
So, the home inspector inspected (thus the name) our new home on Tuesday, and told Fred that it was so well-constructed that it was probably in the top 2% of all the houses he’d inspected. That was good to hear. I’ve been packing like mad this week. Okay, that’s a lie. I’ve been packing in a desultory and lazy fashion this week, and have about half the upstairs done. Well, a fourth of the upstairs, maybe. I just know that we’ll be running around like fools on the 29th, throwing dirty dishes in packing boxes. One of the things wrong with our house – the house we’re selling – is that one of the vent fans in the attic wasn’t working. We had to have a roofing guy come and replace the fan, then electricians to rewire said fan. Or something. Anyway, the electricians showed up yesterday afternoon to do the rewiring, and they looked like they were both about 12 years old. At one point, the blond one (Beavis!) asked if he could use the bathroom. "Sure," I said, and then thought nothing else of it. After Beavis and Butthead had gone, I went down the hallway to grab another box, and noted that the bathroom light was on and the fan was going. I stepped inside to turn them off, and was hit by the stench. Man. How rude is that, to use the bathroom and leave a stank like that? Moving on… I’m sure y’all are aware of the fact that Paula Poundstone has been charged with lewd conduct and child endangerment, yes? Well, I don’t really have much of an opinion on whether she’s guilty as charged – though I am curious as to what exactly she’s purported to have done – but I was reading an article in US Weekly yesterday. What made me shake my head were the statements from people who knew Poundstone, defending her. To quote: Poundstone’s supporter’s tell US Weekly that the lanky, suit-wearing comic and To Tell the Truth panelist is a model parent dedicated to her children. And I’ve seen Paula with the kids, some of them with problems that no one wanted to take on, even their own parents. If they don’t have a patron saint for patience, I’d nominate Paula. And I’ve seen Paula in action as a parent. She’s fantastic, a wonderful person, and she deserves an award, not an arrest. Come ON. For the love of god, if Paula Poundstone was in the habit of engaging in lewd conduct with her children, is SHE GOING TO FUCKING DO IT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GROCERY STORE WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE IT? Abusers are very often seen by others as model parents/ citizens, and just because YOU think she’s got the patience of a saint (which brings up another point – if she’s patient, she can’t possibly be an abuser? Whuh?) and is the epitome of a perfect parent doesn’t necessarily make it so. You aren’t there when she’s the only adult around and can do what she wishes and how she wishes. Again, I have no real opinion about Paula Poundstone and AM NOT saying she’s guilty; that article just really got my back up. Got it?
