
Poo update: She’s doing well. She’s done the important things – eat, drink, use the litter box – and she’s moving slowly, but a lot better than I expected. She spent all night either perched on top of me or perched atop the pillow next to me. I woke up a million times through the night to check on her, and she was always there, purring and staring at me. Hopefully she wasn’t thinking “Yeah, sleep tight, bitch. When you’re least expecting it, I’m going to kick you in the face with my nasty back claws!” She’s spent the morning alternating snoozing upstairs and coming down to get some love. After I took my shower and settled in the chair upstairs to read for a bit, she climbed up on me and flopped over, so I stayed there for about an hour. Currently, she’s back on the kitty condo, sleeping. Spud update: The spud stayed home yesterday, because she was still feeling nauseous, and spent a good part of the day – the majority of the day, I’d say – sleeping and slurping ginger ale. She actually half-heartedly vomited last night, but come this morning she was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and headed off to school. Time for things to get back to normal ’round here, yessirree bob!

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Y’know, sometimes I wonder how I make it through the world, clueless as I am. The spud will often start the dishwasher when there’s not a full load of dishes in there – yes, I’ve spoken to her, but she just can’t seem to understand exactly what a full load is – so I’ve gotten into the habit of checking the dishwasher each night after she starts it, and if it’s not full I stop the cycle so that more dishes can be put in there. Last night I checked, and since the bottom rack was about half empty, I turned it off. This morning, I loaded the dishes in the sink in there, and checked to be sure there was an Electrasol tablet in the dispenser. There wasn’t, so I added one, closed the dishwasher and started it. Ten minutes later I wandered back into the kitchen to get a cup of water, and saw a pile of suds on the floor, and more slowly pouring out the bottom of the door. Clearly, there HAD been an Electrasol tablet in there, and now the dishes were being cleaned with twice the amount of soap they needed. It reminded me of the time when I lived in Rhode Island and didn’t have dishwasher soap, so I filled the dispenser with liquid Joy. The floor was pretty much covered in suds that time. But I learned a valuable lesson in that, anyway – ie, don’t use any soap other than the soap made specifically for dishwashers! And this time I’ve learned another valuable lesson, I suppose – do some looking around before you decide to add more soap to the load!
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Actually, I’ve been doing more than worrying over Miz Poo for the past few days, really I have. For one, I’ve been looking over and completing the paperwork to create a corporation. A corporation so that we can self-publish Fred’s book. It’s a bit of a pain in the ass, because first I had to send off the form to reserve the name of the corporation. Once I get a certificate back from the Secretary of State showing that the name’s been reserved, I have to make copies of and send out the Articles of Incorporation. When we’re officially incorporated, I have to apply for a Federal Tax ID number, and then and only then can we open a checking account for the corporation and deposit the loan check. Yep, pain in the ass. And no, don’t ask what the name of the corporation is – I’ll announce it once we’re incorporated and have a web site set up, which is a few weeks away still. This is the third time I’ve been through the incorporation process, so you’d think I’d remember what to do and where to do it, but I’d be pretty lost without How to Incorporate and Start a Business in Alabama. And now? I’m off to have lunch. Y’all have a good one.]]>