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One of the truest truths in life is that if you’ve spent a week putting off getting gas because you “don’t feel like stopping” because “it’s 48 degrees! Brrr!”, the morning that you wake up and it’s BELOW ZERO out is the day you have no choice but to get gas, or you won’t make it to your destination and home again. And when you stop to get gas, the wind will be just right so that the instant you step out of your car, you’ll get a face full of cold, cold snow. Serves you right.
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Ah, me. Let’s see what the FAQ fairy has in store, shall we? From reader Cecpet: Do you get bored not working and staying at home? I have to say that honestly, I very, very rarely get bored. I spend less time in front of my computer recently than I used to, but there’s always something to do – housework, errands, reading, messing with the cats. On the rare occasion that I get bored, it doesn’t usually last for long, because like I said – there’s always something to do. Housework just unfortunately comes last on that list. 🙂 When I was working, I got bored far more often than I ever do at home. Of course, I couldn’t strip down and climb into bed at the office if I was feeling sleepy, either… From reader Lorraine: Do you like being a homemaker? Have you thought about pursuing a career other than shopping, reading, and ass-sitting? Like writing, perhaps? I like staying at home – I don’t know that I’d consider myself a homemaker. I think of a homemaker as someone who does more housework than I do. Hee! I would love to pursue a career, but I have NO idea what I want to be when I grow up, seriously. Nothing’s appealing to me, I can’t imagine what I’d want to pursue, but I’m open to suggestions. I have an idea for a novel bouncing around in my head – where it’s been bouncing for some time – but I’m having some problems getting it down on paper. I think it just needs to bounce around a bit more before it settles down and is ready to be written. From reader Krissy: Do you ever think you’ll go back to work? If circumstances required it, I would. I have no desire to go back to work right now, but I DO keep an eye on the help wanted ads, so you never know! From reader Denise: I’ve read where you refer to the fact that you used to work with Fred at his office. What did you do there and why did you stop working there? I was the office manager for the company Fred started with two other men in ’97. I did the books, the ordering, the making sure there was enough soda in the fridge, and for a while I went in every weekend and cleaned until they hired a cleaning company. I stopped working there for two reasons – one, because I’d finally paid off the huge credit card bills I’d brought with me when I moved to Alabama. Two, I had a bit of a – shall we say – constant personality clash with one of the other partners who felt I was there to run personal errands for him, which pissed Fred off, so Fred and I decided life would be far easier if I didn’t work there anymore. And we were right, it’s way better. From reader Connie: When you worked at Fred’s office, something happened there that was bad ( I think) you said when you were able to tell us you would, I think it was with an office girl or something, so what ever happened? I still can’t say, lest the person who did the bad thing stumble across this site and decide to sue me. I can tell you that this person is who they hired to do my old job as Office Manager. You can read the description of what the job entailed in the answer above, and imagine what the worst thing someone doing that job could do, and you’d probably be right. From reader Karen: Why don’t you hold a job? If you did, what would your dream job be? I don’t hold a job ’cause I don’t gotta. (And for the record, I’ve asked repeatedly, and Fred is fine with my not working. I don’t know what he’d do if I had a job where we couldn’t call and email back and forth all day!) I don’t know what my dream job would be – kitty wrangler? I’d like to say someone who sits and reads all day and writes reviews, but I’ve never been good at reviewing books. Maybe Twinkie taster? That sounds pervy, doesn’t it? It sounds like a job in the porn industry! Anyway, like I said above. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. When I was a kid, I said that my dream job was one where I could sit and take calls all day and not have to deal with people face-to-face. When I got a job like that, taking orders at LL Bean, I don’t know which went numb faster – my brain, or my ass. From reader Trevor: What does Fred do for work? I know he has his own company, but I don’t know what he does. He’s a software-writing geek. His company does contract work for a government agency. I could tell you more, but I’d have to kill you. Reader Louise asks: How come you never talk about that guy your hubby works with? It was hilarious hearing about him. Ah, yes. Longtime readers will remember Tex. I no longer write about Tex – and took those entries down – because Tex found Fred’s site, and called him to give him hell about something he’d said about Tex. Fred, worried that Tex would find my site, asked me to take all references to Tex out of my journal, so I did. Tex is a big cry-baby, and would have had all kinds of temper tantrums if he’d found those entries. I have those entries in a safe place, though, and should I ever get my ass in gear and start working on that novel that’s bouncing around in my head, there will be plenty of Tex in the story to entertain and disturb. Have a burning question you’d like answered? Ask!]]>