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As I mentioned above, I’ve started working out regularly again after some slackery, and am even lifting weights again. I haven’t lifted weights in at least a year, possibly two, because I was getting bored with the weight-lifting. Anyway, Tuesday morning I did lower body weights, working out my quads, hamstrings, calves, and abs. Tuesday afternoon I said to Fred “My legs are all noodle-y still. I expected the noodliness to go away.”
And he said “So what you’re saying is that you have noodly appendages?”
Clearly I’m the Second Coming of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Worship me!
* * *
Huh. I was
wondering why Tom Cullen was snooping around in the stamp drawer…
* * *Completely unrelated to the above, did you know that if you’re right-handed and you try to write with your left hand, it really starts to hurt after a few sentences? A lot. I think I’m going to make it my resolution for 2006 to learn to write as well (or at least legibly) with my left hand as I can with my right.
* * *Taking Miz Poo to the vet yesterday was pretty uneventful. The vet confirmed that she thought it was a rodent ulcer, and after having Miz Poo’s usual vet fax over her records, she said that she wanted to try giving her Depo-Medrol shots, one yesterday, the next in three to four weeks, and the next three to four weeks after that (I think). She also said that it very much seemed infected, despite the fact that Miz Poo finished a course of Clavamox last week, and so she prescribed Clavamox for two weeks.
If this doesn’t work, she said she’d like to refer Miz Poo to a dermatologist in Nashville.
Oh, lord. Please let this work. The idea of having to drive two hours to Nashville with Miz Poo howling sadly the entire way does not fill me with joy.
In case you’ve ever wondered what a cat with a rodent ulcer looks like, here you go:

Poor baby.
Have I mentioned that Sugarbutt is a little pig who’ll eat anything that isn’t nailed down? Every time I step foot in the kitchen, he’s in there getting under my feet, acting like he’s starving to death. I think he’s about doubled in size in the last three weeks – I need to weigh him and see how much he’s weighing these days, just out of curiosity. He’s definitely bigger than Tom Cullen now. He’s not the runt of the litter anymore!

Appearances to the contrary, I assure you they’re not kissing.

“Hey! This is the kitchen! And there’s food in the kitchen! And I’m starving to death! IT MUST BE FATE!”

Snoozing Tom Cullen.

Kitten with a ‘tude.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2004: The spud and I stood patiently by while the man chattered at the school employees for several minutes and then my head exploded, scattering brain matter everywhere.
2003: “Jessica Lynch!” I said. “Isn’t she the only POW we’ve ever had in all of history?”
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: She went in and treated the whole office to a very loud gagging sound (she gets that from her mother), and came out a few minutes later a little less green. ]]>
“for the first time ever I got a good feel of what it must be like to be an addict. I recommend it.”
Than just really made me laugh. I assume you meant you recommend the book! Hee.
Poor poor Miz Poo!!
It was in fact, the cutest thank you card I have ever received. I was quite impressed that one so young as TC did so well with his letters.
(Can I just tell you how glad I was to see that someone else outside of our family does the left-handed-so-we-can-pretend-the-animal-wrote-it trick??!)
Miz Poo just finished Cefa-Drops (orange-flavored), not Clavamox (banana-flavored).
You’d think they could make an ass-flavored one. Then it wouldn’t be so hard to get it in her.
Poor Poo!
I’m a lefty and can kinda write w/my right hand.
You’d think they could make an ass-flavored one. Then it wouldn’t be so hard to get it in her.
Jesus! I just about choked on my Sprite. I think you’re on to something there, Fred…my cats would gladly take an ass-flavored pill.
A rodent ulcer? Wha the fuh?
They have dermatoligists for cats? I swear, I live a sheltered life.
And I’ll just add to the consensus that Sugarbutt’s gotta stay in the And3rson household. Honestly, can you imagine anyone loving him the way you guys do???
It must be weird dream season. I dreamed that I would not be allowed out of bed until I had correctly answered all these questions about muscles and nerves. I was aware that I was dreaming, but it was still very stressful.
Rodent ulcer info, for those not in the know.
I have a 22 1/2 year old cat who has had rodent ulcers for the better part of the last 3 years. She had them often when she was younger, then went about 15 years without them. We’ve tried the shots, and she goes on Clavamox often, but the vets can’t recommend anything else to help her. Short of surgery, that is, which she’s too damn old for. Poor Miz Poo, tell her my Mozart can commisserate.
The letter that Tom Cullen wrote is TOO funny!
It is absolutely none of my business, but I sure hope y’all keep Sugarbutt.
It’s a shame…if you had to come to Nashville, for any other reason, I would want to meet you for lunch or something (ooo! A chance to meet another blogger!). But after our recent 2 hour move from Kentucky with the cats howling the entire way, I can totally sympathize with not wanting to go through that. I hope she gets to feeling better with the new treatments.
Not only do they have dermatologists for cats, they also have heart specialists and the like. My husband carted Tiger for 3 hours to Louisville once because our vet though he had an enlarged heart. Turns out he was fine, but I was still glad we did it.
Poor Miz Poo. The girls send healing purrs her way.
*whispers* You’re keeping Sugarbutt. You’re keeping Sugarbutt….
Aw, I’m sorry for Miz Poo.
That rodent ulcer info site from Whitters was icky! Poor kitties.
Ass flavored…….*choking on my mac & cheese*
I dreamed last night that I was married to a man named Hector. And for some reason I kept repeating his name over and over…..must be something in the air.