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This is Fred’s proof that Jason Lee and Jonny Fairplay could be twins:

I have to say, I think I see his point.
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We watched
Nip/Tuck last night. I really like that show; I think Fred doesn’t care for it as much as I do, though. He thought it got a little too soap opera-ish in the second season. As far as I’m concerned, if I get to look at Julian McMahon, it can be as cheesy as it wants to be. Also, I think Kimber is about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. She’s ADORABLE.
I taped Lost last night, but haven’t watched it yet. I’m waiting until after I’ve showered and eaten lunch to settle down on the couch. I can’t WAIT!

I’m dancing! I’m dancing! Survivor tonight! I’m dancing! I’m dancing! Amazing Race! I’m dancing! Next Tuesday! I’m dancing! I’m dancing!
If they put The Amazing Race and Survivor BOTH on Thursday night, that would be one seriously kick-ass night of television. Talk about your must-see TV!
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Pet store kitty pics from Monday are
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How long does it take deworming medicine to start working, y’all know? We gave the kittens their first dose of Drontal last night and Sugarbutt was kind enough to provide me with a front-seat row of his usage of the litter box this morning. Things are firming up a tad, but aren’t quite to where I would like them to be.
If you know what I mean.
We weighed them last night, and the heaviest kitten – Smitty – is almost a pound less than Rambo weighed at 12 weeks old.
Annnnnd, since I wrote the above, I went into the kitten room to take pictures and discovered that – this completely grossed my sister out, so you might not want to be eating right now – Callie was “nursing” on Smitty’s penis.
I’m going to have to separate her from the boys; when the spud gets home this afternoon, I’ve got to go to Petsmart and get a big cage to put her in (
Edited to add: Callie, not the spud. Heh.). The shelter manager (poor woman, I harass her so much, I swear) said that I could put bitter apple on his penis, but that it would probably sting him. Better to separate them; at least this way I can let her out to play with her brothers as long as one of us is in the room with them.
Grrr, kittens and their issues!

A rare shot of all four of them.

Brudderly love.

Such a pretty, pretty boy.

Callie does NOT find this amusing.

“Ugh. I keep hoping for steak, and what do I get? Cat food. Bleh.”

Sugarbutt allows the belly rub.

All of today’s uploaded pictures are
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I adore this picture of Spanky.
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2004: If you had any idea how much time I spent backspacing and retyping words when I write my entries, you’d burst into tears of sympathy.
2003: Who the fuck are Nikki and Paris Hilton, and why would I give a good goddamn what they’re wearing or doing or driving or fucking?
2002: No entry.
2001: You know you’re getting old when you have to ask a 12 year-old girl who’s on the TV.
2000: No entry.]]>
Awww…Spanky, so sweet!
On NPR this morning, they were discussing how there is a bunch of women’s poetry about how tiring and miserable and unending housework is. One of the authors mentioned that she has seen a few poems written by men that always talks about the glory of food and the kitchen and how it is a lost artform…blah blah…yeah, it is only art when you’re not the one cooking.
…when the spud gets home this afternoon, I’ve got to go to Petsmart and get a big cage to put her in. Poor spud….LMAO
AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! April I didn’t catch that! That’s hilarious!!!!!!
Robyn! You’re forgetting to use the kitten’s NEW names! 🙂
Edited to add: On the photos, I meant… 🙂
I refuse to recognize any similarities between Johnny Fairplay and Jason Lee. REFUSE, REFUSE, REFUSE…
Thanks a lot, Robyn, you reminded me of all the work I need to do around my house. Aaargh!
Loved the little movies, especially the second one—you’re mean, but yes, it was hilarious!
I always say housework is undoable, because it is constantly coming undone. And besides, what self respecting person LIKES to do housework? Yeah, no one-that’s who.
I was going to comment on how I always thought Jason Lee and Johnny Fuckhead looked alike, but when I read about Callie nursing…ugh! I can’t even write it. I figured I could handle reading it, but it is just gross.
Watched all the movies…gotta love those laser pointers. Hours of fun. My dog figured the laser out and lost interest, cat still very interested.
I miss Rambo and Jodie. =(
The hard wood floor guy who installed at my house said to use water and vinegar to clean the floor. He said that ammonia would dull the finish.
Well then my son is their triplet because he has the same beard/goatee..HEH.
Maybe the mouth, but shaven, nope. Don’t see it.
I still love the Fredster, it is alright to be wrong sometimes..HEE!
Ok, the mouth, and nose, I can see, but TWINS? Nah.
Hi Robyn!
Since you have a few cats (not including the foster kitties), I was wondering if any of them have had fleas. If yes, did you or Fred or the Spud get bitten? I think my apartment might have fleas (because of my landlord’s cats), and they’re having a big ol’ feast on me. I have spray for the furniture and carpet, but is there anything I should get for myself?
i think i’m a sick woman… when i read about callie nursing on smitty’s penis — i CRACKED UP! and i work in a library. hehehehehe!
We just sold our house this past week and spent months doing renovations, painting and cleaning to get it ready. Before I started the whole process I was blissfully unaware how filthy my house was then I started seeing all kinds of things that needed to be done. The house was beautifully clean and tidy for about 1 week and now that it is sold it is slowly going back to ‘normal’!
I lurve movie #2! Hell, it scared me, too! (the first time)
Hi Robyn–deworming meds usually take about 3 days to work. What adorable furry babies! 🙂
Woman! Why do you have to remind me of all the things that I need to get done around here? I too hate laundry. Not the actual act of doing the laundry, nor the folding of the laundry. I hate putting it away and hanging things up.
UUGGGHHHH……why must you post a picture of Johnny ugly ass Fairplay?? I can’t believe I still loathe him as much as I ever did.
Danielle, i must be sick too cause that was hilarious!! gross but funny as hell!!! im glad you didnt’ post a pic of that robyn.
Amanda, you can be bit by fleas. i had a flea problem with my cats a couple of years ago and since they slept with me my ankles were badly bit. that is when i realized they had fleas. i caught it soon enought that it wasn’t to bad in the house, but do something now before your ripping up your carpets.
i love callie….shes adorable. im still missing tubby though…..
You clean your hardwoods with amonia and bleach? Geeze, I guess my floors must be nasty then because I only dry mop them and wet mop them like very few months! Ewwww!! I wish you could come to my house and clean some! It sounds like you have a very clean house!
Don’t forget Sam Rockwell, especially in his role as Zaphod Beeblebrox. He’s a ringer for Johnny Fairplay too.
And for the record? LISTING your chores to be done is just as good as doing them. The next day, when you already have a list? Then you’re screwed.
And why no movie of the kitten blow job? KITTEN P0RN!
Also, word to Spanky. I really like that cat.
I heard that NPR story, too—I think the book of poems was called Sweeping Beauty (Beauties?). I’d love to get ahold of a copy, I can totally relate to the housework thing. Sometimes it seems so futile.
What’s so wrong with kitty fellatio?
Now, the fact that it’s her brother…that’s gross!