
Holes on Tuesday (also rented: A Mighty Wind, Door to Door, and Real Women Have Curves). Since I have the book but hadn’t read it yet, I started it yesterday morning and finished it last night. What a great book! Why on earth hadn’t I read it before now? I’d heard of it because it was on the spud’s assigned summer reading a few years ago, and someone – Eliza, maybe? – mentioned it in her journal in highly flattering terms, which I’m pretty sure is why I put it on my wish list, and I know that it’s been sitting on the bookcase for months, but why did I not read it before now? Why? I’m sure my tendencies toward dumbassery has something to do with it. As a side note, if you buy the book and it’s the version with the color pictures from the movie in the middle, skip looking at the pictures until you’re done with the book, or you’ll ruin the ending for yourself. Today I’ll begin reading the Patricia Heaton book. I have no idea why I bought the book, and I only hope that it doesn’t suck. At least it’s thin, so it won’t take long to read, and I can start reading the Al Franken book that Fred keeps guffawing over. Which he’s probably ruined for me by reading the funniest parts out loud to me. Which I TOLD him not to do, because I wanted to read it for myself, damnit! Actually, I had no interest in reading it until I realized that Fred was laughing out loud every 2.5 seconds. I hope I find it as funny as he does!

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Pet store kitty pics are hither.
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Good god, were the girls on The Bachelor all really young, or what? I swear there was a run where every single one they showed was 24. And the chick who said that she’d be a “servant” to her husband? Gag me. I haven’t seen the last hour of the show yet, though. It was a 2-hour show, and so I had to tape the last hour. I need to watch it today, I guess, because tonight I’ll be taping Friends and Will & Grace and ER and whatever else is coming on NBC. Oh, and Extreme Makeovers is on at 8! Woot! I love it when the Fall season starts in full force, I really do.
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To find a kitty in our house, just look for a spot of sun.