
dream house. We’re completely, totally in love with this house, and with minor revisions we want to build this house someday. We went so far as to send in the $4 for the study plans, and when they came and we could look them over in more detail, we were just blown away. The master suite has a sitting area, 3-sided fireplace, wet bar, and tiled exercise area. It’s absolutely incredible, except for the fact that it’s designed with a stucco exterior, which if you know my husband – and big fan of bricks, he is – you’d know that stucco ain’t gonna fly. I went to Linens n Things this morning to buy for myself pillows like the ones Fred bought for himself Friday. I haven’t been in that store since last summer when my sister was visiting, and consequently I forgot how much I love it. I especially love the kitchen stuff – it’s so bright and shiny, and I’m desperate to take one of everything home with me. Oh, and the towels all look so pretty and comfortable, not to mention the walls and walls of comforters. I could live in that store, if not for the fact that it’s Fred’s money I’m spending these days. I can’t believe that I’m continuing to get up at 6 am, even though I could sleep in for half the morning. It’s kind of annoying, to tell the truth. Part of the problem, I’m sure, is that I go to bed when Fred goes to bed, so I’m in bed by 10 every night. A girl can only get so much sleep, and by the time Fred leaves in the morning, I’ve had pretty close to 8 hours. Damn, I just found out none of my "home" links at the bottom of the page work, at least not in May. Could y’all have mentioned that, maybe? Hmph. I’m scared to see how far back the mis-link goes. Probably to the beginning of the year. I can’t believe I’ve been doing this journalling thing for over 7 months now. I also can’t believe we’re almost 6 months into 2000. How’d that happen? So, we’re getting ready for the big family vacation, and Fred’s all kinds of excited. The spud and I went to Winn Dixie and stocked up on soda, and bought a few things for the trip. Tomorrow, we’ll hit Publix and buy the stuff I didn’t get today. Why didn’t I get them?, you ask. Because the spud was making the wheel on the shopping cart squeak as much as humanly possible, and I was afraid I would lose my mind and snatch her baldheaded if we didn’t go home right then. You’ll be relieved to know that she still has a full head of hair. For the time being, anyway. ]]>