always dream about living on the ocean. Sometimes I bring up and look for houses on the ocean in Maine. A few months ago I found a house in northern Maine, an old schoolhouse located next to a quarry. I think chances are good that I’ll never live near the ocean again. Unless I win the lottery. But then, I almost never play the lottery, so I imagine it would be difficult to win. I always leave the pet store on Monday mornings feeling as relaxed as if I’d had a massage. Sometimes I wish I’d called Fred and whined and whined and whined at him until he gave in and let me adopt the cute-kitty-of-the-moment. I never do, because I’m afraid he might give in. Sometimes I wish I’d had another kid a few years after I had the spud, so that she’d have a brother or sister; I know she’s sometimes lonely as an only child. Whenever I see a baby in a store, or pictures of an adorable baby online, I wait to get hit with the I-want-a-baby-ouch-my-uterus blues. I never do. Sometimes I wonder what kind of weirdo writes about her life online for more than five years straight; this online journaling is such a strange thing. I always wonder if the day will come when I decide to stop journaling; but I never thought I’d still be doing this five years later. Hell, I never thought I’d make it one entire year. It is, by the way, a point of pride for me that I’ve never torn down this site and quit briefly, then come back. I suspect that the first time I do that will be the last. I don’t intend to do that anytime soon. I sometimes wonder who you are, the people who read this site. I always love to get your emails and pictures of your pets, your family, you. I always love to hear your stories, and I always promise myself that I’ll keep on top of my email. I never do, and sometimes you never get a reply from me. I always feel like an asshole for archiving email without responding to it, but when months have gone by, I feel like the time to respond has passed. But I always read your email, even if I never respond. Same with the comments. I always check out the TUS forum first thing every morning, and always read the Pop Culture and Television boards before anything else. I almost never post, though I sometimes start to, then reconsider and delete it before I hit the “continue” button. Someone else has always said what I wanted to say, only they put it better. Sometimes I think about putting up my own mini-forum to discuss TV shows so I won’t have to discuss them in entries. But I don’t follow through with that – god knows I’d probably never keep up with it, any more than I kept up with my Couch Potato blog. When I read a particularly heartfelt or difficult entry on someone’s blog or journal, I always feel like a jerk for not commenting or emailing the journaler/ blogger. I just never know what to say! Sometimes I post something lame, but mostly I don’t say anything. Doesn’t mean I’m not thinking of and concerned about them, though. I always greet the cats when I walk into a room. Sometimes they respond. Sometimes I’m so overcome with affection for them that I’m afraid I’m going to pick them up and squeeze them ’til their guts come out their eyes. I never do, but don’t think I’m not tempted. I always wait ’til the end of the month to do my WordGoddess collab, have you noticed? Sometimes I think, as soon as I get the email telling what the collab topic for the month is, that I’ll get it done as soon as possible. I never do, though. I’ve always been a procrastinator.

Here’s to another 5 years! (at LEAST)
lol at Miz Poo…she thought you made a great lookout station!!
The composition on that photo is great! At least to my eye it is. 🙂
If you want to know, I am a married woman in her thirties. I live in Canada and I have completed a degree recently and am looking for a job. I don’t have any children. I read your blog because a) You are funny and very positive b) I like to read about people’s lives in other countries and c) You were on a Penn & Teller special, that makes you cool. Take care, J.
Okay, dammit I had to delurk because I’m gonna leave a corny ass comment that will be terribly lame but I have to say that I love your blog and have been a reader for over six months now. I live in a very remote and isolated village on the North Slope of Alaska and my only entertainment is often just the web and satellite tv. I know. Sad. But do love your site and often dream of packing up my shit and moving to Maine, as well.
Hiya! Also Canadian (hi Janey!) also just about to finish a degree (my MA – woo hoo!) and looking for work. I read your blog because you tell it like it is, and make me laugh! No kids, but one handsome hubby and a very adorable dog. 🙂
Found your site years ago when I was looking at weight loss pages. Lost you for a bit, then happily found you again.
A short while ago you posted a hilarious entry about your crappy day trying to get Spot in the cat carrier. I almost wet myself laughing and grabbed my husband to come read it. He laughed and asked, “Does she have a job?”. I thought, well, she makes hundreds of people a day laugh and donates her time to a animal shelter. All of us should be so useful!
Thanks for the time, thought and pictures you put into your site, Robyn!
Robyn, I have been reading your journal and Fred’s since, well since before he started his whole “food pile” thing…. so whats that like 5 years ago! And I have to say, to this day you two are the ONLY journals I have ever subscribed to. I sort of feel like I know you guys. I almost moved near you a few months ago when my husband came in 2nd for the Head Pro position at Huntsville Country Club, and I was in Gatlinburg the same time as you last time you guys went, believe me when I say I was looking for you guys all over the place and was quite bummed when I didn’t run into you. I was on the cool tram that passed your “chalet” so maybe you saw me!
Love this entry. Love your writing, and I’m very glad you have no plans to drop your journal. You have the rare talent of being able to write well, write funny, but also be able to pull at the heartstrings at the same time.
I have a similar problem commenting on heartfelt/difficult entries. Sometimes I just simply post, “My thoughts are with you (and your family).” but I don’t want to sound like a bot, so many times I just don’t write anything at all. Sometimes I’ll email the person privately thanking them for having the courage to share the entry.