
* * * Get your taxes done? I’m glad to report that we had ours done and electronically filed by the middle of March. Our refund was deposited in our checking account a few weeks later, so we’re done with the tax thing. Personally, I’d love to be able to turn all our tax stuff over to the accountant by January 2nd, but we always have to wait for the W-2s, and then we have to wait for the accountant who does Fred’s company’s stuff to get her part done, and then we have to procrastinate for a while, and finally we turn everything over. We switched accountants this year, because Fred was having some difficulty getting our old accountant to call him back. The old accountant is pretty old and not in the best of health, but he always managed to get us a pretty damn good refund back, so every year we’d pray “Please, PLEASE let Chuck live another year!” But like I said, Fred never could get the guy to call him back this year, so we switched accountants. And? Not only did we get a nice refund this year, but the new accountant found something the old one missed, and we’re going to get money back for previous tax refunds, just had to file amendments. Too fucking cool. Our new accountant rocks, even if Fred did spit at her. But anyway, even if you haven’t gotten your taxes done yet, fret not. I understand that Suzanne will fax the forms to you, if you ask her nicely. (hee!)

* * *
I followed a link from a blog which will remain nameless to a site where you can, basically, for a fairly small sum, order a background check on anybody. The background report contains information like their age, possible current address, 20 year address history, phone number, possible roommates, and a myriad of information. The really fucking scary thing is that I plugged in my name and state, and it not only came up with my city and state, but all the previous city and states where I’ve lived. Which means they’ve linked up my married name with my previous married name AND my maiden name. That is some scary fucking shit, right there. You will, of course, understand if I don’t provide the url where you can order background checks, since I don’t want any of you crazy stalker types ordering one on me and showing up on my doorstep.
* * *
It’s a rough life.

18 thoughts on “2004-04-15”

  1. my cats are freaks too, they don’t knead either. One will sometimes knead the air if you are scratching his back, but none of them (and I have 3) have ever really done it. One doesn’t really purr either… my cats have issues. 🙂

  2. let me know what you thinnk of “Lost.” I got about a chapter in, and then got too busy. now, i’m hesitant to pick it back up, unless i hear it is really good from someone.

  3. You know..I have been missing Miss Poo. Why has the Bean taken her spot for pics? Huh? Why?
    Ok I love the Bean too but have loved Miss Poo longer. Heh.

  4. I just made sure. Yep. April 5th. No Poo since. Hmm? So I checked her background and see that she is living in sunny Florida now.
    What is up with that?

  5. isn’t that the scaries shit you have seen. I put mine in too and it came up with everything! It was pretty wild. I don’t like that there is that much out there on me! Your blog is too funny and it cracks me up. I have been a steady daily reader for about 2 months now. I love it. and the kitty pics are cool. thanks!

  6. I went to classmates.com and put in my married name and my high school and my maiden name appeared! No chit, that is scary stuff.
    My kitty does not knead either but I think that’s because she’s too busy licking water out of the faucet.

  7. My cat Matilda didn’t start purring until she was about 6 or 7 years old. Not even a little. Then all of the sudden one day, she starts with this tiny little “kitten” purr, you know how they sound when they first start purring? Only she was and old cat! It gradually got deeper and deeper, and now she’s 13 and she won’t stop purring.

  8. Hey Robyn – How is the calorie counting/exercising thing going? I ask only because I started a similar program myself last week. I decided to “get real” about losing weight and so now I’m journaling my food and exercising 3-5 times a week. I tried the Atkins thing and it didn’t work for me, my body thinks that a calorie is still a calorie, LOL. Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out and make a (not so subtle) plea for a OFB update! 🙂

  9. I don’t know about anyone else, but in my weird household this “kneading” is called “making biscuits”. Please tell me someone else has heard that phrase. Please.

  10. I’m glad to know the Bean is not the only weird cat around! 🙂
    Cheryle – It’s going well. I’m working on an OFB update, which should be up later today, or tomorrow!
    Jane – I’ve actually heard that before in various places. You’re not weird… well, you are, but not because of that. 😛

  11. Oh, and Kay R – there’ll be Miz Poo pics up tomorrow. There haven’t been many of her lately just because she tends to never be around when I’ve got the camera in my hand. 🙂

  12. Whew..thanks Robyn..I need my Miz Poo fix!
    (Plus I know Bean is the baby and they always get the most pics..hehe)

  13. Thanks for the OFB update, Robyn! And congrats on mastering (huh huh huh I said “master”) the elliptical trainer!
    On the kneading thing, none of our three cats are big kneaders. One purrs all the time and hardly talks, one talks all the time and hardly purrs, and the other does both about equally. They are all very different and have unique personalities, keeps it interesting around here!

  14. Tiggatoo doesn’t knead……and when I am playing with him and he bites or scratches me and I say *owwwww* he runs away and watches me from across the room with a sad expression.

  15. We call kneading “making mashed taters”, and all four of mine do it. On our bellies. Or our genitals. Or our heads. Wherever their feet happen to be. Note that they are very often on US.
    *goes off to search for background check stuff* I want to see what they have on me out there.

  16. Our cat Cody only kneads on my daughters brown fuzzy blanket, while he sucks on a little mouthful.
    He’s always been an odd one…

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