
that hair cut looks like crap, why do you let your husband go on day trips with your daughter, are you out of your mind… you’d better get back on track with the weight loss honey or keep looking over your shoulder. Get a CLUE! First of all, that’s a rather sad and pathetic little life you have, isn’t it? Secondly, you would be the one who needs to get a CLUE! (not a clue, but a CLUE!) My husband – perhaps you’ve heard of him – is a computer geek who specializes in computer security. So, Jackie, how’s the weather up there in Vancouver Washington? And what would your deceased father – the retired Navy man – think of you posting such a cowardly, anonymous, ugly comment? PS: You really should consider getting an unlisted number. It would probably cut down on all those pesky “wrong number” calls.

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And also, for anyone else who immediately thought “Sandra!” when they saw that, alack and alas, there are two separate assholes who feel the need to post in comments. Sandra’s on AOL. Jackie is not. Also, she has an Angelfire email address.
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Speaking of my comments, someone – hi Kerry Anne! – posted and pointed out that the tiles we put in the box that holds the litter box are the same tiles she currently has in her bathroom, and that she picked them out herself. I have to say, when I first saw the tiles, I liked the pattern, too. In fact, I suggested to Fred that we rip up the floor in our kitchen and replace it with those tiles (I HATE the floor in our kitchen. Hate it!). He wouldn’t go for it, though. Hmph. Also, Rachael asked what I thought of Average Joe, which premiered on Monday night. We taped it and watched it Tuesday night, and the verdict so far? I love it! I don’t know, watching gorgeous model guys cavort around the pool is fun, but watching dorky average guys is even more fun somehow. I was a little annoyed at first by Melana – “She needs to shut up!” I said to Fred. “She’s cute, but she’s NOT all that. She’s no Trista!” – but as the show went on, I started to like her a little. It’s a little early to have any favorite guys, but that little Tareq sure is a cutie. Too young, though. If you’re interested in seeing Average Joe and missed it on Monday, they’re rebroadcasting it at 9 pm eastern time.
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POSSIBLE THE BACHELOR SPOILERS IN THIS SECTION!! Was I shocked to see Mary go? Not at all; I expected her to go last week. I love the way she handled it all, though, because that kind of calm dignity you don’t see a lot on that show. I still expect to see Kelly Jo win, but if he chooses Estella, I still think he’s got one hell of a girl. That would be true if he’d ended up with Mary or Meredith too, for that matter. Also, every time Bob is kissing one of the women and he pulls back, he always looks like he’s going to giggle. Or is it just me?
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Thanks, y’all, for all your kind comments about my hair. I just got out of the shower, and I already like it more than I did yesterday, because my hair’s doing the little flippy thing, which I like. I was playing with it last night, and although it’s much shorter than I’ve had it in years, I can still pull the top back or put barrettes in the side (must steal barrettes from the spud) or do any number of things. Not that I will, mind you. But I could if I wanted to!
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I think the Bean has a little crush. He spends the majority of his time in the same room with Miz Poo, if not laying right next to her. They fight a lot and Miz Poo hisses and growls, but I think she really likes it more than she’s willing to let on. She cannot resist his Beaniness.