
* * * I taped Boomtown Sunday night, and watched it yesterday during the day while I worked on a cross-stitch for Fred. I’ve been telling Fred for ages that I would cross-stitch this for him to frame and hang in his office. It took me only a few hours to do (because I messed up a few letters and had to yank them out and redo them), so I don’t know why I put it off for so long. Now all I have to do is get a frame. And yes, I know that the bottom isn’t centered completely, but it’s close enough for government work. I liked it so much (the show, not the cross-stitch – though I like the way that came out, too) that I made Fred watch it with me last night. He liked it, but also doesn’t care whether he sees another episode of the show, the bastard. I, on the other hand, will be making it one of my regular shows. We went through our movies over the weekend, and came up with a bunch to get rid of (which is not surprising to y’all, since Fred’s selling a bunch on eBay), and there were several that I’ve had for a while, but never got around to watching. I had Fred put them in a separate pile so I could watch them and decide whether to keep them or not. One of them was The Amy Fisher Story, starring Drew Barrymore. I don’t remember buying that movie, but I’m sure I bought it because it was very very cheap (less than $5), and also because I kinda like Drew Barrymore. Sunday morning, I sat down and watched it. MAN did it suck. Very bad, stiff acting. I watched ’til the end, god knows why. It’s not like I didn’t know how it ended! * * * ]]>