
Christmas Card 2002 stats. Reader Tina in (you guessed it!) Arkansas emailed to tell me of her love for me, and proving it, she sent me a logo! Y’all are some cool-logo-designing fools, you really are. So far, I have logos to carry me through May (or is it June?), each absolutely perfect for me. My readers? Rock. In a big way!

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Reader Lena, who loves Tubby to death and always wants more pictures of him, emailed to tell me that her son created this site. I’ve never heard of Happy Vodka, but I love the site! And speaking of Tubby lovers, I spent half the weekend working on this BY HAND before I discovered that Dreamweaver has a “Create Photo Album” command. So I present to you, almost every Tubby picture I’ve ever put up in the journal, here. To find it in the future, go to the cast page, click on “Tubby”, and then go to the bottom of that page and click on “See all the Tubby pictures ever taken!” I do it because I love you, yes I do. If I were truly motivated, I’d go through my personal stash of Tubby pics and add them to that page, but I don’t think that much motivation exists in my lifetime. I do, however, plan on making similar pages for all the other cats, and even perhaps for Fred, the spud, and I. I’ll keep you posted.
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We got some sad news from Fred’s mother yesterday. She and her husband were out walking Saturday, and they found their cat – Graystone – who had been hit by a car and killed. She emailed and asked if we wanted all their kitty accoutrements – litter box, litter, cat toys – because they’ve decided they’re not going to get another cat. This is the second cat in less than a year they’ve lost; the one before Graystone just disappeared and they have no idea what happened to it. Fred talked to his mother and suggested that they get a girl cat, because they’ve had better luck with girl cats in the past. I don’t know what they’re going to do, but I certainly can’t imagine what it would be like to not have a cat in the house.
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Fred and the spud watched the crapfest XxX last week while I sat in front of the computer and frittered my life away. Fred kept coming into the computer room and telling me how over-the-top the movie was. Finally, he could stand it no longer and asked me to come into the living room so that he could show me a particular scene. I stood and watched the scene patiently. “Ohhhhh,” I finally said, the light dawning. “It’s a comedy.” I will never again be able to look at Vin Diesel without thinking of Kymm talking about his liver-lipped way of kissing (you have to scroll a bit). Obviously that one line just really struck a chord with me, because I remembered it lo these many (four) months later. And for the record, I don’t think Vin Diesel is sexy. But I know there are many of you out there who do, so I’ll refrain from pointing out his strong resemblance to an ape. Oh, save the hate mail. I’m allowed my opinion, fuckers.
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Today’s FAQ question (I know that Frequently Asked Question question is redundant, but do I care? I think not) is by far the most popular question. I get at least two emails most weeks asking it, so it really IS a frequently asked question! So why do you and Fred sleep in separate bedrooms? When the spud and I moved to Alabama and into Fred’s apartment, I had my own bedroom, because the spud didn’t know that Fred was anything more than our roommate. For the year or so we lived in the apartment, I always had my own room and Fred had the master bedroom. When we bought the first house we lived in, we were going to share the master bedroom, and for a few weeks we did so. But not only do I (very rarely! really!) snore, I also grind my teeth in my sleep. Fred’s a pretty light sleeper, and when he’s awakened in the middle of the night (oh, did I mention that I also flail around a lot?), he has a hard time falling back asleep. He began suggesting that perhaps I should go sleep in the guest bedroom, but since I was having no problem sleeping, I made it clear that I wasn’t going anywhere. He held out for a few more days before he started getting up and going into the guest bedroom when he was awakened in the middle of the night. After a few weeks, he started just going in there at bedtime, and it’s been that way ever since. We still lay down and talk for half an hour or so every night and snuggle before we hug and kiss and he goes off to his own room. He keeps most of his clothes in the master bedroom, and showers and gets ready for work in the master bathroom, so really we share the master bedroom, but he has his own bed in another room. It works out really well for us, because not only do I not keep him up with my snoring and teeth-grinding, but he doesn’t keep me up with his snoring (although he never really did), and he can shut his bedroom door so that the cats can’t get in to tromp all over him and wake him up. Plus, I’m more of a night owl – he goes to bed shortly after 9:30, and I stay up until close to midnight most nights, reading. And at this point, after several years of sleeping apart, we both really like having our space at night. Sometimes in theory I think I’d like to have him in the same bed, but in reality, I’m glad he’s got his own bed, and he feels the same. It’s not for everyone, but it’s definitely working well for us. (Back to FAQ page) Got a question you’d like answered? Ask away!]]>