
* * * Fred linked to this story in his forum. People, I will say it only once: if you do NOT buy from telemarketers who call and want to sell you crap, they will NOT make money, and telemarketing will go the way of the dodo bird. Of course, we really don’t get calls from telemarketers because we never EVER provide our phone number to anyone, ever. If I place an order online and am required to provide a phone number, I provide this: (256) 555-1212. And good luck to anyone calling information for our number, because we’re unlisted. Let’s all make a pact to never EVER buy anything from someone who calls trying to sell us something, mm’kay?

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Man. I went upstairs after I wrote the above to vacuum the upstairs and do some dusting and then take my shower. I had vacuumed everything but the master bedroom when I realized that the vacuum was making a loud noise. I turned it off so I could check the belt, and was disgusted by the amount of hair stuck around the, uh. The beater thing that turns around. I have no clue what the hell it’s called. Just call me Jessica Simpson. Anyway, there was a TON of hair stuck on that, and I ended up spending a good 10 minutes cutting and ripping the hair out. In retrospect I should have gone and gotten a screwdriver to take the cover off, which would have made things a bit easier, but it never occurred to me. When I was done, I had a pile the size of Miz Poo, and DAMN was it nasty. I can’t even blame it all on cat hair, because cat hair is short and goes right through the vacuum to the vacuum bag (which I don’t change out nearly often enough). This was human hair – specifically Robyn and Spud hair. Gah. There’s just so much shit I never think of doing. Cleaning out the air uptake filter thingy? Nope. Dusting the corners of the rooms to get rid of the cobwebs that form in 10 seconds flat? Nope. Changing out the vacuum cleaner bags and cleaning out the turning thingy on a regular basis? Nope. Dust the ceiling fans? Wash the windows? Clean the cat door? Nope, nope, and nope. And on top of that is the stuff I just never get around to doing – cleaning out the fridge, wiping down the baseboards, cleaning the bathroom more often than twice a year. (Okay, I’m kidding on that last one. Really!) I know I make the house sound like a total pigsty, but it really isn’t THAT bad – just tending toward the messy and maybe cluttered. I guess it’s just that when it’s your own house, you notice the little things that people who visit don’t see. Or at least they’re too nice to say anything to you.
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Holy god in heaven. I have Dr. Phil on in the background, and he just quoted the lyric “Guilty feet have got no rhythm”. Heh. Name that song!
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This is a blurry and grainy picture (I had to lighten it), but it absolutely cracks me up.