Sunday, Dec. 12th.

I just spent four – YES, FOUR – hours wrapping presents, and I’m in a bad, bad, BAD mood. Why do I do this to myself every year? Buy gift cards for everyone to make the Christmas experience easier, and THEN insist on putting each and every gift card in a scarf box and wrapping each and every scarf box? Why? Why do I do that? Because every year I spend hours wrapping presents and getting annoying and pissed that I’m wrapping GIFT CARDS and the Christmas spirit is just sucked right out of me. Next year, I’m going to find a simple – yet festive! – way to wrap the gift cards that doesn’t entail measuring and cutting and taping and all that happy crap. Got suggestions? Leave ’em in the comments! On the up side, I just have to make a quick trip to the pet store, and I’ll be ready to mail out the three boxes I need to mail out. Hopefully I can do that Tuesday or Wednesday. Whee!

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So, did you hear the story about how Britney Spears and her husband were flying to or from somewhere and she kicked off her shoes, and the smell of her stinky feet almost made her fellow passengers pass out? Good lord, how NASTY is that? To be sitting there, oblivious to the fact that your stinky, nasty feet are reeking up the plane? At least she had the good sense to be embarrassed and put her shoes back on. Speaking of, did you know that People magazine had a blurb about Kevin Federline in the (I think) “sexiest husbands” part of their “sexy men” issue? I don’t know who the holy hell looked at Kevin Federline and said “My, yes. That is one sexy, sexy man!”, but I suggest they get their eyes checked, and possibly some therapy. The man looks like a weasel and he also looks incredibly unclean, as if he can’t be bothered to take a shower because he’s far too busy getting wasted and servicing his equally unclean-looking stanky-footed wife. Those two just make me shudder. And not in a good way.
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Reminder, Survivor watchers! The two-hour season finale is on tonight, followed immediately by the one-hour live reunion. I’d complain about not having anything to watch on Thursdays anymore, but we just got the third season of 24, so we’ve got plenty to watch!
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Stumpy sings the blues.
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18 thoughts on “Sunday, Dec. 12th.”

  1. For gift cards, I go to the Dollar Store and buy the smallest gift bags they have (about 4×5 inches), put a little bit of tissue in them and maybe add some little stuff (like candy and a thing of microwave popcorn for a Blockbuster card or a bookmark and teabags for a bookstore card).
    I also read somewhere where someone (Weetabix, maybe?) was putting gift cards in Chinese take-out boxes. I thought that was a cute idea, but it would probably confuse some of MY relatives.

  2. Dang. Fitchypoo beat me to it. Aside from generic gift bags, you could try using those special wine gift bags/boxes to fool the receivers. Alternatively you could use any decorative gift box. They’re pricier, but are often quite cute and reusable. Heck, I’m sure the dollar store has some.

  3. Because one can never have too many comments about roasted chickpeas…
    …I just made some and added some parmesan cheese. They’re quite tasty! :c)

  4. RObyn – I am prone to doing the the same thing with wrapping things in a bigger box. One idea – why not grab some cutesie little CHristmas stockings on clearance this year (the mini sort)and put the cards in those?

  5. Hey Robyn, I’m glad somebody posted Weetabix’s great idea for gift card delivery (Chinese take out boxes). Sometimes I use cigar boxes, and as they are usually decorative, I just slap a ribbon around them and call them done. I have had recipients enjoy the box more than the gift – folks just seem to love cigar boxes. You can get them at a smoke shop for $1/ea usually, sometimes free (they used to always be free until folks started making $50 purses out of them!).

  6. Robin,
    I found these neat little boxes that were marketed as a CD gift box. The four sides pop together in the back. The pack I got were three for a dollar!! Red, green and gold. Stick the gift card in..pop it shut..and put on a bow or not!! They had round holograms in the metallic color.
    They are a hit. I got them at the Dollar General store here. I find some cheap buys there!
    I don’t know if you have Dollar General stores there!! Surely the boxes are other places too…maybe the music store!!!
    My best friend hates to wrap and I love it. SO, we have a tradition every year where she fixes me lots of good things to eat and I go to her house and wrap. She has it all ready in boxes, etc. and I wrap it and she does the bows. We make short time of that job and have fun too!! You need to find a friend who likes to wrap..haha!!!
    🙂 Kathy

  7. Y’all, I am absolutely loving these suggestions! Keep ’em coming!
    Catriona – those are some awfully cute kitty pics. 🙂
    Erin – I bet those are good; we’ll have to give it a try! 🙂

  8. I am screwing with everyones heads this year. I found gift card holders at walmart. They are little christmas-y stuffed animals with their hands together and a plastic holder between them to slip the card into. Im going to throw them in bags and call it good. Everyone is going to thinks I am cheap and just got them a small stuffed snowman. LOL

  9. Why don’t you just decorate envelopes instead? You can get some really cool ones at any craft store and stamp or emboss them. You could even tie them up with ribbon and hang them in the tree for a cool effect!

  10. You are SO right about the Spears/Federline thing. Especially that hubby,…he DOES look like a weasel. Every pic I see of him: untied tennis shoes, white undershirt, and shorts pulled down so low he must use double sided tape to attach them to his upper thighs. UGH. I give them 2 years tops, before she figures out he is going to spend her arse into the dirt.

  11. After reading here about Britney’s feet, I realized I was a little out of the loop regarding Britney news (not that I try to stay in the loop), but I found this little snippet to be pretty funny. It is from her website (, from her letter dated November 24th:
    “My feet are really starting to sink into my new home, especially the kitchen.”
    Now just replace “sink” with “Stink” and it’s actually pretty funny. 🙂

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