baby mongoose for Meester Boogers to play with (make sure you check out the photo slideshow! They’re so freakin’ cute!).
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Petstore kitty pics from Monday are up
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So this morning I had to drive to South Huntsville, and it wasn’t bad at all. I got all tense when I drove from 565 onto South Memorial Parkway, but there wasn’t a whole lot of traffic at that time, so the transition from the interstate to the parkway went fairly smoothly. On my way home, I was driving up highway 72 from Huntsville to Madison, and the traffic on my side of the highway was fairly sparse. The traffic going from Madison (and all points beyond) toward Huntsville was at a crawl for several miles.
I’ve never been so glad to be going in the opposite direction from a traffic jam in my entire life.
I stopped at the grocery store on my way home to pick up a red onion (it was on the grocery list this morning but Fred somehow didn’t see it, and I need the damn onion to make
coleslaw tonight for dinner tomorrow). Fred’s mother was there doing her grocery shopping so I talked to her for several minutes.
I swear to god, she is the sweetest lady.
Then I picked up my red onion, some sushi for a late breakfast (yumMY), and stood in line forever before I could check out and come home.
Grocery stores are busy on Saturday. Who knew?
Okay, not much going on here today, so I’ll slap up a series of Meester Booger pics and call it an entry, mm’kay?
I said it was going to happen someday, and now it did. He yawned his ears right off his head.
“Hey! Maybelle! Bring me another beer, toot sweet*!”
*Yes, I know the correct spelling is tout de suite. HE doesn’t know that, though.
“Urrrrp! Oh, ‘scuse me. Maybe I don’t need another beer. Hee.”
“Dad, this is the third time I’ve sniffed it. It smells FINE. What stink are you talking about?”
“You. Come here. Rub mah belly.”
“I sure do lead an exhausting life.”
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Hee hee… those are funny, funny picture!
Indeed,VERY funny pics! I did one of those wheezy kind of laughs. Hee,I just looked again and again with the wheezing!
I think both pics two and three deserve to be t-shirts.
Hey, my cat only yawns about once a month!
I love the Beans little white toes. Too adorable.
You totally need to adopt the orange kitty. She looks so regal and elegant, and I’m sure Poo would just adore her (not)!
That’s it. I’m sending my kitty to your house for a few weeks so maybe some personality will rub off on her.
We’ve got mongoose running wild over here. Want me to send you one??=)
Oh Robyn. I tell ya you are a breath of fresh air. I have been offline for almost two months due to my puter biting the dust. Now I am back and one of the first things on my to do list was catching up on your journal. The last two entries had me laughing so hard I was crying. Thank you, I needed that. :))
OMG…those captions on those pictures are hysterical! Thanks for the laughs!
Meester Boogers is the cutest and most TIRED cat I have ever seen! What a personality!!