
People and US and all their references to “canoodling.” And also because you Canadians are so cool that I want to canoodle with each and every one of you.

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I have misplaced my Christmas spirit; have you seen it? Somewhere between spending three hours wrapping presents last night and hearing my mother say “We’re not getting much for [the spud]. I looked at her wish list, but there’s not much on there that interests ME.”* my Christmas spirit took a long, long walk and hasn’t been back since. Maybe if I pop my $5 CD from Kohl’s in the player and listen to Emmylou Harris sing The First Noel, it’ll show up again, ya think? I made the mistake of sitting on the floor wrapping presents instead of carrying everything to the kitchen table so that I could sit in comfort and wrap. About an hour and a half in, when the presents yet to be wrapped seemed endless, I suggested to Fred that NEXT year instead of buying presents for everyone and having them buy presents for us, we could just use the money and go to the Bahamas for a week. He wouldn’t go for it, because he’s a bastard. Come back Christmas spirit, come back!
*My problem is not that my parents aren’t getting the spud much for Christmas; there’s not a lot the child wants and pretty much nothing that she needs. My problem is that my mother said “There’s nothing on her wish list that interests ME”, as if it’s a sin that the spud has her own interests and hobbies. My mother’s main interest is clothes. The spud is about as interested in clothes as I am – ie, if it fits and doesn’t have cat poo down the front of it, it’s just fine – and thus the problem. Grrr.
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I have lots of great Pet Store Kitty pics, but in my fervor to get everything deleted off the server when I was taking down OFB, I accidentally deleted the installation of Movable Type I use to create the Pet Store page, and so Fred has to work some magic. Hopefully I can get him to do that tonight and the pictures will be up tomorrow. Poor Fred. Between the spud and I, we certainly keep him hopping. He spent a good half hour yesterday deleting stuff that the spud had installed on her computer, while the spud and I took off to go to Kohl’s.
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Bean Swag is up and running, the link is over there to the right, down at the bottom under Stevie and Angel. I may order the spud a Bean shirt for Christmas to go with the Tubby shirt she already has, I’m sure she’d love it.
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I think I’m going to make a cd of happy songs. So far I’ve got Sheryl Crow’s “Soak up the Sun” on the list, but I’m drawing a blank for what else to put on the cd. Leave me suggestions in the comments, would you? All suggestions appreciated, but NO Christmas songs, please! I spent too much time listening to sad songs this weekend and I need to remedy that.
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“The Bean is up on The Momma’s desk! I am the only kitty allowed on The Momma’s desk!” The Bean tromps around, messing up papers and pushing various and sundry objects off the desk onto the floor where they will never be retrieved. The Bean gives Miz Poo his sexy look. Rwowr! “No, that’s okay, kitties. I didn’t want to DO anything on my computer. Please! Come tromp on my keyboard AGAIN! Maybe you could have a fight and knock over my water, THAT would be fun!” Miz Poo and the Bean are offended that The Momma is not thrilled to have them tromping all over her desk and keyboard. The NERVE.
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