
* * * Last night, we passed one of the six churches we pass on our drive to and from the post office every evening. “Let’s become rabid fundamentalist christians!” Fred suggested. “Do we get to tell people they’re going to hell?” I asked. “HELL yeah! We can tell everyone, repeatedly, until they start avoiding us!” “Ooh, that sounds like fun!” You’re all going to hell. (Save me a seat)

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By the way, all y’all who keep telling me I need to get a kitten? I can’t hearrrrrr youuuuuuu. Lalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Heh. For the record, we’re not against getting another cat – preferably a kitten – but Fancypants has only been missing for about four months (only!), and we’d like to give it a few more months, at least through the winter. Of course, that’s all null and void if I fall in love with another kitten.
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Gardening advice needed – can I chop my butterfly bush down to a nubbin and still expect it to come back okay? And when would be the best time to cut it back? Fall? Spring? It’s grown in kind of funny and tilted, and I’d like to cut it back severely in hopes of getting it to look a little more normal. Also, my Million Bells Petunias, can I cut those back, keep them in the shed, and expect them to come back next Spring? Or am I dreaming? Please leave any advice in the comments, thank you!
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I’m currently reading and enjoying Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. I try to stay away from the political-type books, because even the thought of them bores the snot out of me (though I did read one of Ann Coulter’s books several months back – maybe last year – and enjoyed it), but watching Fred guffaw over the book made me want to read it. Al’s especially funny when he talks about Bill O’Reilly. I mean, I like Bill O’Reilly a lot and usually enjoy his show, but you can’t deny that he’s got blowhard tendencies. Of course, anyone who points the finger at either the Left or the Right and blames everything on them has to be taken with a grain of salt.
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The happiest! kitty! in the world!