
new logo for February, by the lovely and talented Ann. Thanks, Ann!

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Yeah, after that halftime show last night, I’m having nostalgic memories of Britney and Aerosmith from a few years ago. I don’t care much about the fact that we saw Janet’s boobie (although, the thought of having a spike through my nipple sure does make me cringe), but I could have done without seeing Janet and Justin humping from one side of the stage to the other. My friend Liz called last night at 9:40ish when I was waiting for Survivor Allstars to come on (LOVED IT), laughing so hard I could barely understand what she was saying. It turns out that the assmonkey she divorced several years ago was a big Carolina Panthers fan. Liz, naturally, was rooting for the Patriots, and when the Patriots won, Liz called his house, jeered at him, and then hung up the phone. Did I mention that she hasn’t talked to him since they divorced? I’m sure he thought he was never going to hear from HER again and I know that hearing from her was a shock, because he called her back and called her a c u n t. She jeered at him some more until he hung up on her. While I know that story sounds like she’s a psychotic ex, I loathe her ex-husband – one of the biggest jerks I’ve ever known – so much that I think an unwelcome blast from the past is exactly what he deserved. Plus, I think she needed a little closure. Heh.
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You have just won one million dollars: 1. Who do you call first? Assuming Fred’s with me when I find out I’ve won, I’d call my sister and my parents. Everyone else would get an email or find out through the Momvine. 2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself? Little yellow Beetle, with a SUNROOF, o’ course. 3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else? A house for my sister (with an extra wing where I could stay when I visited!) 4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom? Of course – to my sister, to the no-kill shelter I volunteer for, to a few of Fred’s relatives. 5. Do you invest any? If so, how? I’m sure we’d invest as much as we could in a rock-solid no-risk mutual fund.
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So, last week or maybe the week before, Fred and I were watching an episode of The Shield on DVD. A guy came on the screen, and Fred said “Huh. He looks familiar.” I said, “I know where I know him from, but I don’t know where you’d know him from”, then went on to tell him that the actor had played Dodger on China Beach. “He was a lot hotter on China Beach, though,” I added. This past Friday, I suggested that we watch the premiere episode of China Beach I’d gotten for Christmas. I put it in, and Fred kept one eye on the show while he fiddled around with his new laptop. “Where’s that guy who was on The Shield?” Fred asked. I wasn’t sure whether Dodger was on the first episode or not, and told him so. A few minutes later, up popped Dodger. (Known as Jeff Kober in real life) “Hey look, there he is!” I yelled to Fred, who was messing around with something in the computer room. I stopped and rewound the tape. “Oh yeah, that is him, isn’t it?” Fred said. He came out to get a better look. “I don’t think he’s better looking than he was in The Shield, though. I think he looks about the same.” I turned and gave him the what-are-you-talking-about? look. “When we saw him on The Shield, you said he was better looking in China Beach,” he said. “Um, NO I didn’t. I said he was HOT in China Beach,” I corrected. “Well,” Fred spoke as if he were talking to a very small, very stupid child. “It’s the SAME THING.” Good lord. The man thinks that “hot” and “good-looking” are the same thing! I tried to explain to him that one has nothing to do with the other – a man can be good-looking and nothing close to hot, or ugly as hell but sizzling hot – but I don’t think he believed me. Can I get some backup here, ladies? Complete with example, please.
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Okay, I’m going to toss up a couple of cat pictures here and call it an entry. I had a busy, busy morning and it’s about lunchtime and I’m hungry. Excuses, excuses… (Pictures taken by Fred. I think.)
Spanky, illustrating why sometimes we call him “Gomer”. Further illustration… “We must stop meeting like this….