
Friday Five:

1. You’ve just won a complete collection of movies starring one actor – what actor would you pick? Meg Ryan, probably. (As a side note, when we were watching Moulin Rouge, Fred pointed out how much Nicole Kidman looks like Meg Ryan, and it’s true! For the rest of the movie, I couldn’t see Nicole Kidman without seeing her striking resemblance to Meg Ryan)

2. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? I think it was America’s Sweethearts, when my Mom was here in August – she, the spud and I went to see it. I rarely go out to see movies, obviously. Perhaps once the spud’s back in school and there are no out-of-school kids to pack the theaters, I’ll see about going to see the occasional matinee during the week.

3. What was the last video or DVD that you bought? Moulin Rouge, two days before Christmas, because Fred loved it that much.

4. What movie could you watch over and over again and not get sick of? When Harry Met Sally.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? Waiting for it to be Monday, so I can weigh in, take pictures, and take measurements. My 12-week Body for Life challenge is almost over. Weee!

It’s that time of year again, y’all. That’s right, time to nominate entries for Diarist Awards. Remember as you read through these – I’m sure I read more entries than these that deserve to be nominated, but it has to occur to me to add them to my "Diarist Awards" bookmarks folder, and very often life intervenes and I forget. So this list is never by any means a complete one.

Love LOVE this entry by Elizabeth, in Abeyance. I can completely relate, especially given that I just a week ago was able to fit into a pair of 18/20 pants, which is a size I haven’t seen in forever and a day.

Jessamyn‘s entry about her relationship with her body, about feeling uncomfortable with herself, is yet another one I can relate to – and I think that most women can.

Renee‘s entry written from her husband’s point of view was awesome.

Nicole‘s rant about book snobs had me saying "AMEN SISTER!" I always feel like a lowbrow idiot for reading the best-sellers and mystery novels, but fuck those book snobs. And fuck Jonathan Franzen as well.

Okay, that’s it for this time around. I was apparently very sparing with the control-b this quarter – maybe because of the whole Thanksgiving/ Christmas rush, I don’t know.

If you have a journal, go nominate someone – you have until the 15th!

Have a good weekend, y’all. 5 more days until my birthday! Woohoo!

