
Dan’s Chocolates, and Fred’s stepfather, Jack, is getting bath fizzies from Garden Botanika – we sent bath fizzies, amongst other things, to Fred’s mom for Mother’s Day, and they were apparently a big hit with Jack – and Fred is getting a gift certificate for his dad from a golf store, so we’re all set. Except for all the Father’s Day cards I have to go out and buy, of course, which will add up to a lot, because I got into the habit of sending Father’s Day cards to the spud’s grandfather and great-grandfathers, along with cards for Fred and the spud’s father. I think a trip to Wal-Mart is in order. Fred left work early today, because his ears have been bothering him for the last few days, and he and I both assumed it was his ear infection, back again. When he went to the doctor today, she told him there was no fluid behind his eardrum, and she didn’t know what the problem was. She was going to give him ear drops, but he still has some at home. She also looked at his nasty toenail (actually the reason he made the appointment in the first place) and informed him that he was suffering from a fungus, for which he gets to take lamisil pills for some ungodly period of time. Which is better than it could have been – we were afraid his foot was slowly rotting off. Which would have sucked.]]>