
I would never have guessed that she had such a skinny, sticklike arm under there. You have to wonder how she manages to walk around on such skinny little things. (She’s doing fine, by the way. I know you were wondering!)

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I was sitting in the living room reading last night after Survivor and before ER came on. We had The Jamie Kennedy Experiment on, which is a show I like, but not one I can just sit and watch, I have to be reading or cross-stitching while it’s on. So I was reading an old issue of People, because when magazines arrive at the house, I toss them in the magazine basket by the couch, and instead of digging to the bottom to read the older magazines first, I tend to just read from the top down. I know the minutiae of my life fascinates you. Don’t try to deny it. Anyway, I read a blurb about Frenchie Davis covering the Grammys as a special Entertainment Tonight correspondent. I turned to Fred, who was staring at the television set. “Hey,” I said. “Did you know that Frenchie covered the Grammys as a special correspondent.” I figured that he did know, because he surfs all the entertainment web sites, and that’s just the sort of information he would have picked up and not told me. He turned and looked at me. “Who?” “Frenchie,” I said. He stared at me, and I could see the gears in his head slowly grinding, grinding, grinding. A light appeared over his head, and he got a wide-eyed, surprised look. “From Grease?!” he exclaimed excitedly. Yeah, don’t look at me. I have no idea what goes on his head, either.
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Survivor mini-spoiler ahead; skip to the next section if you haven’t seen it yet! So, I was thrilled as hell when they reconfigured the tribe last night, and about the vote, all I can say is that clearly Heidi has some kind of charm or comes across a lot nicer in person than what we’re seeing of her, because I was hoping like hell that her ass would GO. When I realized Heidi would be on a tribe without Jenna and Shawna, I turned to Fred and said, in a whiny, annoying voice, “Awwww. Now she won’t have anybody else to be CUTE with!” Rob’s such an ass, whining about how Dave “Didn’t have MY best interests in mind!” Well, no shit, sherlock. Why should he? Reminder, y’all – next week it’s on Wednesday night instead of Thursday, because of some stupid basketball game. Hmph.
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1. Do you like talking on the phone? Why or why not? I loathe talking on the phone, because I hate the long pauses while you’re trying to think of something to say. The only people I can stand to talk on the phone with are Fred, Debbie, and Liz. Everyone else? Sorry, I’d rather get an email. Nothing personal, y’know. 2. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Fred. We call each other 45,000 times a day during the week. I asked him if he knew how to spell “minutiae.” 3. About how many telephones do you have at home? One in the living room, one in the kitchen, one in the computer room, two in the master bedroom (one on each side of the bed), one in the spud’s room, and two cell phones. So, that’s a total of 8. Pretty good for someone who hates to talk on the phone, eh? 4. Have you encountered anyone who has really bad phone manners? What happened? I hate it when people constantly space out because they’re watching TV, or constantly talking to someone else, while they’re on the phone with me. I tend to react by pulling out the bitchy “Well, I’ll let you GO, since you’re clearly BUSY.” and getting off the phone as soon as possible. I mean, I understand if you’re in the middle of something and need to go, but DON’T act like you’re wanting to talk to me, just TELL me you have to go. Damn! 5. Would you rather pick up the phone and call someone or write them an e-mail or a letter? Why or why not? Email or letter will always win out, because I can write an email at my leisure, and the person I’m sending it to can read it at their leisure – I don’t have to worry about bugging them when they’re busy. And I sound more intelligent in print. (Oh, shaddup. Heh.)]]>