
Jekyll and Hyde at the Von Braun Civic Center (stalkers, take note: look for the two fat people sitting on either side of a cute 12 year-old sitting in the front row). The spud got home from school and said "Do we have good seats?" To which Fred replied "Why?" To which the spud responded "Because whenever I go anywhere where there are a lot of adults, someone with a big head always sits in front of me." And Fred said, "We’re in the front row." I added, "Yeah, soyou‘ll be the one with the big head blocking everyone else’s view." Ha! I slay me… Robyn’s birthday year continues, with a big-ass box of books coming from Amazon containing the rest of the Kat Colorado books Moira purchased for me from my Amazon wish list (thanks, Moira!), a few more eCards, and an Amazon gift certificate from my sister (thanks, Debbie!) The way it’s going, my wish list is going to be nonexistent, and I’ll be set with reading material for 3 years! Thanks everyone 🙂 I’m thinking of deleting my notify lists off of Topica and just hosting them myself. Rumor has it that Topica plans to be getting jiggy with the spam sometime soon, and I don’t much care for that. Opinions? Suggestions? Fred took the link to this page (well, the main Bitchypoo page, anyway) off of his site, and I’ll be taking it off of my diet journal page, because he told me that he recently did a search on his name plus the word "diet", and his page was one of the first ten to come up. His parents know that he’s got an online diet journal, though he’s refused to give them the url, and it wouldn’t take much for them to find it, although I don’t think they’ve done so yet. I don’t care if they read my diet journal, but I’d rather they not find this journal, so I’m going to remove all links. Soon as I get my ass in gear, that is. I went a little off course there; all I really meant to say was that I had no idea how many of you were using his page to get to mine. Kinda cool, it is. Y’all have a good weekend. —–]]>