
Bitchypoo logo! This one was done by the lovely and talented Kristen. Thanks, Kristen!

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Don’t hold me to it, but I’m considering doing NaNoWriMo this year. It doesn’t start until November 1st, so that gives me a whole month to procrastinate signing up for it!
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I went into the back yard yesterday afternoon to fill up the bird feeders and clean out the bird bath (which had MOSS in it, it’d been so long since I’d cleaned it), and since I could keep an eye on her, I let Miz Poo come out with me. She sat uncertainly on the patio for a few minutes, sniffing at the air as though she’d never been outside before, and then suddenly she ran as fast as she could toward the fence and the tomato plants. She hung out over there, rolling around in the grass, for a while. I glanced up as I was filling the bird feeders, and saw her hauling ass toward the other end of the back yard, the end where the DAMN NEIGHBORS have still not replaced their fence. “Miz Poo!” I called, worried she’d run into their back yard and I’d have to chase her. She stopped and looked at me, and then ran over to the shed. She sniffed around for a few minutes, then tried to crawl under the shed. She was stymied by her big butt, which wouldn’t fit under the shed. I was about to walk over and pick her up to bring her inside with me, when she came out from under the shed and stared toward the gaping hole in the neighbors’ fence. She started doing that snake thing that cats do – you know, where their heads weave back and forth – and then she whimpered in confusion. I walked over and picked her up, because I could just sense that she was about to lose her shit, run pell-mell into their back yard, and then haul ass out the gaping hole in the back of their fence, which looks onto a very busy road, and get herself splattered all over said very busy road. Instead of of thanking me for saving her stupid life, she whined at me, and struggled to get away, leaving a big scratch across the top of my left boob. Brat.
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I got an email forward from my father earlier today. The text of the email was: Hey my friends. My buddy is looking for a good home for a very special dog. He said it’s really lovable and friendly with the kids, but his wife says the dog makes her nervous when it stares at her and she wants it out of the house. She isn’t much of a dog person. Pass this on if you know anyone who may be interested. A photo is attached. Now go look at the picture. Nightmares. I’m going to have nightmares.
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Pictures of Gizmo, courtesy of my sister-in-law, Kate.
Dulcinea puts the smack down on Gizmo. Kinda looks like Gizmo’s dancing, doesn’t it? LOVE the kitty pictures from above!
(Thanks, Kate! 🙂 ]]>