
Godiva from everyone, and cards from Fred and the spud. What more could a mother hope for? In Maine, my mother, grandmother, and Debbie seem to have had a good time. They, along with my father, Brian, and Randy and his girlfriend went out to lunch at a nice restaurant. I’d begin a rant about my asshole uncle, but I’ll save that for another day. After leaving my eye appointment this morning, I ran to the grocery store and bought me a plant. Naturally, this was the nosy result. The plant is what I would have called a spider plant, but according to the tag, it’s an airplane plant. Okay, the links I found have indicated they very well may be one and the same. In any case, I have to decide where I want to put it. I need to research whether it’ll be okay hanging outside, or if I should bring it in. If I need to bring it in, I’ll have to do some rearranging, because there are only so many places in this house the cats can’t get to, and the last time I brought home a spider plant, the cats ate it down to little spiky nubs in three minutes flat, the little fuckers. —–]]>