
Whyyyyy? Amazingly, despite wanting to, I didn’t shell out the $22.whatever to buy one for myself. I mean, how would I put something that big on my dresser and then convincingly act like it had been there for ages when Fred asked? I sure would have liked to been able to put Miz Poo in it and push her around in it, though. She would have looked smashing, with the sneer and the squinty eyes, that’s for sure.

* * *
So, the spud and I went out to breakfast this morning at IHOP (note to self: Just get the damn pancakes next time. You always tell yourself “Next time, I’m just going to get the pancakes, because they’re so damn good!”, and you always end up getting an omelet, which comes with a side of pancakes, and then you say “The pancakes are SO good. Just pancakes for me next time!”, ad infinitum. JUST PANCAKES NEXT TIME, DAMNIT!), then ran to Target, where I bought many things, but most importantly a cross-cut shredder. I needed the shredder because I read an article last night, and I thought about how much information someone could find out from our trash – I do rip up anything with account or banking information on it, but I’m no shredder – and I vowed to buy a shredder today, and shred everything from here on out. So I did, and I will. I used to have a shredder, but I burned it out by trying to shred too many things at once and never got another one. After we left Target, we stopped by Hallmark, where I bought some votive candles to go with gifts I bought for the spud to give her grandparents and father next Christmas (hee!), and I made out well, because I got three Christmas-scented candles at 75% off – for $1.17. And I wasn’t even particularly looking for a sale this time ’round! We went to Sam’s, where I stocked up on everything from shrimp to paper towels and batteries (my god I love Sam’s, have I mentioned?), ran to the post office (the newest US says, across the top, “Why Alyssa Dumped Justin!”, and you KNOW that I can’t wait to sit down and read THAT). After stopping at home to unload all the stuff we’d bought, we got back into the car and headed back out to look for a store one of the spud’s teachers mentioned as having cute bracelets. We found it – it’s called The Honeypot – and I glanced around, didn’t see anything I wanted, and went out to wait in the car for the spud. Several minutes later, having blown most of her allowance on cute bracelets, the spud wandered back out. And here we are. Exciting, no?
* * *
So, I asked for FAQ questions, and got several of them. Instead of just throwing them into an FAQ document and linking to it from the front page, I’m going to answer each question in journal entries, and link from the FAQ page to the entry where the question is answered. Does that make any sense at all? I have no idea. It’s so freaking cold in here that my fingertips are falling off. It’s my own fault for hoping that the 50+ degree days we had for most of the last week would last. Anyway. Here we go. Reader Jennah asks: I thought I read a long time ago in one of your journals that you had a dog, I was just wondering what happened to it? We did have a dog for a few weeks in the fall of 2001 – November , and there are more pictures here – and named her Sadie. She was a good dog, but she was kept in the back yard instead of in the house – something Fred and I disagree over; he thinks dogs belong outside, I think dogs should be allowed in the house – and it was hard for her being outside by herself all the time. Look, she was a good dog and all, but I’m not a dog person and I wasn’t going to spend a great deal of time outside playing with her because, honestly? Not only am I not a dog person, but I’m also not an outdoorsy type either. If she’d been allowed in the house, she could have sat adoringly at my feet, or chased the cats through the house sniffing at their asses and freaking them out. The more time she spent outside by herself, the more unruly she became, and it quickly got to the point where she wouldn’t listen to anyone but Fred. She seemed to think that the pecking order in the house went along the lines of Fred/ Sadie/ Robyn/ Spud/ Kitties, and I simply couldn’t get her to listen to me. It all came to a head one afternoon when Fred got home from work and went out back to play with her. The spud went out and joined them, and they spread a blanket on the lawn to sit on. Fred was throwing a ball for Sadie, and Sadie went after it, but not before going out of her way to jump over the spud. Her back paw came down on the spud’s head, leaving a gash, and that was all she wrote. The next day, she went back to the shelter (the no-kill shelter) from whence she’d come. It was Fred’s decision to get the dog, and it was his decision to take her back. I don’t know where Sadie is now, but I hope like hell she found the perfect family for her, and is snoozing happily by the fire right now. (back to FAQ page) Got a question you’d like answered? Ask away!]]>