighs an entire pound less than Rambo did when he was 12 weeks old!
I laughed out loud at My Name Is Earl too and I’m not a big Jason Lee fan, but I loved the fact that he thought Carson Daly came up with Karma. I laughed so loud I almost snorted juice out my nose. Thank you so much for writing every day and keeping a smile on my face. I truly appreciate your site every day.