So anyway. That’s been my day. I think I’m going to pour a big-ass Diet Coke and land on the couch and finally watch Lost.
PS: I should be really pissed off about my car, but I cannot look at the damn thing without smiling and feeling a little pang o’ love. I still love E’gar. Kind of like knowing a guy’s no good for you, but he’s so damn cute…
* * *
The kittens are doing well. The first thing I did when I got home was let Callie and Bear out of the cage (I put him in there to keep her company, and gave Fred explicit instructions on keeping an eye on Bear to make sure he’s not being molested). The second thing I did was give Sugarbutt a bath from the waist down to wash off the poo.
The problem with Sugarbutt, as I told my sister a little while ago, is that he probably would like to keep himself clean, but he honestly cannot reach around his great big gut to clean himself. He tries, but he just can’t do it. Hopefully once the deworming medication kicks in it’ll help with the size of his gut, and I won’t have to bathe him quite so often.
Or so I’d like to believe.

That ain’t a look o’ love.

“Okay, let me think. You go left at the food bowl, bear right after the litter box… Wait, no. I think you go LEFT after the litter box.. No, that’s not right either. Did you check Google Maps?”

Wet kitten, or drowned rat? You decide.

Smitty makes the leap.

“Give me that toy!”

“GIVE me that toy!”


“Dude, your butt is wet. Why is your butt wet? What did that horrid woman DO to you?”

I love this come-hither look from Smitty.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2004: Questions and answers.
2003: I feel like Eudora’s a creepy old lady hovering over my shoulder, reading my email, and threatening to tell my mommy on me.
2002: Anything more complicated than that, and I think you’ll have to look elsewhere.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.]]>
Sorry you couldn’t come here to Maryland. We would have liked to see you! You could have helped me celebrate my birthday on Sunday. What part of Maryland were you headed to?
Glad you’re safe after your car broke down en route to Maryland. Yay for AAA!
Oh, those kitties are the cutest. Just love ’em.
With all the problems with your car, I’m wondering if it’s time for you to envoke the lemon laws. I’m so sorry you didn’t make it up to Maryland for your brother, but very glad you managed to get home safe.
DAMN, but those kitty bellies are big! I hope the deworming medicine works. Also, perhaps you could ask the vet about feeding them some activated charcoal (either in a pill, or mixed in with their food.) It works REALLY WELL to bring down gas related to digestive problems. Also, helps clean out the guts.
One time I got caught on the other side of Tahoe just shy of the mountain peak that once over, I could have coasted to safety on because my husband ran us out of gas. AAA saved our ass, too. Fortunately, we weren’t in snow season, and fortunately, it was warm enough to where the kids didn’t freeze their butts off and everyone had books. And Genny loves pinecone hunting.
I love my AAA card. I love it. I’m glad you didn’t get stuck in bumfuck somewhere too far from home.
Sorry about your trip, hope all is ok with your brother.
I think Smitty is flirting with us.
Sorry to hear about the car- if it’s any consolation, my mother’s brand new car had that exact same problem a few years ago when it was brand new, and once she had it fixed, she’s had no problems with the car since, and that was circa 1997. Hopefully you won’t have any further car woes either!
Robin! Gaaaaaaa!!! You are having the worst luck with that new car!
This sounds exactly like what happened to our Ford Windstar, except we were parked in our garage when it wouldn’t start. Somehow the microchip in the key stopped talking to the computer system. Cost us about $400 to get it fixed. I hope your repair is not as costly!
Hopefully you can get the car fixed fast and still get to Maryland!
This is not a commercial! (Just a plug. Heh.) I love Triple A because you can call them up when you have the breakdown and sign up right then and there over the phone and use their service.
Yikes, seems to me you’ve had quite a few problems out of ole E’gar. And even the Spud scratched him up! Hope his luck turns better soon!