
March calendar that Willa created just for that purpose (for people to use as desktops, I mean – not for me, specifically). Far and away my favorite calendar is a Gary Patterson calendar I discovered online somewhere by following one link to another to another, where I found this page (unfortunately, it’s sold out). But fortunately for you, I scanned a couple of the calendar headings. We may not have quite this many cats, but when I wake up and see two cats at the foot of the bed, one snuggled up next to me, another sprawled on the floor and one in the bathroom chomping down the food as fast as he can, I feel like this picture pretty well describes my life. I wish our litter box was this small, but I’m sure the cats would take a cue from Fancypants and poo in places other than the box. The other calendar is one that I picked up in Maine, with Maine scenery at the top of each month, which you might think makes me homesick for Maine, but get a look at this month’s picture and you’ll probably see why that ain’t so. I mean, it probably doesn’t look much like that in Maine right now, but it’s probably a tad colder than the 60-something degrees it is around here these past few days. And speaking of the warm spring-like weather, my daffodils are FINALLY starting to bloom. Well, two of them have bloomed, but the others are very close to blooming. And bright yellow, happy daffodils are pretty close to my favorite thing in the world. Aside from the spud, Fred, Miz Poo, Mr. Fancypants (sometimes), and all of you, that is. I’ll be damned if they don’t smell like Spring, too. While I’m making this a picture-licious entry, I took the spud to have her eyes checked, and just like her momma (that’d be me) she’s got the near-sightedness going on. I got glasses when I was 8 or 9, though, so maybe she’ll end up not quite as blind as I. She picked the glasses out herself, and I think they look pretty good on her, don’t you? Ah, but it would be hard to find anything to make her look bad, yes indeedy. I finally got a chance to watch The Osbournes last night, and it cracked me up. I had a hard time hearing what they all said, because they’re a family o’ mumblers, but it made me laugh all the same, especially watching Ozzy trying to figure out the remote control. I’m going to have to start kicking Fred off to bed Tuesday nights so that I can watch it, instead of trying to remember to tape it. We watched the first hour of the 9/11 documentary and taped the second, which we may watch tonight instead of Boston Public, since Fred’s not terribly into that show anymore. I was sitting at my desk this morning, and caught sight of a movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look, and saw Miz Poo, walking through the front of the yard. Apparently, she found the gap in the fence between our yard and the next door neighbor’s, slunk through it, out their open gate, and did some sniffing around. When I opened the door and said "Miz Poo! Are you SUPPOSED to be out here?!", she chirped at me, and ran inside. I guess we need to do something about blocking that gap, because y’all KNOW it would break my heart if she ran away or got lost. I doubt she’d run away, though. She knows how good she’s got it, believe me. The Mad Shitter, on the other hand, has my blessing to run as far as his fancy ass will carry him. ]]>