* * * I’m having Cat Issues lately. The Bean, whom I love to death, is such a pain in the ass sometimes, especially in the morning when I first come downstairs. I sit down to check my mail, and he hops on my desk to look around. Yesterday he attempted to steal a pen from me and gave me a dirty look when I took it out of his mouth (yes, he was walking around with a pen in his mouth) and put it back in the pen cup. Then he walked over and knocked a couple of things off my shelf, knocked over one of my speakers with his big klutzy back foot, jumped down between the trash can and the wall to investigate, jumped back up onto my desk, tromped across my keyboard, stomping on F11, necessitating a call to Fred (“What the fuck did that bastardly cat step on that made my Internet Explorer go all funny?”), and for his super-special finale he walked across the scanner, which is set atop my CPU, and jumped onto the recliner on the other side. When he jumped, he knocked over the scanner and all the crap atop it. Little bastard.

As far as I know, an RSS feed lets someone load your journal content or whatever into their newsreader. I’m not sure how one goes about getting it loaded into the newsreader, but that’s another story. I wonder if the Movable Type documentation has any info on it? I think there’s template in MT specifically for the RSS feed, but I haven’t looked into it.
I’m not very clear on what an RSS feed is, all I know is I can plug the feed info into my livejournal and then read them all there on that one page. Mucho better than having to bookmark and check up on sites one by one *coughcoughcough* like I do with this one. *grin*
Makes it super-convenient for lazy types like me. One stop shopping.
Okay, who else is dyyyyyying to push F11 and see what happens???? It’s like that glowing red button that reads ‘don’t push me’!
Ha, I just tried it. Kind of strange, but easily fixable.
But how? I’m at work and would die of humiliation if I had to call someone in the IT department to undo it! …but the urge is growing, don’t know how much longer i can resist…
I know what you mean about The Bean and pens. When my Matilda was younger, she not only when for pens, but the straws out of my drinks. She would see a straw, and would go crazy until I would finally put the cup down and let her wrestle the straw free. Then she would run off and hide her prize in her “secret place” which would change from day to day. I would always find a stash of three or four straws under something or behind something while cleaning house. Sometimes I’d even wake up in the morning with several straws under my covers. She was a very strange kitty when she was young.
F11: makes your brower dump the menu stuff at the top – gives you more browser window. Pressing f11 again restores it. It’s a toggle, so go ahead and F11 away!
RSS: Basically, a person can put RSS code on their web page that will talk to an RSS reader, like http://www.feedster.com – it’s a lot like blogrolling in that it keeps a list of places you visit (blogs, news sites, journals) and tells you when they were last updated. In fact, I guess it’s better than blogrolling because it tells you the site has been updated. I like it because I can access my RSS page from anywhere since it sits at their site. (Blogrolling is similar but as a consultant, I can’t go customizing the desktop and favorites of a client PC!) I hope that helps.
Stacey is right about the RSS feed. Also people who use LiveJournal and some other journal sites can add Bitchypoo (or whatever site) to their “Friends” page with an RSS feed.
Moveable Type does have a template pre set up for it, and, on my journal there was a link to the RSS URL by default.
Robyn – regarding the Bean issue-
I work from home, and my lola loves to tromp across my laptop and chew on the corners and such. The first time she did this, I shot her with the canned air. (from a distance, so she wouldn’t get hurt from inhaling it or freezing or anything)
It took one spray.
now, when she is bad, all I have to do is point the can at her and she freaks out and jumps down off the desk.
I swear you can see the fear in her eyes!
Expanded below in literal terms but basically RSS is a means of putting headlines from other sites onto your site and/or allowing other sites to grab headlines from your site. Pretty cool as most major website offer RSS feed…not just blogs.
What is RSS?
“Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a lightweight XML format designed for sharing headlines and other Web content. Think of it as a distributable “What’s New” for your site. Originated by UserLand in 1997 and subsequently used by Netscape to fill channels for Netcenter, RSS has evolved into a popular means of sharing content between sites (including the BBC, CNET, CNN, Disney, Forbes, Motley Fool, Wired, Red Herring, Salon, Slashdot, ZDNet, and more). RSS solves myriad problems webmasters commonly face, such as increasing traffic, and gathering and distributing news. RSS can also be the basis for additional content distribution services.”
Hey–just wanted to see if anyone else out there didn’t get the notify that Robyn had posted…? It might be something with my school’s servers (it’s not unusual for them to be messed up), but I thought if it was part of a larger problem, maybe Robyn would want to know…..! :c)
It reminded me when you were writing about giving the Bean dirty looks, when Nutmeg does something wrong and I do that and stare too long, she runs or jumps up to me and bites me on the nose (not hard she kinda just nips without her teeth kinda hard to explain).
It is really funny. It is like her cutesy way of getting outta trouble.
Yeah, it works.
I think the Bean is going through his rebellious teenage years now.
I suggest a military boarding school.
Off-topic, but…
With all the hostage shit on the news lately (and I don’t even watch the news, yet it seems to seep into my life anyway!) please don’t let Fred go over thar! I don’t care how good the $$ looks, his life is worth so much more (not only to you and the Spud, but to us readers as well!)
My worry-wort message for the week,
~Aly in GA
Aly, don’t worry – it doesn’t look like it’ll happen, anyway. Plus, they can’t MAKE him go, since he’s a civilian, and I’m with you. HELL no. 🙂
You said that you hoped Nick & Jessica would never do another variety show again? This just in from Eonline.com:
” ABC giving the go-ahead for a Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey Christmas variety show after their Easter special attracted 11.5 million viewers. “
that pic of the bean is a hoot! Cracks me up! And the shit he does every morning is just like toby cat! Holy pain in the ass! Good luck with that! Keep up the pics!