Monday, Dec. 13th

You guys are awesome with your gift-wrapping suggestions! I went to Target this morning because I’d done my animal Christmas shopping (for other animals in the family) at the pet store and needed something to put the gifts in, because you can’t just toss cat toys in the box! The cats would be appalled, and they’d play with their toys before Christmas! Anyway, I was in Target, and I wandered up the aisle with the gift bags in it, and there were all KINDS of awesome alternatives to gift bags and gift envelopes, nice boxes and cases and such. I only bought a few – a wine box to put my parents’ dog’s present in, for one – but I’m for sure going to hit Target the day after Christmas to stock up on boxes (they had a ton of chinese take-out boxes!) for next year. A couple of people suggested that I just put the gift cards in decorative envelopes, and I could do that, but I prefer the gifts to take up a little more space than that, y’know? I don’t know, I guess I’m just weird about that. I also prefer not to stick gift cards in little gift bags, because that just makes it too easy for people who are Snoopy McSnoopersons (DEBBIE, I am looking at YOU!) to look through their gift bags and see what’s in there. (Oh, OKAY, I do it too. Sometimes. Not always, though!) But like I said, Target had a whole aisle of gift boxes and cases and such, and I’m definitely going to go in that direction next year. I’d go in that direction THIS year, but I already wrapped all the gift cards I’m giving. Thank you so much for your suggestions!

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I mailed out the first three boxes of Christmas presents, to the spud’s father and his wife, her paternal grandparents, and her father’s sister. I showed up at the post office ten minutes after noon, which is possibly one of the least intelligent things I’ve done this month. (The month is young, though!) The line wasn’t too bad, but there was a woman in line in front of me who didn’t seem to understand the concept of having your box ready and addressed before you got to the counter. Not only was the box not addressed, it wasn’t even taped shut. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – who ARE these people who show up at placed unprepared and expect to be provided free tape to tape their packages closed and for everyone to wait while they address their packages? Ah well – the line moved pretty quickly and they had three postal clerks working, so I guess I don’t need to complain TOO much. I have to mail another two packages tomorrow and two more on Wednesday and unless I forgot to pack something, I’ll be all set with the mailing of Christmas gifts this year. Whee!
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The boy next door is standing out in his front yard pointing and pulling the trigger of his cap gun. You have no idea how tempted I am to call 911 and report a small child holding and firing what appears to be a gun… (I’m not that much of an asshole. But it sure is fun to imagine!)
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“Where the hell are they hiding my presents this year?” “They must be nearby, I can practically smell the catnip!” “Grrr! Where ARE they??” (The joke’s on him – they’re hidden in a dresser drawer he can’t get to.)
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12 thoughts on “Monday, Dec. 13th”

  1. At our post office, they make the unprepared offender step out of line, correctly prepare their box, then go to the END of the line. I love my post office!!!

  2. The kitties must love this time of year- many many boxes to investigate and sit in.
    It’s been way too long since a “something on the floor? Sit in it!” picture.

  3. Robyn-
    I made the chick peas today and almost ate the whole batch myself. I feel like I need to put them ON something, salad maybe? What can I DO with these yummy things?
    Thanks for the recipe!

  4. CFM: Good question! We generally eat them by the handful as a snack, but I bet they’d be really good on a salad, in place of croutons! Glad you’re enjoying them. 🙂

  5. MUST NOT CLICK!!! Oh man, I’m so tempted to look at your Survivor info…but I must wait til hubby gets home and we watch it tonight….This is really hard! heh

  6. I’ve been in desperate need of a new, non-deep-fat-fried, salty, crunchy snack — and your roasted garbanzo beans are perfect! I made a batch yesterday and they are fabulous. Thanks!
    In an attempt to return the favor…. if you are interested in getting your cats the most amazing catnip ever, check out Our cats are generally only vaguely interested in catnip toys, but last year we bought one of the kitty-hooch catnip mice while travelling over the holidays. I had forgotten that we even bought the thing until we got home and all three cats were going NUTS trying to claw their way into a duffel bag to get to the thing. Which was even still wrapped in plastic. That is some craaaazy strong kitty crack!

  7. I went recently to get myself set up with a post office box, and drew lucky number 74 (they were on 43 when I walked in). I witnessed not one … Not two … But THREE unprepared people! I wish my post office was like PattM’s post office, and sent people to the back of the line. Instead, the clerks help them tape their boxes, and then ask them to step aside and address them, and THEN tell them they can just “come right back up!” when they’re done. That’s BS! The other thing that pisses me off about my local post office is that the most clerks there’ll ever be at any given time is 3, and if it’s time for one of them to take a break, he or she will just up and LEAVE, no matter how many customers are in line. To me, that is horrible customer service. If there are more than 10 people waiting, there should be a replacement clerk ready to go before anyone else takes a break.
    I swear, I’m gonna write a letter.

  8. Thank you – thank you for my gifted T-shirt from you which arrived today :)) I had completely forgotten and your address on the package completely bewildered me. Fighting off hubbys half kidding rant of “NOW what have you bought off ebay?!”, I opened it . Now if HE would just take it off… Thanks so much Robyn. You are the sweetest. (Ooops… sorry) You are one BADASS woman! We thank you.

  9. I just wanted to comment on the post office thing. I myself have went to the post office with my box not taped closed. No, not because I don’t have tape. The reason I do it is because I sell a lot of books and dvd’s and such on ebay and I ship them via media mail. The post office here, will make you rip the tape off the box and open it so that they can make sure it is indeed something that can be shipped media mail. So I got smart and I now just wait to tape it after they inspect it. I do always have it addressed and ready though and I always take my own roll of tape in with me. Anyway, maybe that is why some of these people do not have their boxes taped up.

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