
diet journal) and purchased only a smiley-face pencil and some scissors. The word is that we’re going to get some serious accumulation of snow tonight. Well, I guess the exact word was "serious accumulation possible", but that’s coming from Dan Satterfield, so it’s good as gold. Like it’s not bad enough that the kids get 2 1/2 weeks off from school, they need a snow day thrown in there too? I sure whine about the weather a lot, don’t I? Let me warn y’all now, there are only 20 shopping days ’til my 33rd birthday! You have been warned… Oh! Speaking of my birthday, we’ll be going to see (the musical) Jeckyll and Hyde in Huntsville the Friday after my birthday. We saw the ad for it on TV last night, and I thought Fred was going to wet his pants, he got so excited. Rather than sit down and eat dinner with us, he ran downstairs and got tickets for us and the spud. The best part is that it’s in the front row, so that’ll be cool. Don’t forget now, 20 days!]]>